hixie: Make the examples be examples that would work. (whatwg r6525)

hixie: Make the examples be examples that would work. (whatwg r6525)


RCS file: /sources/public/html5/spec/Overview.html,v
retrieving revision 1.5224
retrieving revision 1.5225
diff -u -d -r1.5224 -r1.5225
--- Overview.html 25 Aug 2011 22:24:41 -0000 1.5224
+++ Overview.html 25 Aug 2011 22:33:07 -0000 1.5225
@@ -51638,14 +51638,14 @@
-    <p>A scheme, such as <code>ftp</code> or <code>sms</code>. The
-    scheme must be compared in an <a href="#ascii-case-insensitive">ASCII case-insensitive</a>
-    manner by user agents for the purposes of comparing with the
-    scheme part of URLs that they consider against the list of
-    registered handlers.</p>
+    <p>A scheme, such as <code>mailto</code> or <code>web+auth</code>.
+    The scheme must be compared in an <a href="#ascii-case-insensitive">ASCII
+    case-insensitive</a> manner by user agents for the purposes of
+    comparing with the scheme part of URLs that they consider against
+    the list of registered handlers.</p>
     <p>The <var title="">scheme</var> value, if it contains a colon
-    (as in "<code>ftp:</code>"), will never match anything, since
+    (as in "<code>mailto:</code>"), will never match anything, since
     schemes don't contain colons.</p>
     <p>If the <code title="dom-navigator-registerProtocolHandler"><a href="#dom-navigator-registerprotocolhandler">registerProtocolHandler()</a></code>

Received on Thursday, 25 August 2011 22:33:28 UTC