hixie: typo (whatwg r6500)

hixie: typo (whatwg r6500)


RCS file: /sources/public/html5/spec/Overview.html,v
retrieving revision 1.5200
retrieving revision 1.5201
diff -u -d -r1.5200 -r1.5201
--- Overview.html 17 Aug 2011 22:35:03 -0000 1.5200
+++ Overview.html 17 Aug 2011 23:16:16 -0000 1.5201
@@ -20000,11 +20000,11 @@
    <p>Notice the way that quotes have to be escaped (otherwise the
-   <code title="attr-iframe-sandbox"><a href="#attr-iframe-sandbox">sandbox</a></code> attribute would
-   end prematurely), and the way raw ampersands (e.g. in URLs or in
-   prose) mentioned in the sandboxed content have to be
-   <em>doubly</em> escaped &mdash; once so that the ampersand is
-   preserved when originally parsing the <code title="attr-iframe-sandbox"><a href="#attr-iframe-sandbox">sandbox</a></code> attribute, and once more
+   <code title="attr-iframe-srcdoc"><a href="#attr-iframe-srcdoc">srcdoc</a></code> attribute would end
+   prematurely), and the way raw ampersands (e.g. in URLs or in prose)
+   mentioned in the sandboxed content have to be <em>doubly</em>
+   escaped &mdash; once so that the ampersand is preserved when
+   originally parsing the <code title="attr-iframe-srcdoc"><a href="#attr-iframe-srcdoc">srcdoc</a></code> attribute, and once more
    to prevent the ampersand from being misinterpreted when parsing the
    sandboxed content.</p>

Received on Wednesday, 17 August 2011 23:16:46 UTC