Re: HTML5 output method

Michael Kay scripsit:

> That's not correct. The XSLT 2.0 / XQuery 1.0 serialization  
> specification is prescriptive about what prefix should be used.   

Ah, I didn't know that: my knowledge of XSLT2 is very limited.

> Moreover, you can't "use xmlns attributes exclusively and never generate  
> a prefix" if there are namespaced attributes such as xlink:href.


> None of this, of course, stops us defining an HTML5 serialization  
> method. Doing so requires many detailed questions to be resolved, but  
> they are tactical questions, and I'm not sure it's productive for this  
> TF to address them - we should be more concerned with strategy/policy.

I'm not at all sure of that; I myself am more interested in details
than in strategy and policy.

> Not so: for example the XSLT 2.0 HTML output method says "The HTML  
> output method MUST NOT perform escaping for the content of the script  
> and style elements."

Again, thanks for the XSLT2 correction.

John Cowan
"The exception proves the rule."  Dimbulbs think: "Your counterexample proves
my theory."  Latin students think "'Probat' means 'tests': the exception puts
the rule to the proof."  But legal historians know it means "Evidence for an
exception is evidence of the existence of a rule in cases not excepted from."

Received on Monday, 3 January 2011 20:05:30 UTC