spec/Overview.html 1.1832 2662 Simplify IDL by using [Optional]. (whatw

Simplify IDL by using [Optional]. (whatwg r2662)

5.8.2 The History interface
putImageData(imagedata, dx, dy, dirtyX, dirtyY, dirtyWidth, dirtyHeight)
executeSql(sqlStatement, arguments, callback, errorCallback)
current entry
indexed to modify an indexed property
11.4 Timers
5.5.3 Dialogs implemented using separate documents
7.5.3 Message ports


RCS file: /sources/public/html5/spec/Overview.html,v
retrieving revision 1.1831
retrieving revision 1.1832
diff -u -d -r1.1831 -r1.1832
--- Overview.html 14 Jan 2009 03:33:59 -0000 1.1831
+++ Overview.html 14 Jan 2009 08:47:01 -0000 1.1832
@@ -4947,11 +4947,8 @@
   // <a href=#dynamic-markup-insertion>dynamic markup insertion</a>
            attribute DOMString <a href=#dom-innerhtml title=dom-innerHTML>innerHTML</a>;
-  <a href=#htmldocument>HTMLDocument</a> <a href=#dom-document-open title=dom-document-open>open</a>();
-  <a href=#htmldocument>HTMLDocument</a> <a href=#dom-document-open title=dom-document-open>open</a>(in DOMString type);
-  <a href=#htmldocument>HTMLDocument</a> <a href=#dom-document-open title=dom-document-open>open</a>(in DOMString type, in DOMString replace);
-  <a href=#window>Window</a> <a href=#dom-document-open title=dom-document-open>open</a>(in DOMString url, in DOMString name, in DOMString features);
-  <a href=#window>Window</a> <a href=#dom-document-open title=dom-document-open>open</a>(in DOMString url, in DOMString name, in DOMString features, in boolean replace);
+  <a href=#htmldocument>HTMLDocument</a> <a href=#dom-document-open title=dom-document-open>open</a>([Optional] in DOMString type, in DOMString replace);
+  <a href=#window>Window</a> <a href=#dom-document-open title=dom-document-open>open</a>(in DOMString url, in DOMString name, in DOMString features, [Optional] in boolean replace);
   void <a href=#dom-document-close title=dom-document-close>close</a>();
   void <a href=#dom-document-write title=dom-document-write>write</a>([Variadic] in DOMString text);
   void <a href=#dom-document-writeln title=dom-document-writeln>writeln</a>([Variadic] in DOMString text);
@@ -13624,7 +13621,7 @@
            attribute DOMString <a href=#dom-object-usemap title=dom-object-useMap>useMap</a>;
   readonly attribute <a href=#htmlformelement>HTMLFormElement</a> <a href=#dom-fae-form title=dom-fae-form>form</a>;
            attribute DOMString <a href=#dom-dim-width title=dom-dim-width>width</a>;
-           attribute DOMString <a href=#dom-dim-height title=dom-dim-height>height</a>;<!--
+           attribute DOMString <a href=#dom-dim-height title=dom-dim-height>height</a>;<!-- XXX
   readonly attribute Document <span title="dom-object-contentDocument">contentDocument</span>;
   readonly attribute <span>Window</span> <span title="dom-object-contentWindow">contentWindow</span>;-->
@@ -15813,8 +15810,7 @@
            attribute unsigned long <a href=#dom-canvas-width title=dom-canvas-width>width</a>;
            attribute unsigned long <a href=#dom-canvas-height title=dom-canvas-height>height</a>;
-  DOMString <a href=#dom-canvas-todataurl title=dom-canvas-toDataURL>toDataURL</a>();
-  DOMString <a href=#dom-canvas-todataurl-type title=dom-canvas-toDataURL-type>toDataURL</a>(in DOMString type, [Variadic] in any args);
+  DOMString <a href=#dom-canvas-todataurl title=dom-canvas-toDataURL>toDataURL</a>([Optional] in DOMString type, [Variadic] in any args);
   any <a href=#dom-canvas-getcontext title=dom-canvas-getContext>getContext</a>(in DOMString contextId);
@@ -15891,12 +15887,12 @@
   comparisons must be <a href=#case-sensitive>case-sensitive</a>.<p>Arguments other than the <var title="">contextId</var> must be
   ignored.<p class=note>A future version of this specification will probably
   define a <code>3d</code> context (probably based on the OpenGL ES
-  API).<p>The <dfn id=dom-canvas-todataurl title=dom-canvas-toDataURL><code>toDataURL()</code></dfn> method
+  API).</p><hr><p>The <dfn id=dom-canvas-todataurl title=dom-canvas-toDataURL><code>toDataURL()</code></dfn> method
   must, when called with no arguments, return a <code title="">data:</code> URL containing a representation of the image
   as a PNG file. <a href=#references>[PNG]</a>.<p>If the canvas has no pixels (i.e. either its horizontal dimension
   or its vertical dimension is zero) then the method must return the
-  string "<code title="">data:,</code>". (This is the shortest <code title="">data:</code> URL; it represents the empty string in a <code title="">text/plain</code> resource.)<p>The <dfn id=dom-canvas-todataurl-type title=dom-canvas-toDataURL-type><code>toDataURL(<var title="">type</var>)</code></dfn> method (when called with one
-  <em>or more</em> arguments) must return a <code title="">data:</code> URL containing a representation of the image
+  string "<code title="">data:,</code>". (This is the shortest <code title="">data:</code> URL; it represents the empty string in a <code title="">text/plain</code> resource.)<p>When the <code title=dom-canvas-toDataURL><a href=#dom-canvas-todataurl>toDataURL(<var title="">type</var>)</a></code> method, when called with one
+  <em>or more</em> arguments, must return a <code title="">data:</code> URL containing a representation of the image
   in the format given by <var title="">type</var>. The possible values
   are MIME types with no parameters, for example
   <code>image/png</code>, <code>image/jpeg</code>, or even maybe
@@ -15907,9 +15903,9 @@
   source-over operator, and the resulting image must be the one used
   to create the <code title="">data:</code> URL.<p>Only support for <code>image/png</code> is required. User agents
   may support other types. If the user agent does not support the
-  requested type, it must return the image using the PNG format.<p>User agents must convert the provided type to lower case before
-  establishing if they support that type and before creating the <code title="">data:</code> URL.</p><!-- XXX define "convert to lower
-  case" --><p class=note>When trying to use types other than
+  requested type, it must return the image using the PNG format.<p>User agents must <a href=#converted-to-lowercase title="converted to lowercase">convert the
+  provided type to lower case</a> before establishing if they
+  support that type and before creating the <code title="">data:</code> URL.<p class=note>When trying to use types other than
   <code>image/png</code>, authors can check if the image was really
   returned in the requested format by checking to see if the returned
   string starts with one the exact strings "<code title="">data:image/png,</code>" or "<code title="">data:image/png;</code>". If it does, the image is PNG, and
@@ -16004,29 +16000,22 @@
            attribute DOMString <a href=#dom-context-2d-font title=dom-context-2d-font>font</a>; // (default 10px sans-serif)
            attribute DOMString <a href=#dom-context-2d-textalign title=dom-context-2d-textAlign>textAlign</a>; // "start", "end", "left", "right", "center" (default: "start")
            attribute DOMString <a href=#dom-context-2d-textbaseline title=dom-context-2d-textBaseline>textBaseline</a>; // "top", "hanging", "middle", "alphabetic", "ideographic", "bottom" (default: "alphabetic")
-  void <a href=#dom-context-2d-filltext title=dom-context-2d-fillText>fillText</a>(in DOMString text, in float x, in float y);
-  void <a href=#dom-context-2d-filltext title=dom-context-2d-fillText>fillText</a>(in DOMString text, in float x, in float y, in float maxWidth);
-  void <a href=#dom-context-2d-stroketext title=dom-context-2d-strokeText>strokeText</a>(in DOMString text, in float x, in float y);
-  void <a href=#dom-context-2d-stroketext title=dom-context-2d-strokeText>strokeText</a>(in DOMString text, in float x, in float y, in float maxWidth);<!-- XXXDVT
-  void <span title="dom-context-2d-fillVerticalText">fillVerticalText</span>(in DOMString text, in float x, in float y);
-  void <span title="dom-context-2d-fillVerticalText">fillVerticalText</span>(in DOMString text, in float x, in float y, in float maxHeight);
-  void <span title="dom-context-2d-strokeVerticalText">strokeVerticalText</span>(in DOMString text, in float x, in float y);
-  void <span title="dom-context-2d-strokeVerticalText">strokeVerticalText</span>(in DOMString text, in float x, in float y, in float maxHeight); -->
+  void <a href=#dom-context-2d-filltext title=dom-context-2d-fillText>fillText</a>(in DOMString text, in float x, in float y, [Optional] in float maxWidth);
+  void <a href=#dom-context-2d-stroketext title=dom-context-2d-strokeText>strokeText</a>(in DOMString text, in float x, in float y, [Optional] in float maxWidth);<!-- XXXDVT
+  void <span title="dom-context-2d-fillVerticalText">fillVerticalText</span>(in DOMString text, in float x, in float y, [Optional] in float maxHeight);
+  void <span title="dom-context-2d-strokeVerticalText">strokeVerticalText</span>(in DOMString text, in float x, in float y, [Optional] in float maxHeight); -->
   <a href=#textmetrics>TextMetrics</a> <a href=#dom-context-2d-measuretext title=dom-context-2d-measureText>measureText</a>(in DOMString text);
-  // drawing images
-  void <a href=#dom-context-2d-drawimage title=dom-context-2d-drawImage>drawImage</a>(in <a href=#htmlimageelement>HTMLImageElement</a> image, in float dx, in float dy);
-  void <a href=#dom-context-2d-drawimage title=dom-context-2d-drawImage>drawImage</a>(in <a href=#htmlimageelement>HTMLImageElement</a> image, in float dx, in float dy, in float dw, in float dh);
+  // drawing images<!-- XXX add and define HTMLVideoElement variants -->
+  void <a href=#dom-context-2d-drawimage title=dom-context-2d-drawImage>drawImage</a>(in <a href=#htmlimageelement>HTMLImageElement</a> image, in float dx, in float dy, [Optional] in float dw, in float dh);
   void <a href=#dom-context-2d-drawimage title=dom-context-2d-drawImage>drawImage</a>(in <a href=#htmlimageelement>HTMLImageElement</a> image, in float sx, in float sy, in float sw, in float sh, in float dx, in float dy, in float dw, in float dh);
-  void <a href=#dom-context-2d-drawimage title=dom-context-2d-drawImage>drawImage</a>(in <a href=#htmlcanvaselement>HTMLCanvasElement</a> image, in float dx, in float dy);
-  void <a href=#dom-context-2d-drawimage title=dom-context-2d-drawImage>drawImage</a>(in <a href=#htmlcanvaselement>HTMLCanvasElement</a> image, in float dx, in float dy, in float dw, in float dh);
+  void <a href=#dom-context-2d-drawimage title=dom-context-2d-drawImage>drawImage</a>(in <a href=#htmlcanvaselement>HTMLCanvasElement</a> image, in float dx, in float dy, [Optional] in float dw, in float dh);
   void <a href=#dom-context-2d-drawimage title=dom-context-2d-drawImage>drawImage</a>(in <a href=#htmlcanvaselement>HTMLCanvasElement</a> image, in float sx, in float sy, in float sw, in float sh, in float dx, in float dy, in float dw, in float dh);
   // pixel manipulation
   <a href=#imagedata>ImageData</a> <a href=#dom-context-2d-createimagedata title=dom-context-2d-createImageData>createImageData</a>(in float sw, in float sh);
   <a href=#imagedata>ImageData</a> <a href=#dom-context-2d-getimagedata title=dom-context-2d-getImageData>getImageData</a>(in float sx, in float sy, in float sw, in float sh);
-  void <a href=#dom-context-2d-putimagedata title=dom-context-2d-putImageData>putImageData</a>(in <a href=#imagedata>ImageData</a> imagedata, in float dx, in float dy);
-  void <a href=#dom-context-2d-putimagedata-dirty title=dom-context-2d-putImageData-dirty>putImageData</a>(in <a href=#imagedata>ImageData</a> imagedata, in float dx, in float dy, in float dirtyX, in float dirtyY, in float dirtyWidth, in float dirtyHeight);
+  void <a href=#dom-context-2d-putimagedata title=dom-context-2d-putImageData>putImageData</a>(in <a href=#imagedata>ImageData</a> imagedata, in float dx, in float dy, [Optional] in float dirtyX, in float dirtyY, in float dirtyWidth, in float dirtyHeight);
 interface <dfn id=canvasgradient>CanvasGradient</dfn> {
@@ -17189,7 +17178,7 @@
   <i>convertToIntegerTiesToEven</i> rounding mode. <a href=#references>[ECMA262]</a> <a href=#references>[IEEE754R]</a><p class=note>The width and height (<var title="">w</var> and <var title="">h</var>) might be different from the <var title="">sw</var>
   and <var title="">sh</var> arguments to the above methods, e.g. if
   the canvas is backed by a high-resolution bitmap, or if the <var title="">sw</var> and <var title="">sh</var> arguments are
-  negative.<p>The <dfn id=dom-context-2d-putimagedata title=dom-context-2d-putImageData><code>putImageData(<var title="">imagedata</var>, <var title="">dx</var>, <var title="">dy</var>)</code></dfn> and <dfn id=dom-context-2d-putimagedata-dirty title=dom-context-2d-putImageData-dirty><code>putImageData(<var title="">imagedata</var>, <var title="">dx</var>, <var title="">dy</var>, <var title="">dirtyX</var>, <var title="">dirtyY</var>, <var title="">dirtyWidth</var>, <var title="">dirtyHeight</var>)</code></dfn> methods write data from
+  negative.<p>The <dfn id=dom-context-2d-putimagedata title=dom-context-2d-putImageData><code>putImageData(<var title="">imagedata</var>, <var title="">dx</var>, <var title="">dy</var>, <var title="">dirtyX</var>, <var title="">dirtyY</var>, <var title="">dirtyWidth</var>, <var title="">dirtyHeight</var>)</code></dfn> method writes data from
   <code><a href=#imagedata>ImageData</a></code> structures back to the canvas.<p>If any of the arguments to the method are infinite or NaN, the
   method must raise a <code><a href=#not_supported_err>NOT_SUPPORTED_ERR</a></code> exception.<p>If the first argument to the method is null or not an
   <code><a href=#imagedata>ImageData</a></code> object then the <code title=dom-context-2d-putImageData><a href=#dom-context-2d-putimagedata>putImageData()</a></code> method
@@ -27139,11 +27128,7 @@
   [Replaceable] readonly attribute <a href=#window>Window</a> <a href=#dom-opener title=dom-opener>opener</a>;
   readonly attribute <a href=#window>Window</a> <a href=#dom-parent title=dom-parent>parent</a>;
   readonly attribute <span>Element</span> <a href=#dom-frameelement title=dom-frameElement>frameElement</a>;
-  <a href=#window>Window</a> <a href=#dom-open title=dom-open>open</a>();
-  <a href=#window>Window</a> <a href=#dom-open title=dom-open>open</a>(in DOMString url);
-  <a href=#window>Window</a> <a href=#dom-open title=dom-open>open</a>(in DOMString url, in DOMString target);
-  <a href=#window>Window</a> <a href=#dom-open title=dom-open>open</a>(in DOMString url, in DOMString target, in DOMString features);
-  <a href=#window>Window</a> <a href=#dom-open title=dom-open>open</a>(in DOMString url, in DOMString target, in DOMString features, in DOMString replace);
+  <a href=#window>Window</a> <a href=#dom-open title=dom-open>open</a>([Optional] in DOMString url, [Optional] in DOMString target, [Optional] in DOMString features, [Optional] in DOMString replace);
   // the user agent
   readonly attribute <a href=#navigator>Navigator</a> <a href=#dom-navigator title=dom-navigator>navigator</a>; <!-- XXX IE6 also has window.clientInformation pointing to this same object -->
@@ -27154,14 +27139,10 @@
   // user prompts
   void <a href=#dom-alert title=dom-alert>alert</a>(in DOMString message);
   boolean <a href=#dom-confirm title=dom-confirm>confirm</a>(in DOMString message);
-  DOMString <a href=#dom-prompt title=dom-prompt>prompt</a>(in DOMString message);
-  DOMString <a href=#dom-prompt title=dom-prompt>prompt</a>(in DOMString message, in DOMString default);
+  DOMString <a href=#dom-prompt title=dom-prompt>prompt</a>(in DOMString message, [Optional] in DOMString default);
   void <a href=#dom-print title=dom-print>print</a>();
-  any <a href=#dom-showmodaldialog title=dom-showModalDialog>showModalDialog</a>(in DOMString url);
-  any <a href=#dom-showmodaldialog title=dom-showModalDialog>showModalDialog</a>(in DOMString url, in any arguments);<!--
-  any <span title="dom-showModalDialog">showModalDialog</span>(in DOMString url, in any arguments, in DOMString features);--><!-- XXX-NOTIFY
-  void <span title="dom-showNotification">showNotification</span>(in DOMString title, in DOMString subtitle, in DOMString description);
-  void <span title="dom-showNotification">showNotification</span>(in DOMString title, in DOMString subtitle, in DOMString description, in VoidCallback onclick);-->
+  any <a href=#dom-showmodaldialog title=dom-showModalDialog>showModalDialog</a>(in DOMString url, [Optional] in any arguments<!--, [Optional] in DOMString features-->);<!-- XXX-NOTIFY
+  void <span title="dom-showNotification">showNotification</span>(in DOMString title, in DOMString subtitle, in DOMString description, [Optional] in VoidCallback onclick);-->
   // <a href=#crossDocumentMessages>cross-document messaging</a>
   void <a href=#dom-window-postmessage-2 title=dom-window-postMessage-2>postMessage</a>(in any message, in DOMString targetOrigin);
@@ -28831,7 +28812,8 @@
     <p>Let the <a href=#dialog-arguments>dialog arguments</a> of the new browsing
-    context be set to the value of <var title="">arguments</var>.</p>
+    context be set to the value of <var title="">arguments</var>, or
+    the 'undefined' value if the argument was omitted.</p>
@@ -30844,23 +30826,21 @@
   are no state object entries for that <code>Document</code> object
   then no entries are removed.<h4 id=the-history-interface><span class=secno>5.8.2 </span>The <code><a href=#history-1>History</a></code> interface</h4><pre class=idl>interface <dfn id=history-1>History</dfn> {
   readonly attribute long <a href=#dom-history-length title=dom-history-length>length</a>;
-  void <a href=#dom-history-go title=dom-history-go>go</a>(in long delta);
-  void <a href=#dom-history-go-0 title=dom-history-go-0>go</a>();
+  void <a href=#dom-history-go title=dom-history-go>go</a>([Optional] in long delta);
   void <a href=#dom-history-back title=dom-history-back>back</a>();
   void <a href=#dom-history-forward title=dom-history-forward>forward</a>();
-  void <a href=#dom-history-pushstate title=dom-history-pushState>pushState</a>(in any data, in DOMString title);
-  void <a href=#dom-history-pushstate title=dom-history-pushState>pushState</a>(in any data, in DOMString title, in DOMString url);
+  void <a href=#dom-history-pushstate title=dom-history-pushState>pushState</a>(in any data, in DOMString title, [Optional] in DOMString url);
   void <a href=#dom-history-clearstate title=dom-history-clearState>clearState</a>();
 };</pre><p>The <dfn id=dom-history-length title=dom-history-length><code>length</code></dfn>
   attribute of the <code><a href=#history-1>History</a></code> interface must return the
-  number of entries in this <a href=#session-history>session history</a>.<p>The actual entries are not accessible from script.<p>The <dfn id=dom-history-go title=dom-history-go><code>go(<var title="">delta</var>)</code></dfn>
-  method causes the UA to move the number of steps specified by
-  <var title="">delta</var> in the session history.<p>If the index of the <a href=#current-entry>current entry</a> plus
-  <var title="">delta</var> is less than zero or greater than or equal to the
-  <a href=#dom-history-length title=dom-history-length>number of items in the session
-  history</a>, then the user agent must do nothing.<p>If the <var title="">delta</var> is zero, then the user agent must act as
-  if the <code title=dom-location-reload>location.reload()</code>
-  method was called instead.<p>Otherwise, the user agent must cause the current <a href=#browsing-context>browsing
+  number of entries in this <a href=#session-history>session history</a>.<p>The actual entries are not accessible from script.<p>The <dfn id=dom-history-go title=dom-history-go><code>go(<var title="">delta</var>)</code></dfn> method causes the UA to move the
+  number of steps specified by <var title="">delta</var> in the
+  session history.<p>If the <var title="">delta</var> is zero, or if the argument is
+  omitted, then the user agent must act as if the <code title=dom-location-reload>location.reload()</code> method was
+  called instead.<p>Otherwise, if the index of the <a href=#current-entry>current entry</a> plus
+  <var title="">delta</var> is less than zero or greater than or equal
+  to the <a href=#dom-history-length title=dom-history-length>number of items in the
+  session history</a>, then the user agent must do nothing.<p>Otherwise, the user agent must cause the current <a href=#browsing-context>browsing
   context</a> to <a href=#traverse-the-history>traverse the history</a> to the specified
   entry. The <i>specified entry</i> is the one whose index equals the
   index of the <a href=#current-entry>current entry</a> plus <var title="">delta</var>.<p>When the user navigates through a <a href=#browsing-context>browsing context</a>,
@@ -30870,8 +30850,6 @@
   are defined in terms of the <code title=dom-history-go><a href=#dom-history-go>go()</a></code>
   method, as follows:<table><tr><th>Member</th>
-   <tr><td><dfn id=dom-history-go-0 title=dom-history-go-0><code>go()</code></dfn></td>
-    <td>Must do the same as <code title=dom-history-go><a href=#dom-history-go>go(0)</a></code></td>
    <tr><td><dfn id=dom-history-back title=dom-history-back><code>back()</code></dfn></td>
     <td>Must do the same as <code title=dom-history-go><a href=#dom-history-go>go(-1)</a></code></td>
    <tr><td><dfn id=dom-history-forward title=dom-history-forward><code>forward()</code></dfn></td>
@@ -32127,10 +32105,7 @@
   objects.<pre class=idl>typedef sequence&lt;any&gt; <dfn id=objectarray>ObjectArray</dfn>;
 interface <dfn id=sqltransaction>SQLTransaction</dfn> {
-  void <a href=#dom-sqltransaction-executesql title=dom-sqltransaction-executeSql>executeSql</a>(in DOMString sqlStatement);
-  void <a href=#dom-sqltransaction-executesql title=dom-sqltransaction-executeSql>executeSql</a>(in DOMString sqlStatement, in <a href=#objectarray>ObjectArray</a> arguments);
-  void <a href=#dom-sqltransaction-executesql title=dom-sqltransaction-executeSql>executeSql</a>(in DOMString sqlStatement, in <a href=#objectarray>ObjectArray</a> arguments, in <a href=#sqlstatementcallback>SQLStatementCallback</a> callback);
-  void <a href=#dom-sqltransaction-executesql title=dom-sqltransaction-executeSql>executeSql</a>(in DOMString sqlStatement, in <a href=#objectarray>ObjectArray</a> arguments, in <a href=#sqlstatementcallback>SQLStatementCallback</a> callback, in <a href=#sqlstatementerrorcallback>SQLStatementErrorCallback</a> errorCallback);
+  void <a href=#dom-sqltransaction-executesql title=dom-sqltransaction-executeSql>executeSql</a>(in DOMString sqlStatement, [Optional] in <a href=#objectarray>ObjectArray</a> arguments, [Optional] in <a href=#sqlstatementcallback>SQLStatementCallback</a> callback, [Optional] in <a href=#sqlstatementerrorcallback>SQLStatementErrorCallback</a> errorCallback);
 [Callback=FunctionOnly, NoInterfaceObject]
@@ -32143,9 +32118,9 @@
   boolean <span title=dom-sqlstatementerrorcallback-handleEvent>handleEvent</span>(in <a href=#sqltransaction>SQLTransaction</a> transaction, in <a href=#sqlerror>SQLError</a> error);
 };</pre><p>When the <dfn id=dom-sqltransaction-executesql title=dom-sqltransaction-executeSql><code>executeSql(<var title="">sqlStatement</var>, <var title="">arguments</var>, <var title="">callback</var>, <var title="">errorCallback</var>)</code></dfn> method is invoked, the
   user agent must run the following algorithm. (This algorithm is
-  relatively simple and doesn't actually execute any SQL &mdash; the
-  bulk of the work is actually done as part of the <a href=#transaction-steps>transaction
-  steps</a>.)<ol><li><p>If the method was not invoked during the execution of a
+  relatively simple in that it doesn't actually execute any SQL
+  &mdash; the bulk of the work is actually done as part of the
+  <a href=#transaction-steps>transaction steps</a>.)<ol><li><p>If the method was not invoked during the execution of a
    <code><a href=#sqltransactioncallback>SQLTransactionCallback</a></code>,
    <code><a href=#sqlstatementcallback>SQLStatementCallback</a></code>, or
    <code><a href=#sqlstatementerrorcallback>SQLStatementErrorCallback</a></code> then raise an
@@ -34161,8 +34136,7 @@
            attribute DOMString <a href=#dom-datatransfer-dropeffect title=dom-DataTransfer-dropEffect>dropEffect</a>;
            attribute DOMString <a href=#dom-datatransfer-effectallowed title=dom-DataTransfer-effectAllowed>effectAllowed</a>;
   readonly attribute DOMStringList <a href=#dom-datatransfer-types title=dom-DataTransfer-types>types</a>;
-  void <a href=#dom-datatransfer-cleardata title=dom-DataTransfer-clearData>clearData</a>();
-  void <a href=#dom-datatransfer-cleardata-format title=dom-DataTransfer-clearData-format>clearData</a>(in DOMString format);
+  void <a href=#dom-datatransfer-cleardata title=dom-DataTransfer-clearData>clearData</a>([Optional] in DOMString format);
   void <a href=#dom-datatransfer-setdata title=dom-DataTransfer-setData>setData</a>(in DOMString format, in DOMString data);
   DOMString <a href=#dom-datatransfer-getdata title=dom-DataTransfer-getData>getData</a>(in DOMString format);
   void <a href=#dom-datatransfer-setdragimage title=dom-DataTransfer-setDragImage>setDragImage</a>(in Element image, in long x, in long y);
@@ -34195,8 +34169,8 @@
   purposes of this API, however, the format strings are opaque,
   <a href=#case-sensitive>case-sensitive</a>, strings, and the empty string is a
   valid format string.<p>The <dfn id=dom-datatransfer-cleardata title=dom-DataTransfer-clearData><code>clearData()</code></dfn>
-  method, with no arguments, must clear the <code><a href=#datatransfer>DataTransfer</a></code>
-  object of al data (for all formats).<p>The <dfn id=dom-datatransfer-cleardata-format title=dom-DataTransfer-clearData-format><code>clearData(<var title="">format</var>)</code></dfn> method must clear the
+  method, when called with no arguments, must clear the
+  <code><a href=#datatransfer>DataTransfer</a></code> object of al data (for all formats).<p>When called with an argument, the <code title=dom-DataTransfer-clearData><a href=#dom-datatransfer-cleardata>clearData(<var title="">format</var>)</a></code> method must clear the
   <code><a href=#datatransfer>DataTransfer</a></code> object of any data associated with the
   given <var title="">format</var>. If <var title="">format</var> is
   the value "<code title="">Text</code>", then it must be treated as
@@ -36708,8 +36682,7 @@
   <code><a href=#messagechannel>MessageChannel</a></code> object was created.<h4 id=message-ports><span class=secno>7.5.3 </span>Message ports</h4><p>Each channel has two message ports. Data sent through one port is
   received by the other port, and vice versa.<pre class=idl>interface <dfn id=messageport>MessagePort</dfn> {
   readonly attribute boolean <a href=#dom-messageport-active title=dom-MessagePort-active>active</a>;
-  void <a href=#dom-messageport-postmessage title=dom-MessagePort-postMessage>postMessage</a>(in any message);
-  void <a href=#dom-messageport-postmessage title=dom-MessagePort-postMessage>postMessage</a>(in any message, in <a href=#messageport>MessagePort</a> messagePort);<!--
+  void <a href=#dom-messageport-postmessage title=dom-MessagePort-postMessage>postMessage</a>(in any message, [Optional] in <a href=#messageport>MessagePort</a> messagePort);<!--
   <span>MessagePort</span> <span title="dom-MessagePort-startConversation">startConversation</span>(in DOMString message);-->
   void <a href=#dom-messageport-start title=dom-MessagePort-start>start</a>();
   void <a href=#dom-messageport-close title=dom-MessagePort-close>close</a>();
@@ -45556,7 +45529,7 @@
   specification in due course. It needs a lot of work to actually make
   it into a semi-decent spec.<p>Objects that implement the <code><a href=#window>Window</a></code> interface must
   also implement the <code><a href=#windowtimers>WindowTimers</a></code> interface:<pre class=idl>[NoInterfaceObject, ImplementedOn=<a href=#window>Window</a>] interface <dfn id=windowtimers>WindowTimers</dfn> {
-  // timers
+  // timers<!-- XXX use [Variadic], [Optional] from WebIDL -->
   long <a href=#dom-windowtimers-settimeout title=dom-windowtimers-setTimeout>setTimeout</a>(in <a href=#timeouthandler>TimeoutHandler</a> handler, in long timeout);
   long <a href=#dom-windowtimers-settimeout title=dom-windowtimers-setTimeout>setTimeout</a>(in <a href=#timeouthandler>TimeoutHandler</a> handler, in long timeout, <var title="">arguments...</var>);
   long <a href=#dom-windowtimers-settimeout title=dom-windowtimers-setTimeout>setTimeout</a>(in DOMString code, in long timeout);

Received on Wednesday, 14 January 2009 08:50:51 UTC