Seeking test status for features of HTML5 CR [Was: Re: HTML Testing Task Force Conf Call Agenda 1/29/2013]

On 1/28/13 9:10 PM, ext Kris Krueger wrote:
> Agenda
> * Sync on Test Organization and Infrastructure Status
Hi All,

[ My apologies if the new Subject is off-topic for this list (and if it 
is, please propose a different list) ... ]

Where can I find some data/info regarding the status of the tests for 
the various "features" of the HTML5 CR? (By "features" here, specific 
sections of the spec is one definition but a grouping like is done in 
<> would be fine too.)

PLH's [HTML5-Report] is one attempt to coalesce this data but as I 
understand it, it is somewhat old-ish (TPAC 2012). It also uses absolute 
numbers for the tests and I'm more interested in percent complete, f.ex. 
"The test coverage for HTML5 feature X is N% complete".

-Thanks, AB


Received on Tuesday, 29 January 2013 13:24:25 UTC