hixie: typo (whatwg r4222)

hixie: typo (whatwg r4222)


RCS file: /sources/public/html5/spec/Overview.html,v
retrieving revision 1.3367
retrieving revision 1.3368
diff -u -d -r1.3367 -r1.3368
--- Overview.html 21 Oct 2009 05:24:35 -0000 1.3367
+++ Overview.html 21 Oct 2009 05:26:00 -0000 1.3368
@@ -9506,7 +9506,7 @@
   element's document until all the attempts to obtain the resource and
   its critical subresources are complete.</p>
-  <p>Which resources are considered critical or not is defind by the
+  <p>Which resources are considered critical or not is defined by the
   relevant specification. For CSS resources, only <code title="">@import</code> rules introduce critical subresources; other
   resources, e.g. fonts or backgrounds, are not.</p>
@@ -10539,7 +10539,7 @@
   element's document until all the attempts to obtain the style
   sheet's critical subresources, if any, are complete.</p>
-  <p>Which resources are considered critical or not is defind by the
+  <p>Which resources are considered critical or not is defined by the
   relevant specification. For CSS resources, only <code title="">@import</code> rules introduce critical subresources; other
   resources, e.g. fonts or backgrounds, are not.</p>

Received on Wednesday, 21 October 2009 05:26:42 UTC