spec/Overview.html 1.1895 2725 Make the legacy DOCTYPE string be compat

Make the legacy DOCTYPE string be compatible with more tools. Clarify
some XML DOCTYPE comments. (whatwg r2725)

XHTML documents (XML documents using elements from the HTML namespace) that use the new features described in this specification and that are served over the wire (e.g. by HTTP) must be sent using an XML MIME type such as application/xml or application/xhtml+xml and must not be served as text/html. [RFC3023]
The language in this specification assumes that the user agent expands all entity references, and therefore does not include entity reference nodes in the DOM. If user agents do include entity reference nodes in the DOM, then user agents must handle them as if they were fully expanded when implementing this specification. For example, if a requirement talks about an element's child text nodes, then any text nodes that are children of an entity reference that is a child of that element would be used as well. Entity references to unknown entities must be treated as if they contained just an empty text node for the purposes of the algorithms defined in this specification.
8.1.1 The DOCTYPE
9.2 Parsing XHTML documents
HTML documents, if they are served over the wire (e.g. by HTTP) must be labeled with the text/html MIME type.
XML parser
http://people.w3.org/mike/diffs/html5/spec/Overview.1.1895.html#xml-parser The "initial" insertion mode
DOCTYPE parse error
9.1 Writing XHTML documents
Void elements
DOCTYPE legacy string
8.1.2 Elements


RCS file: /sources/public/html5/spec/Overview.html,v
retrieving revision 1.1894
retrieving revision 1.1895
diff -u -d -r1.1894 -r1.1895
--- Overview.html 30 Jan 2009 07:31:43 -0000 1.1894
+++ Overview.html 30 Jan 2009 08:33:37 -0000 1.1895
@@ -1519,12 +1519,7 @@
   specification and that are served over the wire (e.g. by HTTP) must
   be sent using an XML MIME type such as <code>application/xml</code>
   or <code>application/xhtml+xml</code> and must not be served as
-  <code>text/html</code>. <a href=#references>[RFC3023]</a><p>Such XML documents may contain a <code>DOCTYPE</code> if desired,
-  but this is not required to conform to this specification.<p class=note>According to the XML specification, XML processors
-  are not guaranteed to process the external DTD subset referenced in
-  the DOCTYPE. This means, for example, that using entity references
-  for characters in XHTML documents is unsafe (except for <code title="">&amp;lt;</code>, <code title="">&amp;gt;</code>, <code title="">&amp;amp;</code>, <code title="">&amp;quot;</code> and
-  <code title="">&amp;apos;</code>).<p id=authors-using-html><a href=#html5 title=HTML5>HTML
+  <code>text/html</code>. <a href=#references>[RFC3023]</a><p id=authors-using-html><a href=#html5 title=HTML5>HTML
   documents</a>, if they are served over the wire (e.g. by HTTP)
   must be labeled with the <code>text/html</code> MIME type.</p><!--
   XXX update RFC 2854 --><p id=entity-references>The language in this specification assumes
@@ -37267,20 +37262,22 @@
    <li>Zero or more <a href=#space-character title="space character">space characters</a>.</li>
    <li>A U+003E GREATER-THAN SIGN (<code>&gt;</code>) character.</li>
   </ol><p class=note>In other words, <code>&lt;!DOCTYPE HTML&gt;</code>,
-  case-insensitively.<p>For the purposes of XSLT generators that cannot output HTML
-  markup without a DOCTYPE, a <dfn id=doctype-legacy-string>DOCTYPE legacy string</dfn> may be
-  inserted into the DOCTYPE (in the position defined above). This
-  string must consist of:<ol class=brief><li>One or more <a href=#space-character title="space character">space characters</a>.</li>
-   <li>A string that is an <a href=#ascii-case-insensitive>ASCII case-insensitive</a> match for the string "<code title="">PUBLIC</code>".</li>
+  case-insensitively.<p>For the purposes of HTML generators that cannot output HTML
+  markup with the short DOCTYPE "<code title="">&lt;!DOCTYPE
+  HTML&gt;</code>", a <dfn id=doctype-legacy-string>DOCTYPE legacy string</dfn> may be inserted
+  into the DOCTYPE (in the position defined above). This string must
+  consist of:<ol class=brief><li>One or more <a href=#space-character title="space character">space characters</a>.</li>
+   <li>A string that is an <a href=#ascii-case-insensitive>ASCII case-insensitive</a> match for the string "<code title="">SYSTEM</code>".</li>
    <li>One or more <a href=#space-character title="space character">space characters</a>.</li>
    <li>A U+0022 QUOTATION MARK or U+0027 APOSTROPHE character (the <i>quote mark</i>).</li>
-   <li>The literal string "<code title="">XSLT-compat</code>".</li>
+   <li>The literal string "<code title="">about:legacy-compat</code>".</li>
    <li>A matching U+0022 QUOTATION MARK or U+0027 APOSTROPHE character (i.e. the same character as in the earlier step marked <i>quote mark</i>).</li>
-  </ol><p class=note>In other words, <code>&lt;!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC
-  "XSLT-compat"&gt;</code> or <code>&lt;!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC
-  'XSLT-compat'&gt;</code>, case-insensitively except for the bit in
-  quotes.<p>The <a href=#doctype-legacy-string>DOCTYPE legacy string</a> should not be used unless
-  the document is generated from XSLT.<h4 id=elements-0><span class=secno>8.1.2 </span>Elements</h4><p>There are five different kinds of <dfn id=syntax-elements title=syntax-elements>elements</dfn>: void elements, CDATA
+  </ol><p class=note>In other words, <code>&lt;!DOCTYPE HTML SYSTEM
+  "about:legacy-compat"&gt;</code> or <code>&lt;!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC
+  'about:legacy-compat'&gt;</code>, case-insensitively except for the bit
+  in quotes.<p>The <a href=#doctype-legacy-string>DOCTYPE legacy string</a> should not be used unless
+  the document is generated from a system that cannot output the
+  shorter string.<h4 id=elements-0><span class=secno>8.1.2 </span>Elements</h4><p>There are five different kinds of <dfn id=syntax-elements title=syntax-elements>elements</dfn>: void elements, CDATA
   elements, RCDATA elements, foreign elements, and normal
   elements.<dl><dt><dfn id=void-elements>Void elements</dfn></dt>
@@ -40018,10 +40015,10 @@
     <p>If the DOCTYPE token's <code title="">name</code> is not a
-    <a href=#case-sensitive>case-sensitive</a> match for the string "<code title="">html</code>", or if the token's public identifier is
-    neither missing nor a <a href=#case-sensitive>case-sensitive</a> match for the
-    string "<code>XSLT-compat</code>", or if the token's system
-    identifier is not missing, then there is a <a href=#parse-error>parse
+    <a href=#case-sensitive>case-sensitive</a> match for the string "<code title="">html</code>", or if the token's public identifier is not
+    missing, or if the token's system identifier is neither missing
+    nor a <a href=#case-sensitive>case-sensitive</a> match for the string
+    "<code>about:legacy-compat</code>", then there is a <a href=#parse-error>parse
     error</a> (this is the <dfn id=doctype-parse-error>DOCTYPE parse
     error</dfn>). Conformance checkers may, instead of reporting this
     error, switch to a conformance checking mode for another language
@@ -45649,7 +45646,14 @@
   syntax</a>".<h3 id=writing-xhtml-documents><span class=secno>9.1 </span>Writing XHTML documents</h3><p>The syntax for using HTML with XML, whether in XHTML documents or
   embedded in other XML documents, is defined in the XML and
   Namespaces in XML specifications. <a href=#references>[XML]</a> <a href=#references>[XMLNS]</a><p>This specification does not define any syntax-level requirements
-  beyond those defined for XML proper.<h3 id=parsing-xhtml-documents><span class=secno>9.2 </span>Parsing XHTML documents</h3><p>This section describes the relationship between XML and the DOM,
+  beyond those defined for XML proper.<p>XML documents may contain a <code>DOCTYPE</code> if desired, but
+  this is not required to conform to this specification. This
+  specification does not define a public or system identifier, nor
+  provide a format DTD.<p class=note>According to the XML specification, XML processors
+  are not guaranteed to process the external DTD subset referenced in
+  the DOCTYPE. This means, for example, that using entity references
+  for characters in XHTML documents is unsafe if they are defined in
+  an external file (except for <code title="">&amp;lt;</code>, <code title="">&amp;gt;</code>, <code title="">&amp;amp;</code>, <code title="">&amp;quot;</code> and <code title="">&amp;apos;</code>).<h3 id=parsing-xhtml-documents><span class=secno>9.2 </span>Parsing XHTML documents</h3><p>This section describes the relationship between XML and the DOM,
   with a particular emphasis on how this interacts with HTML.<p>An <dfn id=xml-parser>XML parser</dfn>, for the purposes of this specification,
   is a construct that follows the rules given in the XML specification
   to map a string of bytes or characters into a <code>Document</code>

Received on Friday, 30 January 2009 08:39:00 UTC