ISSUE-113 (forced-fragment): add a preventable forced-fragment method [HTML 5 spec]

ISSUE-113 (forced-fragment): add a preventable forced-fragment method [HTML 5 spec]

Raised by: Maciej Stachowiak
On product: HTML 5 spec

Escalated from:
Requested by: Nick Levinson

A URL with a special fragment identifier should take a user to the fragment
another user intends even if the page author didn't intend it.

Thus, when a search engine shows me a snippet, I should be able to go directly
to that snippet, a problem with some long documents. Using the find function on
a page isn't always feasible.

A page author should be able to disable the action of all such URLs by ignoring
the special fragment identifier and taking the user to the top of the page.

I'm not sure if additional syntax for URLs needs to be defined or if the
standard "#" fragment identifier can serve by having HTML5 recognize it even if
the page author did not explicitly define an anchor for the fragment.

Received on Wednesday, 28 April 2010 21:37:47 UTC