RE: {minutes} HTML WG Telecon 2010-10-28: status of actions, calls, issues, heartbeat drafts, TPAC, Task Force reports

Minutes also available at:

[Description: W3C]<>

HTML Weekly Teleconference
28 Oct 2010


See also: IRC log<>

Julian, dsinger, John_Foliot, Radhika_Roy, Janina, Mike, paulc, mjs, +1.732.859.aaaa, Plh, Cynthia_Shelly, [Microsoft], adrianba
Maciej Stachowiak
Adrian Bateman

  *   Topics<>
     *   ACTION items due by Thursday, October 28<>
     *   New Issues This Week<>
     *   Items Closing this Week<>
     *   New Calls this week<>
     *   Heart beat publications<>
     *   TPAC next week<>
     *   Media requirements update<>
     *   Task Force reports - Accessibility Task Force<>
     *   Task Force reports - Testing Task Force<>
     *   Chairs request to revert change to Editor's Draft<>
     *   Other business<>
     *   Scribe for next meeting<>
     *   Adjournment<>
  *   Summary of Action Items<>


<mjs> morning, folks

<trackbot> Date: 28 October 2010

<pimpbot> Title: {agenda} HTML WG Telecon 2010-10-28: status of actions, calls, issues, heartbeat drafts, TPAC, Task Force reports from Paul Cotton on 2010-10-28 ( from October to December 2010) (at

<janina> Good morning!

<mjs> I'm dialing

<paulc> agenda:

<pimpbot> Title: {agenda} HTML WG Telecon 2010-10-28: status of actions, calls, issues, heartbeat drafts, TPAC, Task Force reports from Paul Cotton on 2010-10-28 ( from October to December 2010) (at

<scribe> ScribeNick: adrianba

<scribe> Scribe: Adrian Bateman
ACTION items due by Thursday, October 28


<trackbot> ACTION-187 -- Maciej Stachowiak to inform the group that no comments on issue-9 requirements means they will be accepted -- due 2010-10-28 -- OPEN


<pimpbot> Title: ACTION-187: Inform the group that no comments on issue-9 requirements means they will be accepted - HTML Weekly Tracker (at

mjs: that is done - sent that notice
... caused some discussion on the mailing list including some pushback
... encourage anyone else with comments to read and review the requirements
New Issues This Week

<paulc> close ACTION-187

<trackbot> ACTION-187 Inform the group that no comments on issue-9 requirements means they will be accepted closed

mjs: chairs entered some of the tracker backlog into the tracker since the last telcon so there are quite a few


<trackbot> ISSUE-132 -- Drop the color input type -- raised


<pimpbot> Title: ISSUE-132: Drop the color input type - HTML Weekly Tracker (at

mjs: suggests removing the input type=color control


mjs: request to add some functionality - an attribute for a modal dialog


<trackbot> ISSUE-133 -- Add a modal attribute to html5 to indicate a modal segment of the DOM (modal dialog) -- raised


<trackbot> ISSUE-134 -- Provide tablist and tab states for menu and command elements respectively -- raised


<pimpbot> Title: ISSUE-133: Add a modal attribute to html5 to indicate a modal segment of the DOM (modal dialog) - HTML Weekly Tracker (at


<trackbot> ISSUE-135 -- put back direct link to the W3C version of the canvas 2d context spec -- raised


<pimpbot> Title: ISSUE-135: put back direct link to the W3C version of the canvas 2d context spec - HTML Weekly Tracker (at

mjs: suggests adding link back to the w3c canvas spec


<trackbot> ISSUE-136 -- would the <small> element be better handled in CSS? -- raised


<pimpbot> Title: ISSUE-136: would the element be better handled in CSS? - HTML Weekly Tracker (at

mjs: suggests removing the small element


<trackbot> ISSUE-137 -- Since Javascript does not support mode specifiers inside the regular expression, there is no simple way of matching a single word case-insensitively besides turning into [Ww][Oo][Rr][Dd] -- raised


<pimpbot> Title: ISSUE-137: Since Javascript does not support mode specifiers inside the regular expression, there is no simple way of matching a single word case-insensitively besides turning into [Ww][Oo][Rr][Dd] - HTML Weekly Tracker (at


<trackbot> ISSUE-138 -- "mutate action" for issueing a GET request is misleading -- raised


<pimpbot> Title: ISSUE-138: "mutate action" for issueing a GET request is misleading - HTML Weekly Tracker (at

mjs: this is about form submission algorithm in the spec
... and the particular way it describes some things is confusing - suggested changes to fix that


<trackbot> ISSUE-139 -- HTML5 spec mentions Microdata in Acknowledgements -- raised


mjs: suggests moving the acknowledgements for microdata from the html5 spec to the microdata spec


<trackbot> ISSUE-140 -- clarify the applicability of the term "conforming document" in cases where "applicable specifications" had been used to augment or change the base HTML5 specification -- raised


<pimpbot> Title: ISSUE-140: clarify the applicability of the term "conforming document" in cases where "applicable specifications" had been used to augment or change the base HTML5 specification - HTML Weekly Tracker (at

mjs: this is about having the term conforming document defined with the relationship to applicable specs
... currently caught up with tracker requests
... we've gone through most of the bugs for last call already
... encourage people to review the issues to see if they want to write a change proposal
... questions or comments?
Items Closing this Week


<trackbot> ISSUE-121 -- Do not ignore HTTP caching rules -- raised


<pimpbot> Title: ISSUE-121: Do not ignore HTTP caching rules - HTML Weekly Tracker (at

mjs: http-caching - change proposal due oct 30, saturday
... should volunteer by then or it will be closed without prejudice
New Calls this week


<trackbot> ISSUE-122 -- alt text and description for Lady of Shalott example -- open


<pimpbot> Title: ISSUE-122: alt text and description for Lady of Shalott example - HTML Weekly Tracker (at

mjs: already have a call for proposal - only have null proposal but not a proposal for the original issue
... chairs reviewed and decided it made more sense to apply the reasoning of this issue to all the wg publications
... that means that we're asking again for proposals given the expanded scope
... and asking for the original proposal to be updated to include proposals for all drafts
Heart beat publications

mjs: our heartbeat publications did get published
... we had another round of all 8 of our drafts published once again
... good to keep that heartbeat going

paulc: we made a change at the last moment to take comment form off the html5 document and we discovered that microdata and canvas also had the form
... and so those have been removed for now too
... chairs did take that feedback from the working group
TPAC next week

mjs: next week is w3c technical plenary and advisory commitee meeting
... html wg will have a f2f on thursday/friday
... no telcon that week but will try to keep irc going
... so people will be able to participate by irc
... tp day will have interesting sessions including demo and panel discussion about html
Media requirements update

<JF> +q

mjs: link in the agenda to the mail i sent out
... there have been comments on the mailing list


<pimpbot> Title: Media Accessibility Checklist - HTML accessibility task force Wiki (at

john: regarding the requirements, if people could look at the checklist as a primary list
... one of the things we've tried to do is to map these requirements against WCAG and UAAG
... and using must, should, may criteria
... if people could look at that and take that into account to try to understand how we got to where we are

janina: i'm glad the discussion is happening - it was making me nervous that there wasn't any

cyns: glad to hear the questions about priority have been addressed - they will be important to make sure we have progress in html5

janina: we will do our best to participate in the discussion as well - haven't weighed in yet on the recent mails

paulc: janina and other people interested, do we have someone on point to suggest on thursday morning that we have a discussion during the f2f

janina: i am in favour of doing that - thursday is the best day
... unfortunately not many media people will be there but have indicated they can participate by telcon
... the more notice the better

paulc: i answered the logistical set-up question for tpac and we didn't request telcon facilities
... so it would have to be ad hoc

janina: okay

paulc: we didn't have that at tpac 2009
... we said we would keep the irc channel open but not planning for telcon to be available

<JF> +1 to skype

paulc: hard for people to hear on the phone in a large room
... we can try to set-up something but someone needs to be on point to arrange that
... if someone is going to use Skype or a personal laptop - might be worth anchoring when that session should happen if we consensus to hold it
... if we could have some discussion about having this on the public list it would help
... that's what i meant by on point
... fyi, i did request a breakout room so we can do some topics simultaneously
... it's very possible a lot of people will want to discuss this topic

janina: i think looking for a time might be a good thing to decide early but we might not be able to resolve the technology before we get there
... since it is thur/fri we have time

cyns: might we worth mailing people who will be there to bring some hardware

janina: better to use a good device but we can try to do something

<MikeSmith> I'm not sure we necessarily need a speaker phone.. I have had good results with just using normal speaker and mike from my PC

<plh> Mike?

MikeSmith: in my exp.....

<plh> can't hear you

<Zakim> MikeSmith, you wanted to say that is normally works pretty well to just use Skype
Task Force reports - Accessibility Task Force

janina: there isn't anything particular to report beyond what was discussed already for media
... groups continue to work but nothing particular to report
Task Force reports - Testing Task Force

krisk: we met as planned last week - on 10/19

<krisk> Notes ->

<pimpbot> Title: RE: HTML Testing Task Force Conf Call Agenda 10/19/2010 from Kris Krueger on 2010-10-28 ( from October 2010) (at

krisk: there's no meeting on 11/2 because of tpac
... next meeting is 11/16 - schedule is on the wiki
... group approved more tests
... now have 212 approved tests
... we don't have any active bugs for approved tests at this time, good
... other good stuff, microsoft updated test results for ie9 platform preview 6
... google also sent in results to the list so their results are updated for chrome7
... which is good to see
... would be good to see other browser vendors update their tests too - they're getting kind of old
... that's it - i'll be at tpac if anyone wants to talk about testing
... any questions?

<mjs> sorry, I fell off the line, dialing again

<pimpbot> Title: HTML5 Conformance Test Results (at

paulc: krisk, are anticipating wanting to have a session during the f2f on testing?

krisk: yes, i'd like to

paulc: i'd encourage you to start a thread on the mailing list
... you might suggest some items for discussion
... i'd like to start collecting stuff over the next week so we aren't surprised by topics on thursday morning

<krisk> that makes sense - I'll send something out to the list before next thursday
Chairs request to revert change to Editor's Draft

mjs: chairs have made request to revert changes to recent editor's draft
... that included link to whatwg draft and grayed out all the text
... any questions or comments?

paulc: ian hasn't responded to my e-mail this morning but has responded to others

plh: disappointed by the attitude of the editor at the moment, concerned about the current situation
... only comment i want to make at this time

<paulc> Chairs request to revert change to Editor's Draft

<pimpbot> Title: RE: Request to Revert revision 1.4525 from Paul Cotton on 2010-10-28 ( from October 2010) (at

julian: i have a question, does anyone know what the technical issue is that caused the change, if we know what it is we can understand how long it might be like this

mjs: i don't think so
... i did specifically ask that

julian: ok
Other business

mjs: anything else?
Scribe for next meeting

mjs: volunteers for two weeks from now?

paulc: may be my turn to chair that meeting but that will be difficult for me to do because that occurs on the 11th and i'll be travelling that week
... i could scribe but not chair

mjs: we'll discuss this amongst the chairs

mjs: adjourned - see you at tpac if you're there and on the telcon in 2 weeks

<pimpbot> planet: HTML5, Using the whole PC: Sixth IE9 Platform Preview Available for Developers <11>

Summary of Action Items
[End of minutes]
Minutes formatted by David Booth's scribe.perl<> version 1.135 (CVS log<>)
$Date: 2010/10/28 16:52:49 $

-----Original Message-----
From: [] On Behalf Of Paul Cotton
Sent: Thursday, October 28, 2010 8:25 AM
Cc: Maciej Stachowiak (; Janina Sajka <> (; Kris Krueger
Subject: {agenda} HTML WG Telecon 2010-10-28: status of actions, calls, issues, heartbeat drafts, TPAC, Task Force reports

The HTML Working Group will have its usual weekly teleconference on

2010-10-28 for up to 60 minutes from 16:00Z to 17:00Z.

Tokyo 01:00+1, Amsterdam/Oslo 18:00, London/Dublin 17:00,

New Jersey/York 12 noon, Kansas City 11:00, Seattle/San Francisco 09:00.

Chair of the meeting: Maciej Stachowiak

Scribe:  Paul Cotton

(See the end of this email for dial-in and IRC info.)

== Agenda ==

1. ACTION items due by Thursday, October 28

a) ACTION-187: Inform the group that no comments on issue-9 requirements means they will be accepted [Maciej]

2. New Issues This Week:

a) ISSUE-132: drop-color-input

b) ISSUE-133: modal-attribute

c) ISSUE-134: tab-states

d) ISSUE-135: link-canvas-spec

e) ISSUE-136: remove-small

f) ISSUE-137: case-insensitive

g) ISSUE-138: mutate-action

h) ISSUE-139: ack-microdata

i) ISSUE-140: conformance-terminology

i) Outstanding Tracker Requests


3. Items Closing this Week

a) ISSUE-121: http-caching, Change Proposals due Oct 30

4. New Calls this week

a) ISSUE-122: shallot-example, Call for Counter-Proposals and Expanded scope, deadline of November 27

5. Heart beat publications


6. TPAC next week

a) The HTML WG will be meeting face-to-face on Thu-Fri Nov 4-5.  There will be no teleconference on Thu Nov 4.

b) The Technical Plenary on Wed Nov 3 includes a session on HTML5 demos and a panel discussion on

7. Media requirements update

8. Task Force reports

a) Accessibility Task Force, Janina

b) Testing Task Force, Kris

9. Other business

a) Chairs request to revert change to Editor's Draft

10. Scribe for next meeting

11. Adjournment

== Dial-in and IRC Details ==

Zakim teleconference bridge

+1.617.761.6200, +, +44.203.318.0479

code: HTML (4865)

Supplementary IRC chat (logged)

#html-wg on port 6665 or port 80

Paul Cotton, Microsoft Canada

17 Eleanor Drive, Ottawa, Ontario K2E 6A3

Tel: (425) 705-9596 Fax: (425) 936-7329

Received on Thursday, 28 October 2010 16:59:33 UTC