RE: Request for new testcases for HTML5 elements

You should be able to create a folder under submissions in Hg using your w3c account.
You can place your canvas tests at the below location, PhilipTaylor could also be the name of your company or organization that you represent at the w3c. your scripts used to create your canvas tests /submissions/PhilipTayor/canvas/ the test generated from your scripts

Please place and images at /submissions/PhilipTayor/images/ and common scripts at /submissions/PhilipTayor/common/
Since when tests are approved the folder structure will just become /approved/canvas with images and common files located at /approved/images/ and /approved/common/.

Once the group agrees that tests are correct per the HTML5 spec we can move them into the approved folder.


-----Original Message-----
From: James Graham [] 
Sent: Thursday, June 24, 2010 8:01 AM
To: Philip Taylor
Cc: Kris Krueger;
Subject: Re: Request for new testcases for HTML5 elements

On 06/24/2010 04:55 PM, Philip Taylor wrote:

> I'd be happy to put all of the files into W3C Hg and use that as the 
> primary source for any future updates I make. But I don't know if 
> other people are happy with a load of barely-comprehensible Python and 
> YAML in there, or if it would be preferable to simply have one HTML 
> file per test case and leave out all the other complexity.

I would strongly prefer to have the stuff used to generate the tests in there; if we have to change any tests in the future I would rather do it by editing the source than the generated output.

Received on Thursday, 24 June 2010 15:23:47 UTC