from June 2012 by thread

Chrome for iOS and Android 4.1 Jelly Bean HTML5 development Wonsuk Lee (Friday, 29 June)

Responsive Images: How they Almost Worked and What We Need Wonsuk Lee (Monday, 25 June)

An introduction to meta viewport and @viewport Wonsuk Lee (Monday, 25 June)

(발표자료 공유요청) Re: (회의 Agenda) Re: 제17차 W3C HTML5 KIG 회의공지 Wonsuk Lee (Thursday, 14 June)

css 변수 모듈 레벨1이 webkit에 구현되네요. mixed (Thursday, 14 June)

iOS 6 Beta 1: HTML5 new APIs, Remote Debugging and native apps integration Wonsuk Lee (Wednesday, 13 June)

iOS 6 Safari 브라우저의 HTML5 Web Notification 기능 관련 Wonsuk Lee (Wednesday, 13 June)

Advances in JavaScript Performance in IE10 and Windows 8 Wonsuk Lee (Wednesday, 13 June)

Interoperable HTML5 Quirks Mode in IE10 Wonsuk Lee (Wednesday, 13 June)

Pixel manipulation in canvas Wonsuk Lee (Wednesday, 13 June)

Benchmarks Shows That iOS 6 Safari is 17.2% Faster Than iOS 5 Wonsuk Lee (Wednesday, 13 June)

Understanding the CSS Transforms Matrix Wonsuk Lee (Wednesday, 13 June)

Metro-Mode Chrome Coming for Windows 8 Wonsuk Lee (Wednesday, 13 June)

ios6부터 동영상, 이미지 첨부 가능 mixed (Monday, 11 June)

(등록 페이지 오픈) Re: (회의 Agenda) Re: 제17차 W3C HTML5 KIG 회의공지 Wonsuk Lee (Monday, 11 June)

모바일에서 웹어플리케이션 표준 현황과 로드맵. mixed (Monday, 4 June)

(회의 Agenda) Re: 제17차 W3C HTML5 KIG 회의공지 Wonsuk Lee (Monday, 4 June)

Re: 효과적인 Binary data 처리를 위한 Typed Arrary Wonsuk Lee (Monday, 4 June)

제17차 W3C HTML5 KIG 회의공지 Wonsuk Lee (Sunday, 3 June)

Re: Encrypted Media Extensions v0.1 Wonsuk Lee (Sunday, 3 June)

IE10 메트로 스타일이 플래시를 지원하는걸로 갑자기 돌아섰내요. zziuni (Sunday, 3 June)

Calendar API 지원 browser Kim Geunhyung (Friday, 1 June)

Last message date: Friday, 29 June 2012 14:15:50 UTC