ISSUE-117 (deprecate-noscript): Deprecate the noscript element [HTML 5 spec]

ISSUE-117 (deprecate-noscript): Deprecate the noscript element  [HTML 5 spec]

Raised by: Julian Reschke
On product: HTML 5 spec

The noscript element should be deprecated, as it's better practice for
developers to design pages that work without JavaScript and progressively
enhance them using JavaScript, than assume JavaScript is supported and then
provide some fall back content if it isn't.

>From the examples of noscript content we find on the Web, most contain
unhelpful information such as "Your browser does not support JavaScript". It's
good that it's mentioned for backwards compatibility, but it doesn't really
serve a useful purpose, and developers should be discouraged from using it.

In addition, there's no guarantee that noscript will be triggered. If scripting is disabled via firewall protection (common with many companies), rather than being disabled in the browser, noscript is not triggered, and the necessary "fallback" content is not made available. Progressive enhancement works regardless of the circumstances disabling scripting; noscript, does not.

(raised for Shelley Powers)

Related BugZilla bug:

HTML5-SPEC-SECTIONS [the-noscript-element]

Received on Sunday, 22 August 2010 14:55:17 UTC