{agenda} HTML WG telcon 2009-01-22

The HTML Working Group will have its [usually] weekly teleconference on
2009-01-22 for 60 minutes from 17:00Z to 18:00Z.


Tokyo 02:00+1, Amsterdam/Oslo 18:00, London/Dublin 17:00, New 
Jersey/York 12 noon, Kansas City 11:00, Seattle/San Francisco 09:00

Sam Ruby will chair this meeting.  We am looking for a scribe. 
Volunteers prior to the meeting can help save us from an awkward five 
minute start where we look for one, and would be most appreciated.

I've updated http://esw.w3.org/topic/HTML (see http://xrl.us/bedaj2), to
make the transitions and responsible parties more crisp.  In particular,
everybody should be looking at all of the OPEN items, and the chairs 
will be actively pushing issues out of that category -- either back to 
RAISED or forward to PENDINGREVIEW.  Starting *next* week, PENDINGREVIEW 
will mean "awaiting verification of changes made by an editor", though 
there always will be an opportunity for people to raise issues or 
contest the proposal.  For this week, it is merely the latter.


    - Review of raised, open, and pending review items from the tracker,
      based on target dates of associated action items:


      I want to specifically call out people's attention to the first two
      which involve documents to be published by this group.  I hope
      there to be more such actions in the months ahead.  To help
      facilitate the discussion, I'm providing the following two links:

      http://xrl.us/bedak5 ("first wd")
      http://xrl.us/bedak7 ("three month rule")

Additions to the agenda are welcome. If you plan to attend the telcon 
and wish to place an item on the agenda, please reply to this message 
with your agenda request.

- Sam Ruby

Received on Wednesday, 21 January 2009 13:50:53 UTC