- From: Rebecca Hauck <rhauck@adobe.com>
- Date: Thu, 5 Sep 2013 18:36:57 -0700
- To: "public-html-testsuite@w3.org" <public-html-testsuite@w3.org>, "public-testtwf-planning@w3.org" <public-testtwf-planning@w3.org>
- Message-ID: <CE4E5007.3F4A9%rhauck@adobe.com>
Hi HTML-testers, We're kicking off the planning for the next Test the Web Forward event, which will be part of TPAC this year, held on Saturday, November 9 at the same conference center, the Wuzhou Guest House. As we develop the program, we're trying something different and reaching out to all of the people in the working groups who have an active interest and knowledge of the test suites. We've created a mailing list for these discussions: public-testtwf-planning@w3.org<mailto:public-testtwf-planning@w3.org>. If you respond to this thread, feel free to drop the –testsuite list from the To: line if you'd like to transfer conversations to the new planning list. We'd love your input! * Where do we need more tests on the HTML5 spec? * Are you planning on being at TPAC and able to come support new test authors? * If you aren't able to attend, are you in a timezone that is conducive to being online to review tests during the event? * Do you have any other suggestions to test hacking projects at the event? (for example, are there any existing suites out there that could be converted and/or contributed to the W3C?) Extra awesome if you have something to contribute here AND you speak or write Chinese. Please note that we'll do our best to incorporate your feedback, but it will depend on how well we can support a particular testing area at the event with experts, reviewers, sample materials, etc. If you do give us suggestions, we'll likely follow up with you for help in getting them into the program. Also, you may soon see that I'm sending a similar email to some of the other test suite lists. Sorry for the duplicate mails if you're subscribed to the others; I wanted to keep threads somewhat separated by WG/topic. Thanks in advance for your input. 'Hope to you see you in Shenzhen! Cheers, -Rebecca & the Test the Web Forward Team
Received on Friday, 6 September 2013 01:34:05 UTC