hixie: Define the serialisation requirments for type=datetime. (whatwg r6235)

hixie: Define the serialisation requirments for type=datetime. (whatwg


RCS file: /sources/public/html5/spec/Overview.html,v
retrieving revision 1.4998
retrieving revision 1.4999
diff -u -d -r1.4998 -r1.4999
--- Overview.html 15 Jun 2011 06:46:03 -0000 1.4998
+++ Overview.html 15 Jun 2011 23:14:01 -0000 1.4999
@@ -4516,7 +4516,17 @@
     <li>Time-zone offsets differ based on daylight savings time.</li>
-   </ul></div><div class="impl">
+   </ul></div><p>A string is a <dfn id="valid-forced-utc-global-date-and-time-string">valid forced-UTC global date and time
+  string</dfn> representing a date, time, and a time-zone offset if it
+  consists of the following components in the given order:<ol><li>A <a href="#valid-date-string">valid date string</a> representing the date converted to the UTC time zone</li>
+   <li>A U+0054 LATIN CAPITAL LETTER T character (T)</li>
+   <li>A <a href="#valid-time-string">valid time string</a> representing the time converted to the UTC time zone and expressed as the shortest possible string for the given time (e.g. omitting the seconds component entirely if the given time is zero seconds past the minute)</li>
+   <li>A U+005A LATIN CAPITAL LETTER Z character (Z)</li>
+  </ol><div class="impl">
   <p>The <dfn id="best-representation-of-the-global-date-and-time-string">best representation of the global date and time
   string</dfn> <var title="">datetime</var> is the <a href="#valid-global-date-and-time-string">valid global
@@ -33416,13 +33426,13 @@
   <a href="#parse-a-global-date-and-time-string" title="parse a global date and time string">parsing a global
   date and time</a> from it. User agents must not allow the user to
   set the <a href="#concept-fe-value" title="concept-fe-value">value</a> to a non-empty
-  string that is not a <a href="#valid-global-date-and-time-string">valid global date and time string</a>
-  expressed in UTC, though user agents may allow the user to set and
-  view the time in another time zone and silently translate the time
-  to and from the UTC time zone in the <a href="#concept-fe-value" title="concept-fe-value">value</a>. If the user agent provides a
+  string that is not a <a href="#valid-forced-utc-global-date-and-time-string">valid forced-UTC global date and time
+  string</a>, though user agents may allow the user to set and view
+  the time in another time zone and silently translate the time to and
+  from the UTC time zone in the <a href="#concept-fe-value" title="concept-fe-value">value</a>. If the user agent provides a
   user interface for selecting a <a href="#concept-datetime" title="concept-datetime">global
-  date and time</a>, then the <a href="#concept-fe-value" title="concept-fe-value">value</a> must be set to a <a href="#valid-global-date-and-time-string">valid
-  global date and time string</a> expressed in UTC representing the
+  date and time</a>, then the <a href="#concept-fe-value" title="concept-fe-value">value</a> must be set to a <a href="#valid-forced-utc-global-date-and-time-string">valid
+  forced-UTC global date and time string</a> representing the
   user's selection. User agents should allow the user to set the <a href="#concept-fe-value" title="concept-fe-value">value</a> to the empty string.</p>
   </div><p class="note">The format shown to the user is independent of the
@@ -33436,8 +33446,9 @@
   follows</strong>: If the <a href="#concept-fe-value" title="concept-fe-value">value</a>
   of the element is a <a href="#valid-global-date-and-time-string">valid global date and time string</a>,
   then adjust the time so that the <a href="#concept-fe-value" title="concept-fe-value">value</a> represents the same point in
-  time but expressed in the UTC time zone, otherwise, set it to the
-  empty string instead.</p>
+  time but expressed in the UTC time zone as a <a href="#valid-forced-utc-global-date-and-time-string">valid forced-UTC
+  global date and time string</a>, otherwise, set it to the empty
+  string instead.</p>
   </div><p>The <code title="attr-input-min"><a href="#attr-input-min">min</a></code> attribute, if
   specified, must have a value that is a <a href="#valid-global-date-and-time-string">valid global date and

Received on Friday, 17 June 2011 09:52:12 UTC