RE: Submission of tests

I took a quick peek at

#1 Need to change to the spec reference to point to the w3
#2 The iframe content doesn't match the assert_equals(, "Text\n") assertion
#3 This test doesn't seem to actually be testing any normative parts of the section 5.5.4 from the spec

5.5.4 Page load processing model for text files

When a plain text document is to be loaded in a browsing context, the user agent should queue a task to create a Document object, mark it as being an HTML document, set its media type to "text/plain", create an HTML parser, associate it with the document, act as if the tokenizer had emitted a start tag token with the tag name "pre" followed by a single U+000A LINE FEED (LF) character, and switch the HTML parser's tokenizer to the PLAINTEXT state. Each task that the networking task source places on the task queue while the fetching algorithm runs must then fill the parser's input stream with the fetched bytes and cause the HTML parser to perform the appropriate processing of the input stream.

The rules for how to convert the bytes of the plain text document into actual characters, and the rules for actually rendering the text to the user, are defined in RFC 2046, RFC 3676, and subsequent versions thereof. [RFC2046] [RFC3676]

The document's character encoding must be set to the character encoding used to decode the document.

Upon creation of the Document object, the user agent must run the application cache selection algorithm with no manifest, and passing in the newly-created Document.

When no more bytes are available, the user agent must queue a task for the parser to process the implied EOF character, which eventually causes a load event to be fired.

After creating the Document object, but potentially before the page has finished parsing, the user agent must update the session history with the new page.

User agents may add content to the head element of the Document, e.g. linking to a style sheet or an XBL binding, providing script, giving the document a title, etc.
In particular, if the user agent supports the Format=Flowed feature of RFC 3676 then the user agent would need to apply extra styling to cause the text to wrap correctly and to handle the quoting feature. This could be performed using, e.g., an XBL binding or a CSS extension.

The task source for the two tasks mentioned in this section must be the networking task source.

-----Original Message-----
From: [] On Behalf Of Simon Pieters
Sent: Friday, August 19, 2011 1:24 AM
To:; Ms2ger
Subject: Re: Submission of tests

On Fri, 19 Aug 2011 10:18:58 +0200, Simon Pieters <> wrote:

> On Thu, 18 Aug 2011 21:13:25 +0200, Ms2ger <> wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> I finished converting my tests [1] to use testharness.js, and would 
>> like to see them reviewed and approved.
> I've reviewed the following folders:
> drwxr-xr-x   apis-in-html-documents  files
> drwxr-xr-x   browsing-the-web  files
> drwxr-xr-x   dom-tree-accessors  files
> drwxr-xr-x   dynamic-markup-insertion  files
> Comments:
> # [10:00] <zcorpan> Ms2ger:  

> om-tree-accessors/document.title-07.html
> doesn't check "expected title"
> # [10:01] <Ms2ger> It's tested in

> ons/Ms2ger/DOMImplementation-createHTMLDocument.html
> # [10:02] <zcorpan> ah
> # [10:03] <Ms2ger> (I moved the entire test to DOM Core, and then 
> David Flanagan complained that I was testing HTML) # [10:04] <zcorpan> 

> ynamic-markup-insertion/
> - is w instanceof Window expected to work? shouldn't it be w 
> instanceof w.Window?
> # [10:04] <Ms2ger> Oh, good point
> # [10:05] <zcorpan>

> ynamic-markup-insertion/document.write-02.html
> has an // XXX
> # [10:06] <Ms2ger> An incorrect XXX at that # [10:06] <Ms2ger> and 
> -ln-02 as well, I guess # [10:07] <zcorpan> yah # [10:07] <Ms2ger> At 
> least I'm consistent :) # [10:11] <zcorpan> 

> ynamic-markup-insertion/innerhtml-03.xhtml
> shouldn't the span have xmlns?
> # [10:12] <Ms2ger> Looks like it
> # [10:13] <zcorpan> also, getting innerHTML in xml isn't defined to 
> return only one possible string # [10:13] <zcorpan> it'd be conforming 
> to use single quotes etc # [10:14] <zcorpan> i think that's a bug in 
> the spec, but until the spec is fixed...
> # [10:16] <zcorpan>

> ynamic-markup-insertion/innerhtml-01.xhtml
> could be testing all listed cases that should throw # [10:16] <Ms2ger> 
> It could be, if I had time :)
> I'll wait with approving until the comments are addressed.

# [10:23] <Ms2ger> I pushed

Approved the tests in the above-mentioned folders.

>> Thanks
>> Ms2ger
>> [1]


Simon Pieters
Opera Software

Received on Friday, 19 August 2011 16:45:15 UTC