spec/Overview.html 1.2009 2838 move some XXX and v2 issues around (what

move some XXX and v2 issues around (whatwg r2838)

http://people.w3.org/mike/diffs/html5/spec/Overview.1.2009.html#hierarchy_request_err Hidden state
2.8.7 Exceptions
context menu
hasFeature(feature, version)
http://people.w3.org/mike/diffs/html5/spec/Overview.1.2009.html#hasfeature Text state and Search state
6.3 Activation
4.11.4 The bb element


RCS file: /sources/public/html5/spec/Overview.html,v
retrieving revision 1.2008
retrieving revision 1.2009
diff -u -d -r1.2008 -r1.2009
--- Overview.html 19 Feb 2009 03:16:45 -0000 1.2008
+++ Overview.html 19 Feb 2009 08:10:17 -0000 1.2009
@@ -5236,7 +5236,7 @@
   features that were formerly deprecated, poorly supported, rarely
   used or considered unnecessary have been removed. Therefore it is
   not guaranteed that an implementation that supports "<code title="">HTML</code>" "<code>5.0</code>" also supports "<code title="">HTML</code>" "<code>2.0</code>".<h4 id=exceptions><span class=secno>2.8.7 </span>Exceptions</h4><p>The following <code>DOMException</code> codes are defined in DOM
-  Core. <a href=#references>[DOMCORE]</a><ol class=brief><li value=1><dfn id=index_size_err><code>INDEX_SIZE_ERR</code></dfn></li>
+  Core. <a href=#references>[DOMCORE]</a></p><!-- XXX xref all these exceptions to DOM3CORE --><ol class=brief><li value=1><dfn id=index_size_err><code>INDEX_SIZE_ERR</code></dfn></li>
    <li value=2><dfn id=domstring_size_err><code>DOMSTRING_SIZE_ERR</code></dfn></li>
    <li value=3><dfn id=hierarchy_request_err><code>HIERARCHY_REQUEST_ERR</code></dfn></li>
    <li value=4><dfn id=wrong_document_err><code>WRONG_DOCUMENT_ERR</code></dfn></li>
@@ -21387,7 +21387,9 @@
    <p>The <code class=no-backref title=event-input-input><a href=#event-input-input>input</a></code> and <code class=no-backref title=event-input-change><a href=#event-input-change>change</a></code> events do not apply.</p>
-  </div><h6 id=text-state-and-search-state><span class=secno> </span><dfn title=attr-input-type-text>Text</dfn> state and <dfn title=attr-input-type-search>Search</dfn> state</h6><p>When an <code><a href=#the-input-element>input</a></code> element's <code title=attr-input-type><a href=#attr-input-type>type</a></code> attribute is in the <a href=#text-state-and-search-state title=attr-input-type-text>Text</a> state or the <a href=#text-state-and-search-state title=attr-input-type-search>Search</a> state, the rules in
+  </div><h6 id=text-state-and-search-state><span class=secno> </span><dfn title=attr-input-type-text>Text</dfn> state and <dfn title=attr-input-type-search>Search</dfn> state</h6><!-- v2 idea: applying input masks to <input>, e.g. for entering
+       data with slashes and dashes (ack Greg Kilwein)
+  --><p>When an <code><a href=#the-input-element>input</a></code> element's <code title=attr-input-type><a href=#attr-input-type>type</a></code> attribute is in the <a href=#text-state-and-search-state title=attr-input-type-text>Text</a> state or the <a href=#text-state-and-search-state title=attr-input-type-search>Search</a> state, the rules in
   this section apply.<p>The <code><a href=#the-input-element>input</a></code> element <a href=#represents>represents</a> a one line plain text
   edit control for the element's <a href=#concept-fe-value title=concept-fe-value>value</a>.<p>If the element is <i title=concept-input-mutable><a href=#concept-input-mutable>mutable</a></i>,
   its <a href=#concept-fe-value title=concept-fe-value>value</a> should be editable
@@ -27128,7 +27130,10 @@
    event</a> at the element.</dd>
   </dl><p class=note>Firing a synthetic <code title=event-click>click</code> event at the element does not cause
-  any of the actions described above to happen.<p class=XXX>Need to define the command="" attribute<p class=note><code><a href=#the-command>command</a></code> elements are not rendered
+  any of the actions described above to happen.</p><!-- v2: the command="" attribute to make a <command> element
+  reflect the state of another command, so that the script can update
+  one place in the page and have context menus, toolbars, shortcuts,
+  etc, automatically update --><p class=note><code><a href=#the-command>command</a></code> elements are not rendered
   unless they <a href=#menus title=menu>form part of a menu</a>.<h4 id=the-bb-element><span class=secno>4.11.4 </span>The <dfn><code>bb</code></dfn> element</h4><dl class=element><dt>Categories</dt>
    <dd><a href=#flow-content-0>Flow content</a>.</dd>
    <dd><a href=#phrasing-content-0>Phrasing content</a>.</dd>
@@ -27267,7 +27272,7 @@
            attribute DOMString <a href=#dom-menu-type title=dom-menu-type>type</a>;
            attribute DOMString <a href=#dom-menu-label title=dom-menu-label>label</a>;
-  </dl><p>The <code><a href=#menus>menu</a></code> element represents a list of commands.<p>The <dfn id=attr-menu-type title=attr-menu-type><code>type</code></dfn> attribute
+  </dl><p>The <code><a href=#menus>menu</a></code> element represents a list of commands.</p><!-- v2 idea: <menu> should get an icon, like <command> --><p>The <dfn id=attr-menu-type title=attr-menu-type><code>type</code></dfn> attribute
   is an <a href=#enumerated-attribute>enumerated attribute</a> indicating the kind of menu
   being declared. The attribute has three states. The <code title=attr-menu-type-context>context</code> keyword maps to the
   <dfn id=context-menu-state title="context menu state">context menu</dfn> state, in which
@@ -34891,9 +34896,13 @@
   in hidden areas? e.g. make onmousemove and onclick and form controls
   not respond to input? --><p>The <dfn id=dom-hidden title=dom-hidden><code>hidden</code></dfn> DOM
   attribute must <a href=#reflect>reflect</a> the content attribute of the
-  same name.<h3 id=activation><span class=secno>6.3 </span>Activation</h3><p>Each element has a <var title="">click in progress</var> flag,
-  initially set to false.<p>The <dfn id=dom-click title=dom-click>click()</dfn> method must run these
-  steps:<ol><li><p>If the element's <var title="">click in progress</var> flag
+  same name.<h3 id=activation><span class=secno>6.3 </span>Activation</h3><!-- v2 idea: HTMLImageElement.click(x, y); or clickPoint(), if
+       click() can't be done in IE; can this be emulated in IE by
+       posting a synthetic mouse click event with those X and Y
+       coords? (ack Csaba Gabor)
+  --><p>Each element has a <var title="">click in progress</var> flag,
+  initially set to false.<p>The <dfn id=dom-click title=dom-click><code>click()</code></dfn> method must
+  run these steps:<ol><li><p>If the element's <var title="">click in progress</var> flag
    is set to true, then abort these steps.</li>
    <li><p>Set the <var title="">click in progress</var> flag on the
@@ -48992,12 +49001,6 @@
           var sound1 = library["sound1.wav"];
- XXX * applying input masks to <input>, e.g. for entering data with
-       slashes and dashes (ack Greg Kilwein)
- XXX * HTMLImageElement.click(x, y); or clickPoint, if click() can't be
-       done in IE; can this be emulated in IE by posting a synthetic moue
-       click event with those X and Y coords? (ack Csaba Gabor)
- XXX * <menu> should get an icon, like <command>
  XXX * ability for a web app to save a file to the local disk:
          var file = window.openFile(); // throws up UI
@@ -49036,7 +49039,6 @@
        running, but that in between scripts it should be compliant.
  XXX * mousedown's default action is focus, so canceling mousedown stops
        focus transference. http://www.mozilla.org/editor/midasdemo/
- XXX * xref all the _ERR exceptions to DOM3CORE
  XXX * <select><option><hr> support?
  XXX * need explanation of when to use undo/redo, and when to use
@@ -49053,7 +49055,6 @@
        > src on img
        > code, height and width on applet
        > name and value on param
- XXX * command="" feature
  XXX * DOM0 quirks that Mozilla knows about:
  XXX * make the spec consistent about whether the word "algorithm" is part of

Received on Thursday, 19 February 2009 08:14:22 UTC