Re: Use cases

On Thu, 06 Jan 2011 21:45:40 +0100, Sam Ruby <>  
> On 01/06/2011 02:27 PM, Anne van Kesteren wrote:
>> Isn't one of the problems with RSS that you do not know whether it is
>> HTML or XML? E.g. what "&amp;gt;" means? I am not sure how we can solve
>> that here.
> RSS 2.0 has many problems.  Many of them outside the scope of this task  
> force.  The existence of problems outside of the scope of this task  
> force doesn't make the problems that do affect the topics that this task  
> force is intended to address.

So what is an example of an RSS document this task force could do  
something about?

>>> As long as we have both application/xhtml+xml and text/html, we will
>>> always have at least two ways to interpret documents. The two possible
>>> strategies for mitigating this would be to either minimize or maximize
>>> the set of documents which can be successfully parsed as either.
>>> Given that HTML5 doesn't make a practice of rejecting any input, only
>>> one of those two paths is viable.
>> I would not mind changing XML.
> I'm not sure why you are bringing this up in this context.

I read your statement as XML being the limiting factor as it rejects way  
more input. So to maximize the set of documents which can be successfully  
parsed as either (i.e. no rejection happening) we would have to change XML.

> Would you suggest changing XML in a way that reduces this down to one  
> path?  In particular, how would the XML that you envision parse the  
> following fragment?
> <rss version="2.0">
>  <channel>
>   <title>Scripting News</title>
>   <link></link>
> I mention this as we recently discussed how HTML5 parses link tags:

Per XML5 rules.

Anne van Kesteren

Received on Thursday, 6 January 2011 21:26:23 UTC