如何設置讓 W3C 自動接受我的信件而不需要每次驗證?(原: 此邮件列表需要reply to all才能让你发的邮件抄送给LZ和邮件列表)

(11/03/03 10:42), ghosTM55 wrote:
> Hi,我想请教一下,每次我reply一个post或者发起一个thread的时候,w3都需要我去进行验证是否archive到网上,能否一次设置永久性生效?
> 谢谢


- YES, W3C may archive this message on its Web site.
(是,W3C 可以將此郵件收入庫存)

- YES, W3C may archive this message and any further messages I send to
public-html-ig-zh@w3.org on its Web site.
(是,W3C 可以將此郵件及以後所有我送到 public-html-ig-zh@w3.org 的郵件收

- YES, W3C may archive this message and any further messages I send to
any W3C list on its Web site.
(是,W3C 可以將此郵件及以後所有我送到 W3C 的郵件收入庫存)

- NO, do not archive my message online or distribute it to the list; I
will find another route for my feedback.


希望這個指引以後可以寫到 Wiki 的新手指引去 :)


Received on Thursday, 3 March 2011 01:52:26 UTC