Fire 'error' events at the <source> element when it fails to load. (whatwg r3014)

Fire 'error' events at the <source> element when it fails to load.
(whatwg r3014)

resource selection algorithm

RCS file: /sources/public/html5/spec/Overview.html,v
retrieving revision 1.2176
retrieving revision 1.2177
diff -u -d -r1.2176 -r1.2177
--- Overview.html 28 Apr 2009 22:42:14 -0000 1.2176
+++ Overview.html 28 Apr 2009 23:17:24 -0000 1.2177
@@ -17725,8 +17725,9 @@
-      <p>If any of the following conditions are true, then jump back
-      to the step labelled <i>search loop</i>:</p>
+      <p>If any of the following conditions are true, then <a href="#queue-a-task">queue
+      a task</a> to <a href="#fire-a-simple-event">fire a simple event</a> called <code title="event-error"><a href="#event-error">error</a></code> at the <var title="">candidate</var> element and then jump back to the step
+      labelled <i>search loop</i>:</p>
       <ul><li>The <var title="">candidate</var> element does not have a
        <code title="attr-source-src"><a href="#attr-source-src">src</a></code> attribute.</li>
@@ -17760,6 +17761,10 @@
      returns without aborting <em>this</em> one, then the load
+     <li><p><a href="#queue-a-task">Queue a task</a> to <a href="#fire-a-simple-event">fire a simple
+     event</a> called <code title="event-error"><a href="#event-error">error</a></code> at the
+     <var title="">candidate</var> element.</li>
      <li><p>Return to the step labeled <i>search loop</i>.</li>
      <li><p><i>Waiting:</i> Set the <code title="dom-media-error"><a href="#dom-media-error">error</a></code> attribute to a new

Received on Tuesday, 28 April 2009 23:19:34 UTC