Re: Ruby in HTML5

MURAKAMI Shinyu, Wed, 10 Mar 2010 22:06:30 +0900:
> I'm not sure whether HTML5 should adopt the XHTML complex ruby,
> but I think the both sides ruby is possible with current HTML5.
> Ruby use cases from the JLReq document

> shows the example "[8] Figure 117: Ruby on both sides" as:
> 1. XHTML complex.
>  <ruby>
>    <rbc><rb>東</rb><rb>南</rb></rbc>
>    <rtc><rt>とう</rt><rt>なん</rt></rtc>
>    <rtc><rt rbspan="2">たつみ</rt></rtc>
>  </ruby>
> and says "There is no way to do this using HTML5 markup."
> I think it's possible because HTML5 doesn't prohibit nesting ruby.
>   <ruby class="after">
>     <ruby>東<rt>とう</rt>南<rt>なん</rt></ruby>
>     <rt>たつみ</rt>
>   </ruby>
> with stylesheet:
>   ruby       { ruby-position: before }
>   ruby.after { ruby-position: after }
> This seems simpler than the XHTML complex markup.

I probably don't understand what you mean by "simpler" and "complex". 
However, the XHTML "complex" solution to me looks simpler than 
stretching the HTML5 syntax to imitate the effect of the "complex" 
XHTML syntax. 

But perhaps we should avoid using words "complex" or "simple". When I 
looked at the examples you presented above, it seems to me that a more 
neutral and telling comparison would be to say that the XHTML Ruby 
syntax is very similar to the <table> syntax:

  <tr><td colspan="2">たつみ</td></tr>

Whereas the HTML5 syntax perhaps is more like a simplified definition 

<dl class="after">

Nesting of lists is, in my opinion, always somewhat complex. Tables is 
also somewhat complex. But tables in my opinion have a more logical 
structure, and authors are used to them.
leif halvard silli

Received on Wednesday, 10 March 2010 16:29:57 UTC