hixie: cook the copy pasta (whatwg r3870)

hixie: cook the copy pasta (whatwg r3870)


RCS file: /sources/public/html5/spec/Overview.html,v
retrieving revision 1.3034
retrieving revision 1.3035
diff -u -d -r1.3034 -r1.3035
--- Overview.html 16 Sep 2009 01:03:09 -0000 1.3034
+++ Overview.html 16 Sep 2009 08:07:24 -0000 1.3035
@@ -15673,7 +15673,7 @@
   <code><a href="#the-dt-element">dt</a></code> element, then there is no caption.<p>The <span class="impl">first</span> <code><a href="#the-dd-element">dd</a></code> element child
   of the element<span class="impl">, if any,</span> represents the
   element's contents. <span class="impl">If there is no child
-  <code><a href="#the-dd-element">dd</a></code> element, then there is no caption.</span><div class="example">
+  <code><a href="#the-dd-element">dd</a></code> element, then there are no contents.</span><div class="example">
    <p>This example shows the <code><a href="#the-figure-element">figure</a></code> element to mark up a
    code listing.</p>

Received on Wednesday, 16 September 2009 08:08:24 UTC