Re: Testing Web Audio API

Hi Chris,

On 03/30/2013 04:26 AM, Christopher Lowis wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm the co-chair of the Audio Working Group
> ( We are currently developing the Web
> Audio API ( specification.
> We've started to write some tests for the API using testharness.js
> ( I've been looking at
> your Web Platform Tests repo
> ( and I'm thinking that
> this might be an appropriate place to incorporate our tests.
> Is this repo intended for tests of specifications other than HTML,
> Canvas and Metadata? Would you be happy for us to send pull requests
> containing tests of the Web Audio specification? If not, do you know
> of a more appropriate place to contribute our tests?

This is exactly what it's intended for; we encourage tests for all web 
platform technologies to be submitted to this repository. Each 
specification gets its own top-level directory, so I presume your tests 
would live under /webaudio.


Received on Saturday, 30 March 2013 09:33:41 UTC