Re: throw or not when sw or sh is zero in drawImage(img, 0, 0, sw, wh, ...) (WHATWG r7589)

(13/03/22 12:28), Rik Cabanier wrote:
> Sorry, I was confused about the particular API call you were referring to.
> Also, are you a web developer or do you work on a browser? (I thought you
> were a developer)

Both. Isn't every developer a Web developer in some sense? :)

> There is indeed a trend to be more forgiving in the user facing APIs.
> If Firefox also moves to not throwing, I would be happy to change the
> Canvas spec.

That's good to know.

> We should pick up the conversation on the WhatWG mailing list again so we
> can get close this issue. 

I didn't raise this on the WhatWG list because, well, I favor the
current prose on the WHATWG spec and it seems more important to know if
IE folks are fine with that direction. Also, we need to retract
2d.drawImage.zerosource.html from the approved list of canvas tests too.
I can't speak for Presto in general but I personally would like to see
our Presto-based game engine ship with the no-throwing-behavior.

> Last I heard, people were reluctant to change since there were
> already 2 shipping implementations and I was almost ready
> to integrate a WebKit patch to fix the behavior.

Do you have a bug number? I can imagine push-back from other WebKit
developers given, again, those [3][4][5] I found.

>>>> [3]
>>>> [4]
>>>> [5]

Web Specialist, Opera Sphinx Game Force, Oupeng Browser, Beijing
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Received on Friday, 22 March 2013 05:59:31 UTC