minutes HTML WG Teleconference 2007-08-16T17:00:00Z

     1. Convene HTML WG meeting of 2007-08-16T17:00:00Z
     2. next meeting, regular meeting times
     3. toward release of Design Principles
     4. Detailed Spec Reviews
     5. table headers
     6. Name for XHTML serialization
     7. Forms Taskforce
     8. face-to-face meeting 8-9 November
     9. Announcement mailing list, RSS feeds
    10. Wiki Migration

RESOLUTION: to meet Thu 30 Aug 4pm Pacific/2300Z, and to meet weekly,
alternating between 1pm Boston time and 4pm Los Angeles

[NEW] ACTION: ChrisW discuss XHTML name coordination with XHTML 2 WG in
the Hypertext CG
[NEW] ACTION: DanC to discuss survey with Chris W and issue it, based on
the most mature/agreed ones
[NEW] ACTION: DanC to reserve a bridge for this alternating schedule
[NEW] ACTION: Gregory to contact T.V. Raman about the Forms Task force  
[PENDING] ACTION: DanC to set up an announcement mailing list, noodling
with chaals
[PENDING] ACTION: MikeSmith to write up a summary of changes for last
[period of time], description of where changes go
[DONE] ACTION: ChrisW to try to find a Seattle/OZ/Asia time
[DONE] ACTION: Maciej to send out wrap-up about design principles  
[DROPPED] ACTION: Gavin_Sharp to review design principles in the next
two weeks

Full text: http://www.w3.org/2007/08/16-html-wg-minutes

Dan Connolly, W3C http://www.w3.org/People/Connolly/

Received on Friday, 17 August 2007 22:17:51 UTC