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public-html-wg-issue-tracking@w3.org from January 2012
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Tuesday, 3 January 2012 11:40:49 UTC,
Thursday, 19 January 2012 14:26:21 UTC
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HTML-ISSUE-203 (media-descriptions): All Media Elements should have the ability to have both short and longer textual descriptions associated to the element [HTML 5 spec]
HTML Weekly Issue Tracker
(Thursday, 19 January)
HTML-ISSUE-202 (figcaption-words): Missing alt should not be considered conforming in the presence of figcaptions over 50 words in length [HTML 5 spec]
HTML Weekly Issue Tracker
(Monday, 16 January)
HTML-ISSUE-201 (canvas-fallback): Provide canvas location and hit testing capability to fallback content [canvas 2d context]
HTML Weekly Issue Tracker
(Monday, 16 January)
HTML-ISSUE-200 (legend-placement): Allow wrapping LEGEND (or new iLEGEND) in non-FIELDSET elements [HTML 5 spec]
HTML Weekly Issue Tracker
(Monday, 16 January)
HTML-ISSUE-199 (aria-processing): Define complete processing requirements for ARIA attributes [HTML 5 spec]
HTML Weekly Issue Tracker
(Monday, 16 January)
HTML-ISSUE-198 (innerHTML-patent-policy): Ensure innerHTML and related APIs are subject to the W3C patent policy [HTML 5 spec]
HTML Weekly Issue Tracker
(Monday, 16 January)
HTML-ISSUE-197 (accept-file-ext): Accept attribute should allow file extensions in addition to the current allowed values [HTML 5 spec]
HTML Weekly Issue Tracker
(Saturday, 14 January)
HTML-ISSUE-196 (ua-http-resp-handling): Define user agent http response handling behaviour [HTML 5 spec]
HTML Weekly Issue Tracker
(Saturday, 14 January)
HTML-ISSUE-195 (form-http-req): Enhance http request generation from forms [HTML 5 spec]
HTML Weekly Issue Tracker
(Saturday, 14 January)
HTML-ISSUE-194: Provide a mechanism for associating a full transcript with an audio or video element. [pre-LC1 HTML 5 spec]
HTML Weekly Issue Tracker
(Friday, 13 January)
HTML-ISSUE-193: Remove CSS example that promotes inaccessible content [pre-LC1 HTML 5 spec]
HTML Weekly Issue Tracker
(Friday, 13 January)
Happy New Year 2012
International confrence SETIT'12
(Tuesday, 3 January)
Last message date
: Thursday, 19 January 2012 14:26:21 UTC