ISSUE-77 (Deprecate/Obsolete): Obsolete but Conforming [HTML 5 spec]

ISSUE-77 (Deprecate/Obsolete): Obsolete but Conforming [HTML 5 spec]

Raised by: Shelley Powers
On product: HTML 5 spec

The text of the current HTML 5 draft does not contain the sections in previous versions of HTML in regards to Deprecated and Obsolete HTML elements[1].

Instead, the current document references terms such as "obsolete but conforming" [2], leave a great deal of confusion in its wake [3][4].

Considering how widespread the support for deprecated is within the technology industry[5], the HTML 5 specification should return to the previously defined sections describing deprecated and obsolete as listed in the HTML 4 document. Doing so will ensure that older HTML elements aren't abruptly dropped, causing confusion. This move will also ensure that there is a procedure in place to ensure that when an element is dropped, it's dropped in favor of a replacement that provides the same, or enhanced functionality. It will also help clarify confusion caused by using terminology not used previously with any other known specification.


Received on Monday, 10 August 2009 18:29:00 UTC