昨天馬克·祖克柏(Mark Zuckerberg)在 Disrupt 講得有關 HTML5 的真實內容(轉: What Mark Zuckerberg's really said about HTML5 at Disrupt yesterday.)


(12/09/13 0:40), Tobie Langel wrote:
> Hi,
> Yesterday, at Disrupt SF, Mark Zuckerberg discussed Facebook's mobile
> strategy. In the process he made a few comments about HTML5. Predictably
> news outlet and social media were quick to jump on them. Quotes were taken
> out of context and conclusions hastily drawn. In order to set the record
> straight, I wanted to share the transcript     with you and let you draw
> your own, informed conclusions:
>     "When I'm introspective about the last few years I think the biggest
> mistake that we made, as a company, is betting too much on HTML5 as
> opposed to native... because it just wasn't there. And it's not that HTML5
> is bad. I'm actually, on long-term, really excited about it. One of the
> things that's interesting is we actually have more people on a daily basis
> using mobile Web Facebook than we have using our iOS or Android apps
> combined. So mobile Web is a big thing for us."

在 HTML5 而不是原生...上投資太多... 因為 HTML5 還沒到那個程度。也不是說
HTML5 不好,我是真的對 HTML5 的長期發展感到很興奮。我們的行動 Web
Facebook 的逐日使用者比 iOS 跟 Android app 加在一起還多。也因此行動 Web

>                 --Mark Zuckerberg, Disrupt SF, September 2012.
> Rest assured that we are more dedicated than ever to drive the mobile Web
> forward.

個是鼓勵大家多訂一些 W3C 郵件群,因為有機會會有這種特別情報 :)

這篇是公開在  Core Mobile Web Platform Community Group 的公開郵件群
public-coremob[1] 上的,不加入這個組也可以訂閱這個郵件群。加入不加入有什

[1] http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-coremob/


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Received on Thursday, 13 September 2012 08:46:27 UTC