Re: [css3-lists] CJK numbering algorithms

On Sat, Apr 23, 2011 at 12:46 AM, Koji Ishii <>wrote:

> But what I'd like to put into CSS3 Lists spec is *not* the correct answer
> for an academic. I'd like to put the most useful and the best adaption of
> Kanji numbering style in Japanese into the CSS3 Lists spec. These two --
> academically correctness and what to put into a spec -- are the same in most
> cases, but sometimes they should be different, and I think this is one of
> the cases where we should have different answer for the spec.

But Korean counter style doesn't specify representations for negative
numbers as well (at least in the current draft).  And in my opinion,
negative numbering in Kanji characters itself isn't useful.

>From that view point, can we agree on option 5
> > 5. ..., マイナス参, マイナス弐, マイナス壱, 〇, 壱, 弐, 参, ...
> would be the best option to take?

The current spec likewise doesn't support any number above 10^16 - 1.
 Should the spec be "useful" and specify the representations for numbers
above 10^16 - 1?  In my opinion, we shouldn't because there are very rare
cases where such a large number is useful and people aren't familiar with
group markers such as 京 and 垓.

The same principle applies to negative numbers.  People rarely write
negative numbers in Kanji, and when they do, people tend to use
context-sensitive prefixes or suffixes such as 氷点下 and ▲.  And from that
point of view, any one prefix we pick will only be correct in some but not
all context and I don't think we should be spec'ing that.

- Ryosuke

Received on Saturday, 23 April 2011 19:00:23 UTC