Re: HTML DOM Test Case Incorrect (HTMLDocument03.html)

On 02/16/2010 01:53 AM, Kris Krueger wrote:
> At the last conf call, we discussed leveraging the older DOM HTML Test Suite for the HTML5 Test Suite.
> Since that meeting I have been reviewing the test cases from this test suite looking for interop problems.
So I seem to have got rather behind here due to other commitments, so 
apologies for this feedback coming rather late. However I feel that 
importing testsuites that are designed for other/older specifications is 
generally a bad approach. I suspect that even once such testsuites have 
been adapted to HTML5 they will retain traces of the older 
specification; that is they will tend to test requirements that were 
present in the old specification but ignore ones in the new 
specification, they will tend to have bugs relating to changed 
requirements, and so on. It strikes me that adapting such a testsuite 
will be at least as much, if not more, work than systematically creating 
a new testsuite of the same quality from scratch based on the actual 
text of HTML5.

In the specific case of the DOM2 testsuites, I also think that the 
dependence on jsUnit is a significant problem; my experience is that it 
is rather heavyweight, hard to use, and difficult to understand if 
something goes wrong.

As a more general point, it seems this issue was discussed in a telecon 
and presented to the list and then acted on as a fait-accompli. 
Obviously you are free to work on any tests that you like so in this 
case that is not too significant. However in general I hope that all 
important discussions and decisions happen on the mailing list where all 
interested parties can participate in an asynchronous manner. It is 
simply not possible for everyone to attend the telecons, nor do they 
provide the best environment for making well reasoned arguments.

Received on Thursday, 11 March 2010 10:55:28 UTC