- From: Kris Krueger <krisk@microsoft.com>
- Date: Thu, 20 Jun 2013 15:45:17 +0000
- To: "public-html-wg-announce@w3.org" <public-html-wg-announce@w3.org>
HTML Weekly Teleconference 6 June 2013 Minutes -> http://www.w3.org/2013/06/06-html-wg-minutes.html IRC -> http://www.w3.org/2013/06/06-html-wg-irc [09:03] <krisk> scribe: krisk [09:03] <krisk> chair: rubys [09:03] <krisk> agenda: http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-html-wg-announce/2013AprJun/0025.html [09:03] <krisk> TOPIC: ACTION items due by Thursday, June 6 [09:03] <trackbot> ACTION-227 -- Robin Berjon to give us a clear indication as to which html5 bugs apply to CR -- due 2013-05-23 -- OPEN [09:03] <trackbot> http://www.w3.org/html/wg/tracker/actions/227 [09:04] <krisk> We are waiting for more feedback and will wait until next week [09:04] <trackbot> ACTION-228 -- Glenn Adams to revive thread on text track cue open bugs -- due 2013-05-30 -- OPEN [09:04] <trackbot> http://www.w3.org/html/wg/tracker/actions/228 [09:04] <rubys> action-227 due next week [09:04] <trackbot> Set ACTION-227 Give us a clear indication as to which html5 bugs apply to CR due date to next week. [09:05] <krisk> see -> http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-html/2013Jun/thread.html#msg0 [09:05] <krisk> rubys: any objections to close 228? [09:05] <rubys> close action-228 [09:05] <trackbot> Closed ACTION-228 Revive thread on text track cue open bugs. [09:05] <krisk> paulc: I think that is a good idea since we have a discussion and wiki with info [09:06] <krisk> TOPIC: New Issues This Week: [09:06] <krisk> none [09:06] <krisk> TOPIC: Items Closed Last Week [09:06] <krisk> We have one CFC [09:06] <krisk> CfC: to publish a revised "HTML5 Image Description Extension" Working [09:06] <krisk> Draft closed Tue Jun 4 [09:06] <krisk> see-> http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-html-admin/2013May/0117.html [09:06] <krisk> TOPIC: Items Closing This Week [09:06] <krisk> none [09:07] <krisk> TOPIC: Decisions this week [09:07] <krisk> paulc posted WG Decision to publish a revised “HTML5 Image Description Extension” [09:07] <krisk> ...as a Working Draft [09:07] <krisk> see -> http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-html-admin/2013Jun/0010.html [09:07] <krisk> rubys: any discussion on this? [09:08] <paulc> Here is the W3C publication announcement: http://www.w3.org/News/2013#entry-9858 [09:08] <paulc> WD is at http://www.w3.org/TR/2013/WD-html-longdesc-20130606/ [09:08] <krisk> paulc: we were able to get this published before the publishing lock down [09:08] <krisk> rubys: nice [09:09] <krisk> TOPIC: Task Force Reports [09:09] <krisk> SUBTOPIC: Testing Task Force [09:09] <krisk> We have agreement to use the #testing IRC channel moving foward for discussion [09:10] <krisk> The main reason is that it's easier for people to participate when everyone doesn't have to have a bunch of IRC channels open [09:11] <krisk> Any other questions for the testing task force? [09:11] <janina> http://www.w3.org/TR/html-longdesc [09:11] <krisk> SUBTOPIC: Accessibility Task Force [09:11] <krisk> The updated long-desc was also just published before the lockdown [09:12] <krisk> jania: in about two weeks we are going to request to have this go to last call [09:12] <krisk> janina: stevef is working on alt-image and progress is being made on bugs [09:13] <krisk> jania: we do have a few outstanding items to work with the media subteam, which we will meet with over the summer [09:14] <krisk> jania: We are looking for a time for about 2 hours total when we can discuss accessibility testing [09:14] <krisk> SUBTOPIC: Media Task Force [09:14] <paulc> 22 EME bugs outstanding: http://tinyurl.com/7tfambo [09:15] <krisk> paulc: Several of these bugs have come from outside organizations [09:15] <krisk> paulc: Some of these are quite technically deep, for example one took 35 minutes to discuss [09:15] <paulc> 9 MSE bugs outstanding: http://tinyurl.com/6pdnzej [09:16] <krisk> paulc: so expect that it will take time to get these resolved [09:16] <krisk> paulc: Task Force will process these next week, not clear we will get them all taken care of next week but pretty soon. [09:16] <krisk> paulc: such that then we can request this spec to go to last call [09:16] <krisk> rubys: any questions for paul? [09:17] <krisk> krisk: none [09:17] <krisk> TOPIC: Other Business [09:17] <krisk> rubys: we have a proposal for the subline element [09:17] <rubys> http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-html/2013May/0164.html [09:17] <krisk> rubys: a number of discussions on the list [09:18] <krisk> Next up HTML Working Group Updated HTML 5.1, Differences from HTML4,Canvas 2D Context Level 2, and Published Three Notes [09:18] <rubys> http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-html-admin/2013Jun/0009.html [09:18] <krisk> Note that a Test the Web Forward going on in Japan (June 7th-8th Tokyo Japan) [09:18] <rubys> http://testthewebforward.org/events/tokyo-2013.html [09:19] <krisk> feel free to participate even remotely! [09:19] <krisk> rubys: any other business to discuss? [09:19] <krisk> paulc: I will chair next week
Received on Thursday, 20 June 2013 15:48:00 UTC