Proposed repository reorganisation

I propose that we reorganise the repository so that tests are in a 
structure tests/section/of/spec. So for example, a test for id attributes 
would go under 

This has the disadvantage of being rather deep, but the considerable 
advantage of meaning that people don't need to add metadata about what 
their test covers in the test itself (in common cases). Where a test 
covers more than one section of the spec, it could either be put in a 
common ancestor section if it covers most of the descendent sections e.g. 
a test that covered all global attributes might go in 
tests/semantics_structure_apis/elements/global_attributes/ or could have 
in-file metadata pointing at the other section.

Does this sound like a sensible idea?

Received on Sunday, 28 October 2012 17:25:52 UTC