Re: What problem is this task force trying to solve and why?

On 22/12/2010 20:59, Kurt Cagle wrote:
> XML5 is how Henri Sivonen and others on the HTML5 WG are referring to
> XML parsed by that parser.

Not really. Henri was (I would think) referring to Anne's XML5 parser

which is a lax parser for xml markup, but a private project of Anne's 
unrelated to HTML5 as currently specified.

The HTML5 spec defines two ways of parsing what might loosely be called 
xml content.

XHTML5 which is the xml serialisation of html, which is (as xhtml 1.0) 
intended to be parsed by an xml+namespaces parser with draconian error 

"foreign content" which is the parse mode used by the html5 parser for 
text/html for the content of  <svg> and <math> which parses in lax html 
style, the main difference of foreign content parser mode being that /> 
denotes empty tag rather than start tag.


Received on Wednesday, 22 December 2010 21:34:44 UTC