Re: What problem is this task force trying to solve and why?

 >  * Being liberal in what you accept has arguably proven useful on 
the  Web,

I've always felt there is a third way here. When content is wrong, don't 
punish the end user (it's not their fault), but don't give the 
impression that everything is hunkydory either. Repair the content and 
display it as best you can, but tell the user you've repaired it 
(perhaps even ask them whether they want you to repair it), warn them 
that it might be incomplete or incorrectly formatted, and invite them to 
contact the webmaster to get it fixed.

Without this, we seem to be in a descending spiral of declining content 
quality. What happens when browsers start auto-repairing broken 
Javascript code or JSON data?

Michael Kay

Received on Wednesday, 22 December 2010 20:00:42 UTC