spec/Overview.html 1.1476 2303 The term 'insertion mode' lost its defin

The term 'insertion mode' lost its definition at some point... (whatwg

A start tag whose tag name is "script"
http://people.w3.org/mike/diffs/html5/spec/Overview.1.1476.html#scriptTag The "after frameset" insertion mode
current table
http://people.w3.org/mike/diffs/html5/spec/Overview.1.1476.html#current-table The "in foreign content" insertion mode
http://people.w3.org/mike/diffs/html5/spec/Overview.1.1476.html#parsing-main-inforeign The "initial" insertion mode
http://people.w3.org/mike/diffs/html5/spec/Overview.1.1476.html#the-initial-insertion-mode The "in frameset" insertion mode
http://people.w3.org/mike/diffs/html5/spec/Overview.1.1476.html#parsing-main-inframeset The "in body" insertion mode
http://people.w3.org/mike/diffs/html5/spec/Overview.1.1476.html#parsing-main-inbody The "after head" insertion mode
8.2.5 Tree construction
http://people.w3.org/mike/diffs/html5/spec/Overview.1.1476.html#tree-construction The "in table" insertion mode
clear the stack back to a table context
8.2.3 Parse state
http://people.w3.org/mike/diffs/html5/spec/Overview.1.1476.html#parse-state The stack of open elements
insert a character
http://people.w3.org/mike/diffs/html5/spec/Overview.1.1476.html#insert-a-character The "in head noscript" insertion mode
Then, if the DOCTYPE token matches one of the conditions in the following list, then set the document to quirks mode:
clear the stack back to a table body context
http://people.w3.org/mike/diffs/html5/spec/Overview.1.1476.html#clear-the-stack-back-to-a-table-body-context The "in table body" insertion mode
http://people.w3.org/mike/diffs/html5/spec/Overview.1.1476.html#parsing-main-intbody The "after body" insertion mode
http://people.w3.org/mike/diffs/html5/spec/Overview.1.1476.html#parsing-main-afterbody The "after after body" insertion mode
http://people.w3.org/mike/diffs/html5/spec/Overview.1.1476.html#the-after-after-body-insertion-mode The "in cell" insertion mode
At this stage, if there is a pending external script, then:
clear the stack back to a table row context
foster parent element
http://people.w3.org/mike/diffs/html5/spec/Overview.1.1476.html#foster-parent-element The "before html" insertion mode
http://people.w3.org/mike/diffs/html5/spec/Overview.1.1476.html#the-before-html-insertion-mode The "in row" insertion mode
http://people.w3.org/mike/diffs/html5/spec/Overview.1.1476.html#parsing-main-intr Closing elements that have implied end tags
If the element has a charset attribute, and its value is a supported encoding, and the confidence is currently tentative, then change the encoding to the encoding given by the value of the charset attribute.
http://people.w3.org/mike/diffs/html5/spec/Overview.1.1476.html#meta-charset-during-parse The "in select in table" insertion mode
http://people.w3.org/mike/diffs/html5/spec/Overview.1.1476.html#parsing-main-inselectintable The "in select" insertion mode
reset the insertion mode appropriately
close the cell
escape flag
If the token has an attribute "manifest", then resolve the value of that attribute to an absolute URL, and if that is successful, run the application cache selection algorithm with the resulting absolute URL. Otherwise, if there is no such attribute or resolving it fails, run the application cache selection algorithm with no manifest.
using the rules for
http://people.w3.org/mike/diffs/html5/spec/Overview.1.1476.html#using-the-rules-for The "in caption" insertion mode
http://people.w3.org/mike/diffs/html5/spec/Overview.1.1476.html#parsing-main-incaption Markup declaration open state
An end tag whose tag name is one of: "a", "b", "big", "em", "font", "i", "nobr", "s", "small", "strike", "strong", "tt", "u"
current node
http://people.w3.org/mike/diffs/html5/spec/Overview.1.1476.html#current-node The "before head" insertion mode
generic RCDATA element parsing algorithm
A start tag whose tag name is "isindex"
http://people.w3.org/mike/diffs/html5/spec/Overview.1.1476.html#isindex The "after after frameset" insertion mode
http://people.w3.org/mike/diffs/html5/spec/Overview.1.1476.html#the-after-after-frameset-insertion-mode The "in CDATA/RCDATA" insertion mode
http://people.w3.org/mike/diffs/html5/spec/Overview.1.1476.html#parsing-main-incdata The "in column group" insertion mode
http://people.w3.org/mike/diffs/html5/spec/Overview.1.1476.html#parsing-main-incolgroup Changing the encoding while parsing
original insertion mode
http://people.w3.org/mike/diffs/html5/spec/Overview.1.1476.html#original-insertion-mode The "in head" insertion mode


RCS file: /sources/public/html5/spec/Overview.html,v
retrieving revision 1.1475
retrieving revision 1.1476
diff -u -d -r1.1475 -r1.1476
--- Overview.html 8 Oct 2008 07:51:45 -0000 1.1475
+++ Overview.html 8 Oct 2008 07:56:15 -0000 1.1476
@@ -35403,7 +35403,8 @@
    re-parsed from memory), even if, e.g., the document is marked as
    not being cacheable.</li>
-  </ol><h4 id=parse-state><span class=secno>8.2.3 </span>Parse state</h4><h5 id=the-insertion-mode><span class=secno> </span>The insertion mode</h5><p>Initially the <span>insertion mode</span> is "<a href=#the-initial-insertion-mode title="insertion mode: initial">initial</a>". It can change to
+  </ol><h4 id=parse-state><span class=secno>8.2.3 </span>Parse state</h4><h5 id=the-insertion-mode><span class=secno> </span>The insertion mode</h5><p>The <dfn id=insertion-mode>insertion mode</dfn> is a flag that controls the primary
+  operation of the tree construction stage.<p>Initially the <a href=#insertion-mode>insertion mode</a> is "<a href=#the-initial-insertion-mode title="insertion mode: initial">initial</a>". It can change to
   "<a href=#the-before-html-insertion-mode title="insertion mode: before html">before html</a>",
   "<a href=#the-before-head-insertion-mode title="insertion mode: before head">before head</a>",
   "<a href=#parsing-main-inhead title="insertion mode: in head">in head</a>", "<a href=#parsing-main-inheadnoscript title="insertion mode: in head noscript">in head noscript</a>",
@@ -35432,8 +35433,8 @@
   "<dfn id=using-the-rules-for>using the rules for</dfn> the <var title="">m</var> insertion
   mode", where <var title="">m</var> is one of these modes, the user
   agent must use the rules described under the <var title="">m</var>
-  <span>insertion mode</span>'s section, but must leave the
-  <span>insertion mode</span> unchanged unless the rules in <var title="">m</var> themselves switch the <span>insertion mode</span>
+  <a href=#insertion-mode>insertion mode</a>'s section, but must leave the
+  <a href=#insertion-mode>insertion mode</a> unchanged unless the rules in <var title="">m</var> themselves switch the <a href=#insertion-mode>insertion mode</a>
   to a new value.<p>When the insertion mode is switched to "<a href=#parsing-main-incdata title="insertion
   mode: in CDATA/RCDATA">in CDATA/RCDATA</a>", the <dfn id=original-insertion-mode>original
   insertion mode</dfn> is also set. This is the insertion mode to
@@ -35456,44 +35457,44 @@
    element. (<a href=#fragment-case>fragment case</a>)</li>
    <li>If <var title="">node</var> is a <code><a href=#the-select-element>select</a></code> element,
-   then switch the <span>insertion mode</span> to "<a href=#parsing-main-inselect title="insertion mode: in select">in select</a>" and abort these
+   then switch the <a href=#insertion-mode>insertion mode</a> to "<a href=#parsing-main-inselect title="insertion mode: in select">in select</a>" and abort these
    steps. (<a href=#fragment-case>fragment case</a>)</li>
    <li>If <var title="">node</var> is a <code><a href=#the-td-element>td</a></code> or
    <code><a href=#the-th-element>th</a></code> element and <var title="">last</var> is false, then
-   switch the <span>insertion mode</span> to "<a href=#parsing-main-intd title="insertion
+   switch the <a href=#insertion-mode>insertion mode</a> to "<a href=#parsing-main-intd title="insertion
    mode: in cell">in cell</a>" and abort these steps.</li>
    <li>If <var title="">node</var> is a <code><a href=#the-tr-element>tr</a></code> element, then
-   switch the <span>insertion mode</span> to "<a href=#parsing-main-intr title="insertion
+   switch the <a href=#insertion-mode>insertion mode</a> to "<a href=#parsing-main-intr title="insertion
    mode: in row">in row</a>" and abort these steps.</li>
    <li>If <var title="">node</var> is a <code><a href=#the-tbody-element>tbody</a></code>,
    <code><a href=#the-thead-element>thead</a></code>, or <code><a href=#the-tfoot-element>tfoot</a></code> element, then switch the
-   <span>insertion mode</span> to "<a href=#parsing-main-intbody title="insertion mode: in
+   <a href=#insertion-mode>insertion mode</a> to "<a href=#parsing-main-intbody title="insertion mode: in
    table body">in table body</a>" and abort these steps.</li>
    <li>If <var title="">node</var> is a <code><a href=#the-caption-element>caption</a></code> element,
-   then switch the <span>insertion mode</span> to "<a href=#parsing-main-incaption title="insertion mode: in caption">in caption</a>" and abort
+   then switch the <a href=#insertion-mode>insertion mode</a> to "<a href=#parsing-main-incaption title="insertion mode: in caption">in caption</a>" and abort
    these steps.</li>
    <li>If <var title="">node</var> is a <code><a href=#the-colgroup-element>colgroup</a></code> element,
-   then switch the <span>insertion mode</span> to "<a href=#parsing-main-incolgroup title="insertion mode: in column group">in column group</a>" and
+   then switch the <a href=#insertion-mode>insertion mode</a> to "<a href=#parsing-main-incolgroup title="insertion mode: in column group">in column group</a>" and
    abort these steps. (<a href=#fragment-case>fragment case</a>)</li>
    <li>If <var title="">node</var> is a <code><a href=#the-table-element>table</a></code> element,
-   then switch the <span>insertion mode</span> to "<a href=#parsing-main-intable title="insertion mode: in table">in table</a>" and abort these
+   then switch the <a href=#insertion-mode>insertion mode</a> to "<a href=#parsing-main-intable title="insertion mode: in table">in table</a>" and abort these
    <li>If <var title="">node</var> is an element from the <a href=#mathml-namespace>MathML
    namespace</a><!--XXXSVG or the <span>SVG namespace</span>-->,
-   then switch the <span>insertion mode</span> to "<a href=#parsing-main-inforeign title="insertion mode: in foreign content">in foreign
+   then switch the <a href=#insertion-mode>insertion mode</a> to "<a href=#parsing-main-inforeign title="insertion mode: in foreign content">in foreign
    content</a>", let the <a href=#secondary-insertion-mode>secondary insertion mode</a> be
    "<a href=#parsing-main-inbody title="insertion mode: in body">in body</a>", and abort
    these steps.</li>
    <li>If <var title="">node</var> is a <code><a href=#the-head-element>head</a></code> element,
-   then switch the <span>insertion mode</span> to "<a href=#parsing-main-inbody title="insertion mode: in body">in body</a>" ("<a href=#parsing-main-inbody title="insertion mode: in body">in body</a>"! <em> not "<a href=#parsing-main-inhead title="insertion mode: in head">in head</a>"</em>!) and abort
+   then switch the <a href=#insertion-mode>insertion mode</a> to "<a href=#parsing-main-inbody title="insertion mode: in body">in body</a>" ("<a href=#parsing-main-inbody title="insertion mode: in body">in body</a>"! <em> not "<a href=#parsing-main-inhead title="insertion mode: in head">in head</a>"</em>!) and abort
    these steps. (<a href=#fragment-case>fragment case</a>)</li> <!-- This is only
    here for now in case people think that the spec accidentally
    omitted it and try to "fix" it. Note that noscript-in-head is also
@@ -35509,24 +35510,24 @@
    set?) -->
    <li>If <var title="">node</var> is a <code><a href=#the-body-element>body</a></code> element,
-   then switch the <span>insertion mode</span> to "<a href=#parsing-main-inbody title="insertion mode: in body">in body</a>" and abort these
+   then switch the <a href=#insertion-mode>insertion mode</a> to "<a href=#parsing-main-inbody title="insertion mode: in body">in body</a>" and abort these
    <li>If <var title="">node</var> is a <code>frameset</code> element,
-   then switch the <span>insertion mode</span> to "<a href=#parsing-main-inframeset title="insertion mode: in frameset">in frameset</a>" and abort
+   then switch the <a href=#insertion-mode>insertion mode</a> to "<a href=#parsing-main-inframeset title="insertion mode: in frameset">in frameset</a>" and abort
    these steps. (<a href=#fragment-case>fragment case</a>)</li>
    <li>If <var title="">node</var> is an <code><a href=#the-html-element>html</a></code> element,
    then: if the <a href=#head-element-pointer><code title="">head</code> element
-   pointer</a> is null, switch the <span>insertion mode</span> to
+   pointer</a> is null, switch the <a href=#insertion-mode>insertion mode</a> to
    "<a href=#the-before-head-insertion-mode title="insertion mode: before head">before head</a>",
-   otherwise, switch the <span>insertion mode</span> to "<a href=#the-after-head-insertion-mode title="insertion mode: after head">after head</a>". In either
+   otherwise, switch the <a href=#insertion-mode>insertion mode</a> to "<a href=#the-after-head-insertion-mode title="insertion mode: after head">after head</a>". In either
    case, abort these steps. (<a href=#fragment-case>fragment case</a>)</li> <!-- XXX
    can the head element pointer ever be non-null when we're going
    through these steps? -->
    <li>If <var title="">last</var> is true, then switch the
-   <span>insertion mode</span> to "<a href=#parsing-main-inbody title="insertion mode: in
+   <a href=#insertion-mode>insertion mode</a> to "<a href=#parsing-main-inbody title="insertion mode: in
    body">in body</a>" and abort these steps. (<a href=#fragment-case>fragment
@@ -35540,14 +35541,14 @@
   one added to the stack, and the bottommost node of the stack is the
   most recently added node in the stack (notwithstanding when the
   stack is manipulated in a random access fashion as part of <a href=#adoptionAgency>the handling for misnested tags</a>).<p>The "<a href=#the-before-html-insertion-mode title="insertion mode: before html">before
-  html</a>" <span>insertion mode</span> creates the
+  html</a>" <a href=#insertion-mode>insertion mode</a> creates the
   <code><a href=#the-html-element>html</a></code> root element node, which is then added to the
   stack.<p>In the <a href=#fragment-case>fragment case</a>, the <a href=#stack-of-open-elements>stack of open
   elements</a> is initialized to contain an <code><a href=#the-html-element>html</a></code>
   element that is created as part of <a href=#html-fragment-parsing-algorithm title="html fragment
   parsing algorithm">that algorithm</a>. (The <a href=#fragment-case>fragment
   case</a> skips the "<a href=#the-before-html-insertion-mode title="insertion mode: before
-  html">before html</a>" <span>insertion mode</span>.)<p>The <code><a href=#the-html-element>html</a></code> node, however it is created, is the topmost
+  html">before html</a>" <a href=#insertion-mode>insertion mode</a>.)<p>The <code><a href=#the-html-element>html</a></code> node, however it is created, is the topmost
   node of the stack. It never gets popped off the stack.<p>The <dfn id=current-node>current node</dfn> is the bottommost node in this
   stack.<p>The <dfn id=current-table>current table</dfn> is the last <code><a href=#the-table-element>table</a></code>
   element in the <a href=#stack-of-open-elements>stack of open elements</a>, if there is
@@ -35755,7 +35756,7 @@
   state. In the RCDATA and CDATA states, a further <dfn id=escape-flag>escape
   flag</dfn> is used to control the behavior of the tokeniser. It is
   either true or false, and initially must be set to the false
-  state. The <span>insertion mode</span> and the <a href=#stack-of-open-elements>stack of open
+  state. The <a href=#insertion-mode>insertion mode</a> and the <a href=#stack-of-open-elements>stack of open
   elements</a> also affects tokenization.<p>The output of the tokenization step is a series of zero or more
   of the following tokens: DOCTYPE, start tag, end tag, comment,
   character, end-of-file. DOCTYPE tokens have a name, a public
@@ -36261,7 +36262,7 @@
   whose data is the empty string, and switch to the <a href=#comment-start-state>comment
   start state</a>.<p>Otherwise, if the next seven characters are an <a href=#ascii-case-insensitive>ASCII
   case-insensitive</a> match for the word "DOCTYPE", then consume
-  those characters and switch to the <a href=#doctype-state>DOCTYPE state</a>.<p>Otherwise, if the <span>insertion mode</span> is "<a href=#parsing-main-inforeign title="insertion mode: in foreign content">in foreign
+  those characters and switch to the <a href=#doctype-state>DOCTYPE state</a>.<p>Otherwise, if the <a href=#insertion-mode>insertion mode</a> is "<a href=#parsing-main-inforeign title="insertion mode: in foreign content">in foreign
   content</a>" and the <a href=#current-node>current node</a> is not an element
   in the <a href=#html-namespace-0>HTML namespace</a> and the next seven characters are
   an <span>ASCII case-sensitive</span> match for the string "[CDATA["
@@ -36839,7 +36840,7 @@
   has to render the <code>Document</code> so that it is available to
   the user, or when it has to begin accepting user input.<p>As each token is emitted from the tokeniser, the user agent must
   process the token according to the rules given in the section
-  corresponding to the current <span>insertion mode</span>.<p>When the steps below require the UA to <dfn id=insert-a-character>insert a
+  corresponding to the current <a href=#insertion-mode>insertion mode</a>.<p>When the steps below require the UA to <dfn id=insert-a-character>insert a
   character</dfn> into a node, if that node has a child immediately
   before where the character is to be inserted, and that child is a
   <code>Text</code> node, and that <code>Text</code> node was the last
@@ -37005,9 +37006,9 @@
    flag</a> to the RCDATA state.</li>
    <li><p>Let the <a href=#original-insertion-mode>original insertion mode</a> be the current
-   <span>insertion mode</span>.</p>
+   <a href=#insertion-mode>insertion mode</a>.</p>
-   <li><p>Then, switch the <span>insertion mode</span> to "<a href=#parsing-main-incdata title="insertion mode: in CDATA/RCDATA">in
+   <li><p>Then, switch the <a href=#insertion-mode>insertion mode</a> to "<a href=#parsing-main-incdata title="insertion mode: in CDATA/RCDATA">in
   </ol><h5 id=closing-elements-that-have-implied-end-tags><span class=secno> </span>Closing elements that have implied end tags</h5><p>When the steps below require the UA to <dfn id=generate-implied-end-tags>generate implied end
@@ -37045,7 +37046,7 @@
   immediately <em>before</em> the last <code><a href=#the-table-element>table</a></code> element in
   the <a href=#stack-of-open-elements>stack of open elements</a> in the <i><a href=#foster-parent-element>foster parent
   element</a></i>; otherwise, <var title="">node</var> must be
-  <em>appended</em> to the <i><a href=#foster-parent-element>foster parent element</a></i>.<h5 id=the-initial-insertion-mode><span class=secno> </span>The "<dfn title="insertion mode: initial">initial</dfn>" insertion mode</h5><p>When the <span>insertion mode</span> is "<a href=#the-initial-insertion-mode title="insertion
+  <em>appended</em> to the <i><a href=#foster-parent-element>foster parent element</a></i>.<h5 id=the-initial-insertion-mode><span class=secno> </span>The "<dfn title="insertion mode: initial">initial</dfn>" insertion mode</h5><p>When the <a href=#insertion-mode>insertion mode</a> is "<a href=#the-initial-insertion-mode title="insertion
   mode: initial">initial</a>", tokens must be handled as follows:<dl class=switch><dt>A character token that is one of one of U+0009 CHARACTER
    <!--U+000D CARRIAGE RETURN (CR),--> or U+0020 SPACE</dt>
@@ -37182,7 +37183,7 @@
     whose value is the empty string is not considered missing for the
     purposes of the conditions above.</p>
-    <p>Then, switch the <span>insertion mode</span> to "<a href=#the-before-html-insertion-mode title="insertion mode: before html">before html</a>".</p>
+    <p>Then, switch the <a href=#insertion-mode>insertion mode</a> to "<a href=#the-before-html-insertion-mode title="insertion mode: before html">before html</a>".</p>
@@ -37193,12 +37194,12 @@
     <p>Set the document to <a href=#quirks-mode>quirks mode</a>.</p>
-    <p>Switch the <span>insertion mode</span> to "<a href=#the-before-html-insertion-mode title="insertion mode: before html">before html</a>", then
+    <p>Switch the <a href=#insertion-mode>insertion mode</a> to "<a href=#the-before-html-insertion-mode title="insertion mode: before html">before html</a>", then
     reprocess the current token.</p>
-  </dl><h5 id=the-before-html-insertion-mode><span class=secno> </span>The "<dfn title="insertion mode: before html">before html</dfn>" insertion mode</h5><p>When the <span>insertion mode</span> is "<a href=#the-before-html-insertion-mode title="insertion
+  </dl><h5 id=the-before-html-insertion-mode><span class=secno> </span>The "<dfn title="insertion mode: before html">before html</dfn>" insertion mode</h5><p>When the <a href=#insertion-mode>insertion mode</a> is "<a href=#the-before-html-insertion-mode title="insertion
   mode: before html">before html</a>", tokens must be handled as follows:<dl class=switch><dt>A DOCTYPE token</dt>
     <p><a href=#parse-error>Parse error</a>. Ignore the token.</p>
@@ -37235,7 +37236,7 @@
     it fails, run the <a href=#concept-appcache-init-no-attribute title=concept-appcache-init-no-attribute>application cache
     selection algorithm</a> with no manifest.</p>
-    <p>Switch the <span>insertion mode</span> to "<a href=#the-before-head-insertion-mode title="insertion mode: before head">before head</a>".</p>
+    <p>Switch the <a href=#insertion-mode>insertion mode</a> to "<a href=#the-before-head-insertion-mode title="insertion mode: before head">before head</a>".</p>
@@ -37250,7 +37251,7 @@
     <p>Run the <a href=#concept-appcache-init-no-attribute title=concept-appcache-init-no-attribute>application cache
     selection algorithm</a> with no manifest.</p>
-    <p>Switch the <span>insertion mode</span> to "<a href=#the-before-head-insertion-mode title="insertion mode: before head">before head</a>", then
+    <p>Switch the <a href=#insertion-mode>insertion mode</a> to "<a href=#the-before-head-insertion-mode title="insertion mode: before head">before head</a>", then
     reprocess the current token.</p>
     <p class=XXX>Should probably make end tags be ignored, so
@@ -37262,7 +37263,7 @@
   </dl><p>The root element can end up being removed from the
   <code>Document</code> object, e.g. by scripts; nothing in particular
   happens in such cases, content continues being appended to the nodes
-  as described in the next section.<h5 id=the-before-head-insertion-mode><span class=secno> </span>The "<dfn title="insertion mode: before head">before head</dfn>" insertion mode</h5><p>When the <span>insertion mode</span> is "<a href=#the-before-head-insertion-mode title="insertion
+  as described in the next section.<h5 id=the-before-head-insertion-mode><span class=secno> </span>The "<dfn title="insertion mode: before head">before head</dfn>" insertion mode</h5><p>When the <a href=#insertion-mode>insertion mode</a> is "<a href=#the-before-head-insertion-mode title="insertion
   mode: before head">before head</a>", tokens must be handled as follows:<dl class=switch><dt>A character token that is one of one of U+0009 CHARACTER
    <!--U+000D CARRIAGE RETURN (CR),--> or U+0020 SPACE</dt>
@@ -37284,8 +37285,8 @@
    <dt>A start tag whose tag name is "html"</dt>
-    <p>Process the token <a href=#using-the-rules-for>using the rules for</a> the "<a href=#parsing-main-inbody title="insertion mode: in body">in body</a>" <span>insertion
-    mode</span>.</p>
+    <p>Process the token <a href=#using-the-rules-for>using the rules for</a> the "<a href=#parsing-main-inbody title="insertion mode: in body">in body</a>" <a href=#insertion-mode>insertion
+    mode</a>.</p>
    <dt>A start tag whose tag name is "head"</dt>
@@ -37296,7 +37297,7 @@
     <p>Set the <a href=#head-element-pointer><code title="">head</code> element pointer</a>
     to the newly created <code><a href=#the-head-element>head</a></code> element.</p>
-    <p>Switch the <span>insertion mode</span> to "<a href=#parsing-main-inhead title="insertion mode: in head">in head</a>".</p>
+    <p>Switch the <a href=#insertion-mode>insertion mode</a> to "<a href=#parsing-main-inhead title="insertion mode: in head">in head</a>".</p>
@@ -37325,11 +37326,11 @@
     <p class=note>This will result in an empty <code><a href=#the-head-element>head</a></code>
     element being generated, with the current token being
     reprocessed in the "<a href=#the-after-head-insertion-mode title="insertion mode: after
-    head">after head</a>" <span>insertion mode</span>.</p>
+    head">after head</a>" <a href=#insertion-mode>insertion mode</a>.</p>
-  </dl><h5 id=parsing-main-inhead><span class=secno> </span>The "<dfn title="insertion mode: in head">in head</dfn>" insertion mode</h5><p>When the <span>insertion mode</span> is "<a href=#parsing-main-inhead title="insertion
+  </dl><h5 id=parsing-main-inhead><span class=secno> </span>The "<dfn title="insertion mode: in head">in head</dfn>" insertion mode</h5><p>When the <a href=#insertion-mode>insertion mode</a> is "<a href=#parsing-main-inhead title="insertion
   mode: in head">in head</a>", tokens must be handled as follows:<dl class=switch><dt>A character token that is one of one of U+0009 CHARACTER
    <!--U+000D CARRIAGE RETURN (CR),--> or U+0020 SPACE</dt>
@@ -37352,8 +37353,8 @@
    <dt>A start tag whose tag name is "html"</dt>
-    <p>Process the token <a href=#using-the-rules-for>using the rules for</a> the "<a href=#parsing-main-inbody title="insertion mode: in body">in body</a>" <span>insertion
-    mode</span>.</p>
+    <p>Process the token <a href=#using-the-rules-for>using the rules for</a> the "<a href=#parsing-main-inbody title="insertion mode: in body">in body</a>" <a href=#insertion-mode>insertion
+    mode</a>.</p>
    <dt>A start tag whose tag name is one of: "base", "command",
@@ -37410,7 +37411,7 @@
     <p><a href=#insert-an-html-element>Insert an HTML element</a> for the token.</p>
-    <p>Switch the <span>insertion mode</span> to "<a href=#parsing-main-inheadnoscript title="insertion mode: in head noscript">in head
+    <p>Switch the <a href=#insertion-mode>insertion mode</a> to "<a href=#parsing-main-inheadnoscript title="insertion mode: in head noscript">in head
@@ -37445,9 +37446,9 @@
      the CDATA state.</li>
      <li><p>Let the <a href=#original-insertion-mode>original insertion mode</a> be the current
-     <span>insertion mode</span>.</p>
+     <a href=#insertion-mode>insertion mode</a>.</p>
-     <li><p>Switch the <span>insertion mode</span> to "<a href=#parsing-main-incdata title="insertion mode: in CDATA/RCDATA">in
+     <li><p>Switch the <a href=#insertion-mode>insertion mode</a> to "<a href=#parsing-main-incdata title="insertion mode: in CDATA/RCDATA">in
@@ -37459,7 +37460,7 @@
     <code><a href=#the-head-element>head</a></code> element) off the <a href=#stack-of-open-elements>stack of open
-    <p>Switch the <span>insertion mode</span> to "<a href=#the-after-head-insertion-mode title="insertion mode: after head">after head</a>".</p>
+    <p>Switch the <a href=#insertion-mode>insertion mode</a> to "<a href=#the-after-head-insertion-mode title="insertion mode: after head">after head</a>".</p>
@@ -37489,7 +37490,7 @@
-  </dl><h5 id=parsing-main-inheadnoscript><span class=secno> </span>The "<dfn title="insertion mode: in head noscript">in head noscript</dfn>" insertion mode</h5><p>When the <span>insertion mode</span> is "<a href=#parsing-main-inheadnoscript title="insertion
+  </dl><h5 id=parsing-main-inheadnoscript><span class=secno> </span>The "<dfn title="insertion mode: in head noscript">in head noscript</dfn>" insertion mode</h5><p>When the <a href=#insertion-mode>insertion mode</a> is "<a href=#parsing-main-inheadnoscript title="insertion
   mode: in head noscript">in head noscript</a>", tokens must be handled as follows:<dl class=switch><dt>A DOCTYPE token</dt>
     <p><a href=#parse-error>Parse error</a>. Ignore the token.</p>
@@ -37497,8 +37498,8 @@
    <dt>A start tag whose tag name is "html"</dt>
-    <p>Process the token <a href=#using-the-rules-for>using the rules for</a> the "<a href=#parsing-main-inbody title="insertion mode: in body">in body</a>" <span>insertion
-    mode</span>.</p>
+    <p>Process the token <a href=#using-the-rules-for>using the rules for</a> the "<a href=#parsing-main-inbody title="insertion mode: in body">in body</a>" <a href=#insertion-mode>insertion
+    mode</a>.</p>
    <dt>An end tag whose tag name is "noscript"</dt>
@@ -37509,7 +37510,7 @@
     elements</a>; the new <a href=#current-node>current node</a> will be a
     <code><a href=#the-head-element>head</a></code> element.</p>
-    <p>Switch the <span>insertion mode</span> to "<a href=#parsing-main-inhead title="insertion mode: in head">in head</a>".</p>
+    <p>Switch the <a href=#insertion-mode>insertion mode</a> to "<a href=#parsing-main-inhead title="insertion mode: in head">in head</a>".</p>
@@ -37519,8 +37520,8 @@
    <dt>A comment token</dt>
    <dt>A start tag whose tag name is one of: "link", "meta", "noframes", "style"</dt>
-    <p>Process the token <a href=#using-the-rules-for>using the rules for</a> the "<a href=#parsing-main-inhead title="insertion mode: in head">in head</a>" <span>insertion
-    mode</span>.</p>
+    <p>Process the token <a href=#using-the-rules-for>using the rules for</a> the "<a href=#parsing-main-inhead title="insertion mode: in head">in head</a>" <a href=#insertion-mode>insertion
+    mode</a>.</p>
    <dt>An end tag whose tag name is one of: "br"</dt>
@@ -37545,7 +37546,7 @@
-  </dl><h5 id=the-after-head-insertion-mode><span class=secno> </span>The "<dfn title="insertion mode: after head">after head</dfn>" insertion mode</h5><p>When the <span>insertion mode</span> is "<a href=#the-after-head-insertion-mode title="insertion
+  </dl><h5 id=the-after-head-insertion-mode><span class=secno> </span>The "<dfn title="insertion mode: after head">after head</dfn>" insertion mode</h5><p>When the <a href=#insertion-mode>insertion mode</a> is "<a href=#the-after-head-insertion-mode title="insertion
   mode: after head">after head</a>", tokens must be handled as follows:<dl class=switch><dt>A character token that is one of one of U+0009 CHARACTER
    <!--U+000D CARRIAGE RETURN (CR),--> or U+0020 SPACE</dt>
@@ -37568,8 +37569,8 @@
    <dt>A start tag whose tag name is "html"</dt>
-    <p>Process the token <a href=#using-the-rules-for>using the rules for</a> the "<a href=#parsing-main-inbody title="insertion mode: in body">in body</a>" <span>insertion
-    mode</span>.</p>
+    <p>Process the token <a href=#using-the-rules-for>using the rules for</a> the "<a href=#parsing-main-inbody title="insertion mode: in body">in body</a>" <a href=#insertion-mode>insertion
+    mode</a>.</p>
    <dt>A start tag whose tag name is "body"</dt>
@@ -37577,7 +37578,7 @@
     <p><a href=#insert-an-html-element>Insert an HTML element</a> for the token.</p>
-    <p>Switch the <span>insertion mode</span> to "<a href=#parsing-main-inbody title="insertion mode: in body">in body</a>".</p>
+    <p>Switch the <a href=#insertion-mode>insertion mode</a> to "<a href=#parsing-main-inbody title="insertion mode: in body">in body</a>".</p>
@@ -37586,7 +37587,7 @@
     <p><a href=#insert-an-html-element>Insert an HTML element</a> for the token.</p>
-    <p>Switch the <span>insertion mode</span> to "<a href=#parsing-main-inframeset title="insertion mode: in frameset">in frameset</a>".</p>
+    <p>Switch the <a href=#insertion-mode>insertion mode</a> to "<a href=#parsing-main-inframeset title="insertion mode: in frameset">in frameset</a>".</p>
@@ -37599,8 +37600,8 @@
     <p>Push the node pointed to by the <a href=#head-element-pointer><code title="">head</code> element pointer</a> onto the
     <a href=#stack-of-open-elements>stack of open elements</a>.</p>
-    <p>Process the token <a href=#using-the-rules-for>using the rules for</a> the "<a href=#parsing-main-inhead title="insertion mode: in head">in head</a>" <span>insertion
-    mode</span>.</p>
+    <p>Process the token <a href=#using-the-rules-for>using the rules for</a> the "<a href=#parsing-main-inhead title="insertion mode: in head">in head</a>" <a href=#insertion-mode>insertion
+    mode</a>.</p>
     <p>Pop the <a href=#current-node>current node</a> (which will be the node
     pointed to by the <a href=#head-element-pointer><code title="">head</code> element
@@ -37622,7 +37623,7 @@
-  </dl><h5 id=parsing-main-inbody><span class=secno> </span>The "<dfn title="insertion mode: in body">in body</dfn>" insertion mode</h5><p>When the <span>insertion mode</span> is "<a href=#parsing-main-inbody title="insertion
+  </dl><h5 id=parsing-main-inbody><span class=secno> </span>The "<dfn title="insertion mode: in body">in body</dfn>" insertion mode</h5><p>When the <a href=#insertion-mode>insertion mode</a> is "<a href=#parsing-main-inbody title="insertion
   mode: in body">in body</a>", tokens must be handled as follows:<dl class=switch><dt>A character token</dt>
@@ -37658,8 +37659,8 @@
    "eventsource", "link", "meta", "noframes", "script", "style",
-    <p>Process the token <a href=#using-the-rules-for>using the rules for</a> the "<a href=#parsing-main-inhead title="insertion mode: in head">in head</a>" <span>insertion
-    mode</span>.</p>
+    <p>Process the token <a href=#using-the-rules-for>using the rules for</a> the "<a href=#parsing-main-inhead title="insertion mode: in head">in head</a>" <a href=#insertion-mode>insertion
+    mode</a>.</p>
    <dt>A start tag whose tag name is "body"</dt>
@@ -37716,7 +37717,7 @@
     <!-- the insertion mode here is forcibly "in body". -->
-    <p>Switch the <span>insertion mode</span> to "<a href=#parsing-main-afterbody title="insertion mode: after body">after body</a>". Otherwise,
+    <p>Switch the <a href=#insertion-mode>insertion mode</a> to "<a href=#parsing-main-afterbody title="insertion mode: after body">after body</a>". Otherwise,
     ignore the token.</p>
@@ -38385,7 +38386,7 @@
     <p><a href=#insert-an-html-element>Insert an HTML element</a> for the token.</p>
-    <p>Switch the <span>insertion mode</span> to "<a href=#parsing-main-intable title="insertion mode: in table">in table</a>".</p>
+    <p>Switch the <a href=#insertion-mode>insertion mode</a> to "<a href=#parsing-main-intable title="insertion mode: in table">in table</a>".</p>
@@ -38586,9 +38587,9 @@
      the RCDATA state.</li>
      <li><p>Let the <a href=#original-insertion-mode>original insertion mode</a> be the
-     current <span>insertion mode</span>.</p>
+     current <a href=#insertion-mode>insertion mode</a>.</p>
-     <li><p>Switch the <span>insertion mode</span> to "<a href=#parsing-main-incdata title="insertion mode: in CDATA/RCDATA">in
+     <li><p>Switch the <a href=#insertion-mode>insertion mode</a> to "<a href=#parsing-main-incdata title="insertion mode: in CDATA/RCDATA">in
@@ -38613,13 +38614,13 @@
     pointed to by the <a href=#form-element-pointer><code title="">form</code> element
-    <p>If the <span>insertion mode</span> is one of <a href=#parsing-main-intable title="insertion mode: in table">in table</a>", "<a href=#parsing-main-incaption title="insertion mode: in caption">in caption</a>", "<a href=#parsing-main-incolgroup title="insertion mode: in column group">in column group</a>",
+    <p>If the <a href=#insertion-mode>insertion mode</a> is one of <a href=#parsing-main-intable title="insertion mode: in table">in table</a>", "<a href=#parsing-main-incaption title="insertion mode: in caption">in caption</a>", "<a href=#parsing-main-incolgroup title="insertion mode: in column group">in column group</a>",
     "<a href=#parsing-main-intbody title="insertion mode: in table body">in table
     body</a>", "<a href=#parsing-main-intr title="insertion mode: in row">in
     row</a>", or "<a href=#parsing-main-intd title="insertion mode: in cell">in
-    cell</a>", then switch the <span>insertion mode</span> to
+    cell</a>", then switch the <a href=#insertion-mode>insertion mode</a> to
     "<a href=#parsing-main-inselectintable title="insertion mode: in select in table">in select in
-    table</a>". Otherwise, switch the <span>insertion mode</span>
+    table</a>". Otherwise, switch the <a href=#insertion-mode>insertion mode</a>
     to "<a href=#parsing-main-inselect title="insertion mode: in select">in select</a>".</p>
@@ -38701,8 +38702,8 @@
     flag">acknowledge the token's <i>self-closing flag</i></a>.</p>
     <p>Otherwise, let the <a href=#secondary-insertion-mode>secondary insertion mode</a> be the
-    current <span>insertion mode</span>, and then switch the
-    <span>insertion mode</span> to "<a href=#parsing-main-inforeign title="insertion mode: in
+    current <a href=#insertion-mode>insertion mode</a>, and then switch the
+    <a href=#insertion-mode>insertion mode</a> to "<a href=#parsing-main-inforeign title="insertion mode: in
     foreign content">in foreign content</a>".</p>
@@ -38803,7 +38804,7 @@
-  </dl><h5 id=parsing-main-incdata><span class=secno> </span>The "<dfn title="insertion mode: in CDATA/RCDATA">in CDATA/RCDATA</dfn>" insertion mode</h5><p>When the <span>insertion mode</span> is "<a href=#parsing-main-incdata title="insertion
+  </dl><h5 id=parsing-main-incdata><span class=secno> </span>The "<dfn title="insertion mode: in CDATA/RCDATA">in CDATA/RCDATA</dfn>" insertion mode</h5><p>When the <a href=#insertion-mode>insertion mode</a> is "<a href=#parsing-main-incdata title="insertion
   mode: in CDATA/RCDATA">in CDATA/RCDATA</a>", tokens must be
   handled as follows:<dl class=switch><dt>A character token</dt>
@@ -38826,7 +38827,7 @@
     <p>Pop the <a href=#current-node>current node</a> off the <a href=#stack-of-open-elements>stack of open
-    <p>Switch the <span>insertion mode</span> to the <a href=#original-insertion-mode>original
+    <p>Switch the <a href=#insertion-mode>insertion mode</a> to the <a href=#original-insertion-mode>original
     insertion mode</a> and reprocess the current token.</p>
@@ -38840,7 +38841,7 @@
     <p>Pop the <a href=#current-node>current node</a> off the <a href=#stack-of-open-elements>stack of open
-    <p>Switch the <span>insertion mode</span> to the <a href=#original-insertion-mode>original
+    <p>Switch the <a href=#insertion-mode>insertion mode</a> to the <a href=#original-insertion-mode>original
     insertion mode</a>.</p>
     <p>Let the <var title="">old insertion point</var> have the
@@ -38906,12 +38907,12 @@
     <p>Pop the <a href=#current-node>current node</a> off the <a href=#stack-of-open-elements>stack of open
-    <p>Switch the <span>insertion mode</span> to the <a href=#original-insertion-mode>original
+    <p>Switch the <a href=#insertion-mode>insertion mode</a> to the <a href=#original-insertion-mode>original
     insertion mode</a>.</p>
-  </dl><h5 id=parsing-main-intable><span class=secno> </span>The "<dfn title="insertion mode: in table">in table</dfn>" insertion mode</h5><p>When the <span>insertion mode</span> is "<a href=#parsing-main-intable title="insertion
+  </dl><h5 id=parsing-main-intable><span class=secno> </span>The "<dfn title="insertion mode: in table">in table</dfn>" insertion mode</h5><p>When the <a href=#insertion-mode>insertion mode</a> is "<a href=#parsing-main-intable title="insertion
   mode: in table">in table</a>", tokens must be handled as follows:<dl class=switch><dt>A character token that is one of one of U+0009 CHARACTER
    <!--U+000D CARRIAGE RETURN (CR),--> or U+0020 SPACE</dt>
@@ -38947,7 +38948,7 @@
     formatting elements</a>.</p>
     <p><a href=#insert-an-html-element>Insert an HTML element</a> for the token, then
-    switch the <span>insertion mode</span> to "<a href=#parsing-main-incaption title="insertion mode: in caption">in caption</a>".</p>
+    switch the <a href=#insertion-mode>insertion mode</a> to "<a href=#parsing-main-incaption title="insertion mode: in caption">in caption</a>".</p>
@@ -38958,7 +38959,7 @@
     <p><a href=#insert-an-html-element>Insert an HTML element</a> for the token, then
-    switch the <span>insertion mode</span> to "<a href=#parsing-main-incolgroup title="insertion mode: in column group">in column
+    switch the <a href=#insertion-mode>insertion mode</a> to "<a href=#parsing-main-incolgroup title="insertion mode: in column group">in column
@@ -38976,7 +38977,7 @@
     <p><a href=#insert-an-html-element>Insert an HTML element</a> for the token, then
-    switch the <span>insertion mode</span> to "<a href=#parsing-main-intbody title="insertion mode: in table body">in table
+    switch the <a href=#insertion-mode>insertion mode</a> to "<a href=#parsing-main-intbody title="insertion mode: in table body">in table
@@ -39031,7 +39032,7 @@
     <p>Otherwise, process the token <a href=#using-the-rules-for>using the rules for</a>
     the "<a href=#parsing-main-inhead title="insertion mode: in head">in
-    head</a>" <span>insertion mode</span>.</p>
+    head</a>" <a href=#insertion-mode>insertion mode</a>.</p>
@@ -39079,7 +39080,7 @@
     <p><a href=#parse-error>Parse error</a>. Process the token <a href=#using-the-rules-for>using the
     rules for</a> the "<a href=#parsing-main-inbody title="insertion mode: in body">in
-    body</a>" <span>insertion mode</span>, except that if the
+    body</a>" <a href=#insertion-mode>insertion mode</a>, except that if the
     <a href=#current-node>current node</a> is a <code><a href=#the-table-element>table</a></code>,
     <code><a href=#the-tbody-element>tbody</a></code>, <code><a href=#the-tfoot-element>tfoot</a></code>, <code><a href=#the-thead-element>thead</a></code>, or
     <code><a href=#the-tr-element>tr</a></code> element, then, whenever a node would be inserted
@@ -39093,7 +39094,7 @@
   element or an <code><a href=#the-html-element>html</a></code> element, pop elements from the
   <a href=#stack-of-open-elements>stack of open elements</a>.<p class=note>The <a href=#current-node>current node</a> being an
   <code><a href=#the-html-element>html</a></code> element after this process is a <a href=#fragment-case>fragment
-  case</a>.<h5 id=parsing-main-incaption><span class=secno> </span>The "<dfn title="insertion mode: in caption">in caption</dfn>" insertion mode</h5><p>When the <span>insertion mode</span> is "<a href=#parsing-main-incaption title="insertion
+  case</a>.<h5 id=parsing-main-incaption><span class=secno> </span>The "<dfn title="insertion mode: in caption">in caption</dfn>" insertion mode</h5><p>When the <a href=#insertion-mode>insertion mode</a> is "<a href=#parsing-main-incaption title="insertion
   mode: in caption">in caption</a>", tokens must be handled as follows:<dl class=switch><dt>An end tag whose tag name is "caption"</dt>
@@ -39116,7 +39117,7 @@
     <p><a href=#clear-the-list-of-active-formatting-elements-up-to-the-last-marker>Clear the list of active formatting elements up to
     the last marker</a>.</p>
-    <p>Switch the <span>insertion mode</span> to "<a href=#parsing-main-intable title="insertion mode: in table">in table</a>".</p>
+    <p>Switch the <a href=#insertion-mode>insertion mode</a> to "<a href=#parsing-main-intable title="insertion mode: in table">in table</a>".</p>
@@ -39143,11 +39144,11 @@
    <dt>Anything else</dt>
-    <p>Process the token <a href=#using-the-rules-for>using the rules for</a> the "<a href=#parsing-main-inbody title="insertion mode: in body">in body</a>" <span>insertion
-    mode</span>.</p>
+    <p>Process the token <a href=#using-the-rules-for>using the rules for</a> the "<a href=#parsing-main-inbody title="insertion mode: in body">in body</a>" <a href=#insertion-mode>insertion
+    mode</a>.</p>
-  </dl><h5 id=parsing-main-incolgroup><span class=secno> </span>The "<dfn title="insertion mode: in column group">in column group</dfn>" insertion mode</h5><p>When the <span>insertion mode</span> is "<a href=#parsing-main-incolgroup title="insertion
+  </dl><h5 id=parsing-main-incolgroup><span class=secno> </span>The "<dfn title="insertion mode: in column group">in column group</dfn>" insertion mode</h5><p>When the <a href=#insertion-mode>insertion mode</a> is "<a href=#parsing-main-incolgroup title="insertion
   mode: in column group">in column group</a>", tokens must be handled as follows:<dl class=switch><dt>A character token that is one of one of U+0009 CHARACTER
    <!--U+000D CARRIAGE RETURN (CR),--> or U+0020 SPACE</dt>
@@ -39170,8 +39171,8 @@
    <dt>A start tag whose tag name is "html"</dt>
-    <p>Process the token <a href=#using-the-rules-for>using the rules for</a> the "<a href=#parsing-main-inbody title="insertion mode: in body">in body</a>" <span>insertion
-    mode</span>.</p>
+    <p>Process the token <a href=#using-the-rules-for>using the rules for</a> the "<a href=#parsing-main-inbody title="insertion mode: in body">in body</a>" <a href=#insertion-mode>insertion
+    mode</a>.</p>
    <dt>A start tag whose tag name is "col"</dt>
@@ -39196,7 +39197,7 @@
     <p>Otherwise, pop the <a href=#current-node>current node</a> (which will be
     a <code><a href=#the-colgroup-element>colgroup</a></code> element) from the <a href=#stack-of-open-elements>stack of open
-    elements</a>. Switch the <span>insertion mode</span> to
+    elements</a>. Switch the <a href=#insertion-mode>insertion mode</a> to
     "<a href=#parsing-main-intable title="insertion mode: in table">in table</a>".</p>
@@ -39230,7 +39231,7 @@
-  </dl><h5 id=parsing-main-intbody><span class=secno> </span>The "<dfn title="insertion mode: in table body">in table body</dfn>" insertion mode</h5><p>When the <span>insertion mode</span> is "<a href=#parsing-main-intbody title="insertion
+  </dl><h5 id=parsing-main-intbody><span class=secno> </span>The "<dfn title="insertion mode: in table body">in table body</dfn>" insertion mode</h5><p>When the <a href=#insertion-mode>insertion mode</a> is "<a href=#parsing-main-intbody title="insertion
   mode: in table body">in table body</a>", tokens must be handled as follows:<dl class=switch><dt>A start tag whose tag name is "tr"</dt>
@@ -39238,7 +39239,7 @@
     context</a>. (See below.)</p>
     <p><a href=#insert-an-html-element>Insert an HTML element</a> for the token, then switch
-    the <span>insertion mode</span> to "<a href=#parsing-main-intr title="insertion mode:
+    the <a href=#insertion-mode>insertion mode</a> to "<a href=#parsing-main-intr title="insertion mode:
     in row">in row</a>".</p>
@@ -39264,7 +39265,7 @@
     context</a>. (See below.)</p>
     <p>Pop the <a href=#current-node>current node</a> from the <a href=#stack-of-open-elements>stack of
-    open elements</a>. Switch the <span>insertion mode</span>
+    open elements</a>. Switch the <a href=#insertion-mode>insertion mode</a>
     to "<a href=#parsing-main-intable title="insertion mode: in table">in table</a>".</p>
@@ -39299,8 +39300,8 @@
    <dt>Anything else</dt>
-    <p>Process the token <a href=#using-the-rules-for>using the rules for</a> the "<a href=#parsing-main-intable title="insertion mode: in table">in table</a>" <span>insertion
-    mode</span>.</p>
+    <p>Process the token <a href=#using-the-rules-for>using the rules for</a> the "<a href=#parsing-main-intable title="insertion mode: in table">in table</a>" <a href=#insertion-mode>insertion
+    mode</a>.</p>
   </dl><p>When the steps above require the UA to <dfn id=clear-the-stack-back-to-a-table-body-context>clear the stack
@@ -39310,7 +39311,7 @@
   element, pop elements from the <a href=#stack-of-open-elements>stack of open
   elements</a>.<p class=note>The <a href=#current-node>current node</a> being an
   <code><a href=#the-html-element>html</a></code> element after this process is a <a href=#fragment-case>fragment
-  case</a>.<h5 id=parsing-main-intr><span class=secno> </span>The "<dfn title="insertion mode: in row">in row</dfn>" insertion mode</h5><p>When the <span>insertion mode</span> is "<a href=#parsing-main-intr title="insertion
+  case</a>.<h5 id=parsing-main-intr><span class=secno> </span>The "<dfn title="insertion mode: in row">in row</dfn>" insertion mode</h5><p>When the <a href=#insertion-mode>insertion mode</a> is "<a href=#parsing-main-intr title="insertion
   mode: in row">in row</a>", tokens must be handled as follows:<dl class=switch><dt>A start tag whose tag name is one of: "th", "td"</dt>
@@ -39318,7 +39319,7 @@
     context</a>. (See below.)</p>
     <p><a href=#insert-an-html-element>Insert an HTML element</a> for the token, then switch
-    the <span>insertion mode</span> to "<a href=#parsing-main-intd title="insertion mode:
+    the <a href=#insertion-mode>insertion mode</a> to "<a href=#parsing-main-intd title="insertion mode:
     in cell">in cell</a>".</p>
     <p>Insert a marker at the end of the <a href=#list-of-active-formatting-elements>list of active
@@ -39341,7 +39342,7 @@
     <p>Pop the <a href=#current-node>current node</a> (which will be a
     <code><a href=#the-tr-element>tr</a></code> element) from the <a href=#stack-of-open-elements>stack of open
-    elements</a>. Switch the <span>insertion mode</span> to
+    elements</a>. Switch the <a href=#insertion-mode>insertion mode</a> to
     "<a href=#parsing-main-intbody title="insertion mode: in table body">in table
@@ -39382,8 +39383,8 @@
    <dt>Anything else</dt>
-    <p>Process the token <a href=#using-the-rules-for>using the rules for</a> the "<a href=#parsing-main-intable title="insertion mode: in table">in table</a>" <span>insertion
-    mode</span>.</p>
+    <p>Process the token <a href=#using-the-rules-for>using the rules for</a> the "<a href=#parsing-main-intable title="insertion mode: in table">in table</a>" <a href=#insertion-mode>insertion
+    mode</a>.</p>
   </dl><p>When the steps above require the UA to <dfn id=clear-the-stack-back-to-a-table-row-context>clear the stack
@@ -39392,7 +39393,7 @@
   element or an <code><a href=#the-html-element>html</a></code> element, pop elements from the
   <a href=#stack-of-open-elements>stack of open elements</a>.<p class=note>The <a href=#current-node>current node</a> being an
   <code><a href=#the-html-element>html</a></code> element after this process is a <a href=#fragment-case>fragment
-  case</a>.<h5 id=parsing-main-intd><span class=secno> </span>The "<dfn title="insertion mode: in cell">in cell</dfn>" insertion mode</h5><p>When the <span>insertion mode</span> is "<a href=#parsing-main-intd title="insertion
+  case</a>.<h5 id=parsing-main-intd><span class=secno> </span>The "<dfn title="insertion mode: in cell">in cell</dfn>" insertion mode</h5><p>When the <a href=#insertion-mode>insertion mode</a> is "<a href=#parsing-main-intd title="insertion
   mode: in cell">in cell</a>", tokens must be handled as follows:<dl class=switch><dt>An end tag whose tag name is one of: "td", "th"</dt>
@@ -39415,7 +39416,7 @@
     <p><a href=#clear-the-list-of-active-formatting-elements-up-to-the-last-marker>Clear the list of active formatting elements up to
     the last marker</a>.</p>
-    <p>Switch the <span>insertion mode</span> to "<a href=#parsing-main-intr title="insertion mode: in row">in row</a>". (The
+    <p>Switch the <a href=#insertion-mode>insertion mode</a> to "<a href=#parsing-main-intr title="insertion mode: in row">in row</a>". (The
     <a href=#current-node>current node</a> will be a <code><a href=#the-tr-element>tr</a></code> element at
     this point.)</p>
@@ -39459,8 +39460,8 @@
    <dt>Anything else</dt>
-    <p>Process the token <a href=#using-the-rules-for>using the rules for</a> the "<a href=#parsing-main-inbody title="insertion mode: in body">in body</a>" <span>insertion
-    mode</span>.</p>
+    <p>Process the token <a href=#using-the-rules-for>using the rules for</a> the "<a href=#parsing-main-inbody title="insertion mode: in body">in body</a>" <a href=#insertion-mode>insertion
+    mode</a>.</p>
   </dl><p>Where the steps above say to <dfn id=close-the-cell>close the cell</dfn>, they
@@ -39475,9 +39476,9 @@
   </ol><p class=note>The <a href=#stack-of-open-elements>stack of open elements</a> cannot
   have both a <code><a href=#the-td-element>td</a></code> and a <code><a href=#the-th-element>th</a></code> element <a href=#has-an-element-in-table-scope title="has an element in table scope">in table scope</a> at
-  the same time, nor can it have neither when the <span>insertion
-  mode</span> is "<a href=#parsing-main-intd title="insertion mode: in cell">in
-  cell</a>".<h5 id=parsing-main-inselect><span class=secno> </span>The "<dfn title="insertion mode: in select">in select</dfn>" insertion mode</h5><p>When the <span>insertion mode</span> is "<a href=#parsing-main-inselect title="insertion
+  the same time, nor can it have neither when the <a href=#insertion-mode>insertion
+  mode</a> is "<a href=#parsing-main-intd title="insertion mode: in cell">in
+  cell</a>".<h5 id=parsing-main-inselect><span class=secno> </span>The "<dfn title="insertion mode: in select">in select</dfn>" insertion mode</h5><p>When the <a href=#insertion-mode>insertion mode</a> is "<a href=#parsing-main-inselect title="insertion
   mode: in select">in select</a>", tokens must be handled as follows:<dl class=switch><dt>A character token</dt>
     <p><a href=#insert-a-character title="insert a character">Insert the token's
@@ -39498,8 +39499,8 @@
    <dt>A start tag whose tag name is "html"</dt>
-    <p>Process the token <a href=#using-the-rules-for>using the rules for</a> the "<a href=#parsing-main-inbody title="insertion mode: in body">in body</a>" <span>insertion
-    mode</span>.</p>
+    <p>Process the token <a href=#using-the-rules-for>using the rules for</a> the "<a href=#parsing-main-inbody title="insertion mode: in body">in body</a>" <a href=#insertion-mode>insertion
+    mode</a>.</p>
    <dt>A start tag whose tag name is "option"</dt>
@@ -39605,7 +39606,7 @@
     <p><a href=#parse-error>Parse error</a>. Ignore the token.</p>
-  </dl><h5 id=parsing-main-inselectintable><span class=secno> </span>The "<dfn title="insertion mode: in select in table">in select in table</dfn>" insertion mode</h5><p>When the <span>insertion mode</span> is "<a href=#parsing-main-inselectintable title="insertion
+  </dl><h5 id=parsing-main-inselectintable><span class=secno> </span>The "<dfn title="insertion mode: in select in table">in select in table</dfn>" insertion mode</h5><p>When the <a href=#insertion-mode>insertion mode</a> is "<a href=#parsing-main-inselectintable title="insertion
   mode: in select in table">in select in table</a>", tokens must be handled as follows:<dl class=switch><dt>A start tag whose tag name is one of: "caption", "table",
    "tbody", "tfoot", "thead", "tr", "td", "th"</dt>
@@ -39629,11 +39630,11 @@
    <dt>Anything else</dt>
-    <p>Process the token <a href=#using-the-rules-for>using the rules for</a> the "<a href=#parsing-main-inselect title="insertion mode: in select">in select</a>" <span>insertion
-    mode</span>.</p>
+    <p>Process the token <a href=#using-the-rules-for>using the rules for</a> the "<a href=#parsing-main-inselect title="insertion mode: in select">in select</a>" <a href=#insertion-mode>insertion
+    mode</a>.</p>
-  </dl><h5 id=parsing-main-inforeign><span class=secno> </span>The "<dfn title="insertion mode: in foreign content">in foreign content</dfn>" insertion mode</h5><p>When the <span>insertion mode</span> is "<a href=#parsing-main-inforeign title="insertion
+  </dl><h5 id=parsing-main-inforeign><span class=secno> </span>The "<dfn title="insertion mode: in foreign content">in foreign content</dfn>" insertion mode</h5><p>When the <a href=#insertion-mode>insertion mode</a> is "<a href=#parsing-main-inforeign title="insertion
   mode: in foreign content">in foreign content</a>", tokens must be
   handled as follows:<dl class=switch><dt>A character token</dt>
@@ -39671,13 +39672,13 @@
     <p>Process the token <a href=#using-the-rules-for>using the rules for</a> the
     <a href=#secondary-insertion-mode>secondary insertion mode</a>.</p>
-    <p>If, after doing so, the <span>insertion mode</span> is still
+    <p>If, after doing so, the <a href=#insertion-mode>insertion mode</a> is still
     "<a href=#parsing-main-inforeign title="insertion mode: in foreign content">in foreign
     content</a>", but there is no element in scope that has a
     namespace other than the <a href=#html-namespace-0>HTML namespace</a><!-- XXX this
     isn't well-defined; it means check to see if the bottom-most HTML
-    element on the stack is in scope -->, switch the <span>insertion
-    mode</span> to the <a href=#secondary-insertion-mode>secondary insertion mode</a>.</p>
+    element on the stack is in scope -->, switch the <a href=#insertion-mode>insertion
+    mode</a> to the <a href=#secondary-insertion-mode>secondary insertion mode</a>.</p>
@@ -39705,7 +39706,7 @@
     the <a href=#current-node>current node</a> is in the <a href=#html-namespace-0>HTML
-    <p>Switch the <span>insertion mode</span> to the <a href=#secondary-insertion-mode>secondary
+    <p>Switch the <a href=#insertion-mode>insertion mode</a> to the <a href=#secondary-insertion-mode>secondary
     insertion mode</a>, and reprocess the token.</p>
@@ -39788,13 +39789,13 @@
-  </dl><h5 id=parsing-main-afterbody><span class=secno> </span>The "<dfn title="insertion mode: after body">after body</dfn>" insertion mode</h5><p>When the <span>insertion mode</span> is "<a href=#parsing-main-afterbody title="insertion
+  </dl><h5 id=parsing-main-afterbody><span class=secno> </span>The "<dfn title="insertion mode: after body">after body</dfn>" insertion mode</h5><p>When the <a href=#insertion-mode>insertion mode</a> is "<a href=#parsing-main-afterbody title="insertion
   mode: after body">after body</a>", tokens must be handled as follows:<dl class=switch><dt>A character token that is one of one of U+0009 CHARACTER
    <!--U+000D CARRIAGE RETURN (CR),--> or U+0020 SPACE</dt>
-    <p>Process the token <a href=#using-the-rules-for>using the rules for</a> the "<a href=#parsing-main-inbody title="insertion mode: in body">in body</a>" <span>insertion
-    mode</span>.</p>
+    <p>Process the token <a href=#using-the-rules-for>using the rules for</a> the "<a href=#parsing-main-inbody title="insertion mode: in body">in body</a>" <a href=#insertion-mode>insertion
+    mode</a>.</p>
    <dt>A comment token</dt>
@@ -39812,8 +39813,8 @@
    <dt>A start tag whose tag name is "html"</dt>
-    <p>Process the token <a href=#using-the-rules-for>using the rules for</a> the "<a href=#parsing-main-inbody title="insertion mode: in body">in body</a>" <span>insertion
-    mode</span>.</p>
+    <p>Process the token <a href=#using-the-rules-for>using the rules for</a> the "<a href=#parsing-main-inbody title="insertion mode: in body">in body</a>" <a href=#insertion-mode>insertion
+    mode</a>.</p>
    <dt>An end tag whose tag name is "html"</dt>
@@ -39823,7 +39824,7 @@
     fragment parsing algorithm</a>, this is a <a href=#parse-error>parse
     error</a>; ignore the token.  (<a href=#fragment-case>fragment case</a>)</p>
-    <p>Otherwise, switch the <span>insertion mode</span> to "<a href=#the-after-after-body-insertion-mode title="insertion mode: after after body">after after
+    <p>Otherwise, switch the <a href=#insertion-mode>insertion mode</a> to "<a href=#the-after-after-body-insertion-mode title="insertion mode: after after body">after after
@@ -39836,13 +39837,13 @@
    <dt>Anything else</dt>
-    <p><a href=#parse-error>Parse error</a>. Switch the <span>insertion
-    mode</span> to "<a href=#parsing-main-inbody title="insertion mode: in body">in
+    <p><a href=#parse-error>Parse error</a>. Switch the <a href=#insertion-mode>insertion
+    mode</a> to "<a href=#parsing-main-inbody title="insertion mode: in body">in
     body</a>" and reprocess the token.</p>
-  </dl><h5 id=parsing-main-inframeset><span class=secno> </span>The "<dfn title="insertion mode: in frameset">in frameset</dfn>" insertion mode</h5><p>When the <span>insertion mode</span> is "<a href=#parsing-main-inframeset title="insertion
+  </dl><h5 id=parsing-main-inframeset><span class=secno> </span>The "<dfn title="insertion mode: in frameset">in frameset</dfn>" insertion mode</h5><p>When the <a href=#insertion-mode>insertion mode</a> is "<a href=#parsing-main-inframeset title="insertion
   mode: in frameset">in frameset</a>", tokens must be handled as follows:<dl class=switch><dt>A character token that is one of one of U+0009 CHARACTER
    <!--U+000D CARRIAGE RETURN (CR),--> or U+0020 SPACE</dt>
@@ -39865,8 +39866,8 @@
    <dt>A start tag whose tag name is "html"</dt>
-    <p>Process the token <a href=#using-the-rules-for>using the rules for</a> the "<a href=#parsing-main-inbody title="insertion mode: in body">in body</a>" <span>insertion
-    mode</span>.</p>
+    <p>Process the token <a href=#using-the-rules-for>using the rules for</a> the "<a href=#parsing-main-inbody title="insertion mode: in body">in body</a>" <a href=#insertion-mode>insertion
+    mode</a>.</p>
    <dt>A start tag whose tag name is "frameset"</dt>
@@ -39889,7 +39890,7 @@
     of the <a href=#html-fragment-parsing-algorithm>HTML fragment parsing algorithm</a>
     (<a href=#fragment-case>fragment case</a>), and the <a href=#current-node>current
     node</a> is no longer a <code>frameset</code> element, then
-    switch the <span>insertion mode</span> to "<a href=#parsing-main-afterframeset title="insertion mode: after frameset">after
+    switch the <a href=#insertion-mode>insertion mode</a> to "<a href=#parsing-main-afterframeset title="insertion mode: after frameset">after
@@ -39908,8 +39909,8 @@
    <dt>A start tag whose tag name is "noframes"</dt>
-    <p>Process the token <a href=#using-the-rules-for>using the rules for</a> the "<a href=#parsing-main-inhead title="insertion mode: in head">in head</a>" <span>insertion
-    mode</span>.</p>
+    <p>Process the token <a href=#using-the-rules-for>using the rules for</a> the "<a href=#parsing-main-inhead title="insertion mode: in head">in head</a>" <a href=#insertion-mode>insertion
+    mode</a>.</p>
    <dt>An end-of-file token</dt>
@@ -39931,7 +39932,7 @@
     <p><a href=#parse-error>Parse error</a>. Ignore the token.</p>
-  </dl><h5 id=parsing-main-afterframeset><span class=secno> </span>The "<dfn title="insertion mode: after frameset">after frameset</dfn>" insertion mode</h5><p>When the <span>insertion mode</span> is "<a href=#parsing-main-afterframeset title="insertion
+  </dl><h5 id=parsing-main-afterframeset><span class=secno> </span>The "<dfn title="insertion mode: after frameset">after frameset</dfn>" insertion mode</h5><p>When the <a href=#insertion-mode>insertion mode</a> is "<a href=#parsing-main-afterframeset title="insertion
   mode: after frameset">after frameset</a>", tokens must be handled as follows:</p><!-- due to rules in the "in frameset" mode, this can't be entered in the fragment case --><dl class=switch><dt>A character token that is one of one of U+0009 CHARACTER
    <!--U+000D CARRIAGE RETURN (CR),--> or U+0020 SPACE</dt>
@@ -39954,20 +39955,20 @@
    <dt>A start tag whose tag name is "html"</dt>
-    <p>Process the token <a href=#using-the-rules-for>using the rules for</a> the "<a href=#parsing-main-inbody title="insertion mode: in body">in body</a>" <span>insertion
-    mode</span>.</p>
+    <p>Process the token <a href=#using-the-rules-for>using the rules for</a> the "<a href=#parsing-main-inbody title="insertion mode: in body">in body</a>" <a href=#insertion-mode>insertion
+    mode</a>.</p>
    <dt>An end tag whose tag name is "html"</dt>
-    <p>Switch the <span>insertion mode</span> to "<a href=#the-after-after-frameset-insertion-mode title="insertion mode: after after frameset">after after
+    <p>Switch the <a href=#insertion-mode>insertion mode</a> to "<a href=#the-after-after-frameset-insertion-mode title="insertion mode: after after frameset">after after
    <dt>A start tag whose tag name is "noframes"</dt>
-    <p>Process the token <a href=#using-the-rules-for>using the rules for</a> the "<a href=#parsing-main-inhead title="insertion mode: in head">in head</a>" <span>insertion
-    mode</span>.</p>
+    <p>Process the token <a href=#using-the-rules-for>using the rules for</a> the "<a href=#parsing-main-inhead title="insertion mode: in head">in head</a>" <a href=#insertion-mode>insertion
+    mode</a>.</p>
    <dt>An end-of-file token</dt>
@@ -39983,7 +39984,7 @@
   </dl><p class=XXX>This doesn't handle UAs that don't support
   frames, or that do support frames but want to show the NOFRAMES
   content. Supporting the former is easy; supporting the latter is
-  harder.<h5 id=the-after-after-body-insertion-mode><span class=secno> </span>The "<dfn title="insertion mode: after after body">after after body</dfn>" insertion mode</h5><p>When the <span>insertion mode</span> is "<a href=#the-after-after-body-insertion-mode title="insertion
+  harder.<h5 id=the-after-after-body-insertion-mode><span class=secno> </span>The "<dfn title="insertion mode: after after body">after after body</dfn>" insertion mode</h5><p>When the <a href=#insertion-mode>insertion mode</a> is "<a href=#the-after-after-body-insertion-mode title="insertion
   mode: after after body">after after body</a>", tokens must be handled as follows:<dl class=switch><dt>A comment token</dt>
     <p>Append a <code>Comment</code> node to the <code>Document</code>
@@ -39997,8 +39998,8 @@
    <!--U+000D CARRIAGE RETURN (CR),--> or U+0020 SPACE</dt>
    <dt>A start tag whose tag name is "html"</dt>
-    <p>Process the token <a href=#using-the-rules-for>using the rules for</a> the "<a href=#parsing-main-inbody title="insertion mode: in body">in body</a>" <span>insertion
-    mode</span>.</p>
+    <p>Process the token <a href=#using-the-rules-for>using the rules for</a> the "<a href=#parsing-main-inbody title="insertion mode: in body">in body</a>" <a href=#insertion-mode>insertion
+    mode</a>.</p>
    <dt>An end-of-file token</dt>
@@ -40008,12 +40009,12 @@
    <dt>Anything else</dt>
-    <p><a href=#parse-error>Parse error</a>. Switch the <span>insertion mode</span>
+    <p><a href=#parse-error>Parse error</a>. Switch the <a href=#insertion-mode>insertion mode</a>
     to "<a href=#parsing-main-inbody title="insertion mode: in body">in body</a>" and
     reprocess the token.</p>
-  </dl><h5 id=the-after-after-frameset-insertion-mode><span class=secno> </span>The "<dfn title="insertion mode: after after frameset">after after frameset</dfn>" insertion mode</h5><p>When the <span>insertion mode</span> is "<a href=#the-after-after-frameset-insertion-mode title="insertion
+  </dl><h5 id=the-after-after-frameset-insertion-mode><span class=secno> </span>The "<dfn title="insertion mode: after after frameset">after after frameset</dfn>" insertion mode</h5><p>When the <a href=#insertion-mode>insertion mode</a> is "<a href=#the-after-after-frameset-insertion-mode title="insertion
   mode: after after frameset">after after frameset</a>", tokens must be handled as follows:<dl class=switch><dt>A comment token</dt>
     <p>Append a <code>Comment</code> node to the <code>Document</code>
@@ -40027,8 +40028,8 @@
    <!--U+000D CARRIAGE RETURN (CR),--> or U+0020 SPACE</dt>
    <dt>A start tag whose tag name is "html"</dt>
-    <p>Process the token <a href=#using-the-rules-for>using the rules for</a> the "<a href=#parsing-main-inbody title="insertion mode: in body">in body</a>" <span>insertion
-    mode</span>.</p>
+    <p>Process the token <a href=#using-the-rules-for>using the rules for</a> the "<a href=#parsing-main-inbody title="insertion mode: in body">in body</a>" <a href=#insertion-mode>insertion
+    mode</a>.</p>
    <dt>An end-of-file token</dt>
@@ -40038,8 +40039,8 @@
    <dt>A start tag whose tag name is "noframes"</dt>
-    <p>Process the token <a href=#using-the-rules-for>using the rules for</a> the "<a href=#parsing-main-inhead title="insertion mode: in head">in head</a>" <span>insertion
-    mode</span>.</p>
+    <p>Process the token <a href=#using-the-rules-for>using the rules for</a> the "<a href=#parsing-main-inhead title="insertion mode: in head">in head</a>" <a href=#insertion-mode>insertion
+    mode</a>.</p>
    <dt>Anything else</dt>

Received on Wednesday, 8 October 2008 08:01:20 UTC