Re: Presentations vs. papers

<quote who='Daniel Glazman' when='23/05/2007 17:11'>

>> Hi all,
>> How are those who are going to speak doing for their presentations?
>> We're thinking of doing a 'disposable' Powerpoint presentation in 
>> addition
>> to the paper itself, just to make it more lively and pleasant, what do 
>> you
>> think? What do the others do?
> Yes, that's usually the case. But we probably won't trash your slides
> and link them from the workshop's site instead :-)

He he.

Is PDF 'open' enough for an archive of the slides?

>> Daniel and Karl, I expect there will be a videoprojector?
> Sure. And network.

Wow. And croissants! And red wine! That's Paris! ;)

Stéphane Deschamps

Received on Wednesday, 23 May 2007 19:52:28 UTC