hixie: typo (whatwg r6750)

hixie: typo (whatwg r6750)


RCS file: /sources/public/html5/spec/Overview.html,v
retrieving revision 1.5410
retrieving revision 1.5411
diff -u -d -r1.5410 -r1.5411
--- Overview.html 25 Oct 2011 03:22:43 -0000 1.5410
+++ Overview.html 25 Oct 2011 03:27:41 -0000 1.5411
@@ -58639,7 +58639,7 @@
   <p>Otherwise, if there is a <a href="#current-node">current node</a> and it is not
   an element in the <a href="#html-namespace-0">HTML namespace</a> and the next seven
-  characters are an <a href="#case-sensitive">case-sensitive</a> match for the string
+  characters are a <a href="#case-sensitive">case-sensitive</a> match for the string
   "[CDATA[" (the five uppercase letters "CDATA" with a U+005B LEFT
   SQUARE BRACKET character before and after), then consume those
   characters and switch to the <a href="#cdata-section-state">CDATA section state</a>.</p>

Received on Tuesday, 25 October 2011 03:27:57 UTC