Comments on Microsoft's form tests

Hi all,

I've asked a fellow Mozilla developer to review the HTML forms tests 
Microsoft recently submitted. [1]  Their comments (which I agree with) 
are below.

autofocus.html, formaction.html, formenctype.html, formmethod.html, 
formtarget.html, placeholder.html: all of these duplicate Aryeh's 
reflection tests in a much less exhaustive manner, and should be removed.

Furthermore, by lowercasing the return value of formMethod, 
formmethod.html barely even tests what it does look at.

datalistelement.html: not exhaustive enough. It should test at least the 
case of a datalist with non-option children (input and textarea, say), 
option grandchildren, option children in a non-HTML namespace, and it 
should test that the 'options' collection is live.

formnovalidate.html: should drop the reflection tests, should test that 
formnovalidate is ignored if set on another element than the submit 
control that has been used (e.g. on another submit control, a non-submit 
control and on the form owner), and the entire test should be wrapped in 
two test(function() {})s (one per click()).

inputtypes.html: the reflection part should go, and the test for the 
list IDL attribute should not be in this test.

inputwillvalidate.html: not exhaustive enough, should test all form 
elements and all input types, should test input with and without various 
attributes (with readonly, without required, ...), and the button 
element it has is not used in the test.

While I appreciate the work Microsoft has spent on these tests, I would 
not approve any of them.



Received on Tuesday, 23 August 2011 11:58:38 UTC