Re: W3C HTML Email Workshop -- Internet Mail Architecture


Paul Ney wrote:
> Newsletters (NWSL) are very important -- 

Given the group's very narrow focus on a particular type of email content, I 
had thought that a more broad, "system" discussion would not be all that 

However the reference to newsletters prompts me to think that more general 
issues of human-to-human, and human-to-group "discussion" might be useful to 
add to the mix.

So for whatever it might be worth, I'll point to an internet-draft that has 
been in development for a couple of years and is about to be submitted for 
IETF standardization:

      Internet Mail Architecture

Various formats are available at:


Chris Newman will be at the meeting and is familiar with the draft.


   Dave Crocker
   Brandenburg InternetWorking

Received on Tuesday, 22 May 2007 05:02:26 UTC