Re: CSS 2.1のプロパティのうち縦書きによって影響を受けるもの



いま、CSS reformulation for vertical writingという文書をまとめようと

1. Introduction

This document is intended to sketch vertical-writing CSS.  We believe
that vertical writing has far-reaching impacts on CSS and that the
introduction of a few properties is not very sufficient.  Rather than
focusing on the writing-mode and some other properties, this document
attempts to classify all changes necessary, desirable, or appropriate.
Hopefully, a revised version of this document can be used as a
guideline for reformulating CSS for vertical writing.

2. What is vertical writing and who uses it?

Vertical writing is very strongly needed in Japan and Taiwan.  It is
desirable in mainland China and Korea.

3. Rewriting Prose

4. Revisiting existing properties

5. Designing new properties

6. Impacts on user interfaces

7. Page progression

8. Font selection

9. Switching from vertical to horizontal

村田 真 <>

Received on Saturday, 26 June 2010 14:18:21 UTC