- From: Kris Krueger <krisk@microsoft.com>
- Date: Thu, 27 Jun 2013 15:47:47 +0000
- To: "public-html-wg-announce@w3.org" <public-html-wg-announce@w3.org>
HTML Weekly Teleconference 20 June 2013 Minutes -> http://www.w3.org/2013/06/20-html-wg-minutes.html IRC -> http://www.w3.org/2013/06/20-html-wg-irc [09:07] <krisk> scribe: krisk [09:08] <krisk> chair: rubys [09:08] <krisk> Agenda: http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-html-wg-announce/2013AprJun/0029.html [09:08] <krisk> TOPIC: ACTION items due by Thursday, June 20 [09:08] <krisk> none [09:08] <krisk> TOPIC: New Calls this week [09:08] <krisk> CfC: Approve overview of testing in view of permissive CR exit criteria due Monday July 15th [09:08] <krisk> see http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-html-admin/2013Jun/0033.html [09:09] <krisk> rubys: we have had feedback (some positive, some negative) [09:09] <krisk> rubys: I encourage people to provide feedback [09:09] <krisk> TOPIC: Task Force Reports [09:09] <krisk> SUBTOPIC: Accessibility Task Force [09:10] <krisk> The image description comment period is closed [09:10] <krisk> we one comment and 3 bugs [09:11] <krisk> ..a new editors draft comming [09:11] <krisk> ..the group will also review the CFC for testing [09:11] <Eliot> zakim, microsoft.a has me [09:11] <Zakim> +Eliot; got it [09:11] <krisk> SUBTOPIC: Testing Task Force [09:12] <krisk> We met as planned this week [09:12] <krisk> ..on the #testing IRC channel (no one got lost) [09:12] <krisk> notes -> http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-html-testsuite/2013Jun/0004.html [09:14] <krisk> The TTWF site is being transitioned to github [09:15] <krisk> Action item to update this site with more perscriptive info on what tests to write [09:15] <krisk> Some Form submission tests submitted from the Toyko TTWF event [09:15] <krisk> ..good but no alot of tests for HTML5 [09:16] <krisk> Group discussed the testing CFC [09:16] <krisk> SUBTOPIC: Media Task Force [09:16] <krisk> no information to reports [09:16] <krisk> TOPIC: Other Business [09:17] <krisk> rubys: we have asked the canvas editors to create an assement of each section like the HTML spec [09:18] <krisk> Eliot: Jay just pushed and update to the canvas doc and will be reviewed [09:18] <krisk> plh: I look forward to reviewing [09:18] <krisk> rubys: any other, other business? [09:19] <krisk> rubys: paulc will be chair and plh will scribe [09:19] <krisk> Note that the group will not have a meeting in two weeks July 4th [09:20] <krisk> rubys: no more agenda items so let's adjourn
Received on Thursday, 27 June 2013 15:49:15 UTC