- From: Adrian Bateman <adrianba@microsoft.com>
- Date: Tue, 6 Apr 2010 15:42:04 +0000
- To: Kris Krueger <krisk@microsoft.com>, "'public-html-testsuite@w3.org'" <public-html-testsuite@w3.org>
On Monday, April 05, 2010 7:36 PM, Kris Krueger wrote: > Agenda > > #1 Check for any bugs on approved tests (currently zero) > #2 Review Current Tests Posted To List For Approval > #3 Ask group for any upcoming tests to be approved/submitted > #4 Do we want to create a script to turn xhtml tests -> html tests where > applicable? > #5 Does HG have a static IP Address? Need for X-Domain testing > #6 Start discussion on how the test suite would move from HG -> w3.org > > If you have other items you would like, please email me directly. > > -Thanks! > > IRC #HTMLT > Time 16:00-17:00 UTC (11:00am-12:00pm Boston local) Zakim Bridge > +1.617.761.6200, conference 48658 Minutes here: http://www.w3.org/2010/04/06-htmlt-minutes.html #1 Check for any bugs on approved tests (currently zero) krisk: don't think we have any, just checking ... don't have any approved tests, and no bugs there #2 Review Current Tests Posted To List For Approval adrianba: there was discussion on the list about whether it makes sense to review a single test ... does it make sense to review in batches or individually? krisk: small batches are good, large batches are bad adrianba: i can see that having a suite helps to look at the direction things are going but at the same time an individual test is either valid or not krisk: testing one test in isolation would be odd but knowing that there are more to come it makes sense ... will continue discussion on the mailing list about approval of the current test being considered #3 Ask group for any upcoming tests to be approved/submitted krisk: will send mail to public-html requesting more tests be submitted #4 Do we want to create a script to turn xhtml tests -> html tests where applicable? krisk: in the past, tests were submitted in pure xml and then transformed ... do we want to do something similar? ... this might not work for all cases, we might need to have xhtml5 and html5 tests ... need to discuss on the mailing list adrianba: would be good to avoid extra work if it's not necessary sharon: maybe it can be the test author's decision #5 Does HG have a static IP Address? Need for X-Domain testing krisk: i'll follow-up with plh on this - think this is the case ... this will help to address phillip's feedback ... about security tests #6 Start discussion on how the test suite would move from HG -> w3.org adrianba: are the tests directly accessible with http from the repository? <krisk> yes, e.g http://dvcs.w3.org/hg/html/rawfile/tip/tests/submission/Microsoft/htmldom/loader.html?anchor01.html krisk: but we probably want a dated snapshot ... will discuss with plh how he thinks this can work ... not moving tests would be great ... don't want to have different server names that could break tests ... which might not be immediately noticed ... that's everything for now
Received on Tuesday, 6 April 2010 15:44:20 UTC