spec/Overview.html 1.1445 2272 WF2: Revamp of activation behavior defin

WF2: Revamp of activation behavior definitions and related details.
(whatwg r2272)

The rules for handling alternative style sheets are defined in the CSS object model specification. [CSSOM]
rectangle state
4.10.4 The input element
run canceled activation steps
nearest activatable element
pre-click activation steps
hyperlink suffix
http://people.w3.org/mike/diffs/html5/spec/Overview.1.1445.html#dom-a-href Interactive content
canceled activation steps
Interactive content
2.2.3 Common conformance requirements for APIs exposed to JavaScript
run final activation steps
6.3 Activation
3.4.2 Transparent content models
activation behavior
6.4 Scrolling elements into view
run pre-click activation steps
Status of this document
A vocabulary and associated APIs for HTML and XHTML
fallback content
run synthetic click activation steps
run post-click activation steps
Editor's Draft 3 October 2008


RCS file: /sources/public/html5/spec/Overview.html,v
retrieving revision 1.1444
retrieving revision 1.1445
diff -u -d -r1.1444 -r1.1445
--- Overview.html 2 Oct 2008 22:37:30 -0000 1.1444
+++ Overview.html 3 Oct 2008 01:08:40 -0000 1.1445
@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@
    <p><a href=http://www.w3.org/><img alt=W3C height=48 src=http://www.w3.org/Icons/w3c_home width=72></a></p>
    <h1>HTML 5</h1>
    <h2 class="no-num no-toc" id=a-vocabulary-and-associated-apis-for-html-and-xhtml>A vocabulary and associated APIs for HTML and XHTML</h2>
-   <h2 class="no-num no-toc" id=editor-s-draft-date-zzz-9-june-2008><!-- "W3C Working Draft" --> Editor's Draft <!--ZZZ-->2 October 2008</h2>
+   <h2 class="no-num no-toc" id=editor-s-draft-date-zzz-9-june-2008><!-- "W3C Working Draft" --> Editor's Draft <!--ZZZ-->3 October 2008</h2>
    <dl><!-- ZZZ: update the month/day
     <dt>This Version:</dt>
     <dd><a href="http://www.w3.org/TR/2008/WD-html5-20080609/">http://www.w3.org/TR/2008/WD-html5-20080609/</a></dd>
@@ -100,7 +100,7 @@
   specification's progress along the W3C Recommendation
-  This specification is the 2 October 2008 <!--ZZZ "Working Draft"-->Editor's Draft.
+  This specification is the 3 October 2008 <!--ZZZ "Working Draft"-->Editor's Draft.
   </p><!-- UNDER NO CIRCUMSTANCES IS THE PRECEDING PARAGRAPH TO BE REMOVED OR EDITED WITHOUT TALKING TO IAN FIRST --><!-- relationship to other work (required) --><p>This specification is also being produced by the <a href=http://www.whatwg.org/>WHATWG</a>. The two specifications are
   identical from the table of contents onwards.</p><!-- UNDER NO CIRCUMSTANCES IS THE FOLLOWING PARAGRAPH TO BE REMOVED OR EDITED WITHOUT TALKING TO IAN FIRST --><!-- UNDER NO CIRCUMSTANCES IS THE PRECEDING PARAGRAPH TO BE REMOVED OR EDITED WITHOUT TALKING TO IAN FIRST --><!-- context and rationale (required) --><p>This specification is intended to replace (be a new version of)
@@ -1540,10 +1540,7 @@
   event-DOMActivate, etc, here, once DOM3 Events is ready for that,
   and just have the section be a general "defined in other
   specifications" section --><p>The interface <dfn id=domtimestamp><code>DOMTimeStamp</code></dfn> is defined in
-  DOM3 Core. <a href=#references>[DOM3CORE]</a><p>The term <dfn id=activation-behavior>activation behavior</dfn> is used as defined in the
-  DOM3 Events specification. <a href=#references>[DOM3EVENTS]</a> <span class=XXX>At
-  the time of writing, DOM3 Events hadn't yet been updated to define
-  that phrase.</span><p id=alternate-style-sheets>The rules for handling alternative
+  DOM3 Core. <a href=#references>[DOM3CORE]</a><p id=alternate-style-sheets>The rules for handling alternative
   style sheets are defined in the CSS object model specification. <a href=#references>[CSSOM]</a><p class=XXX>See <a href="http://dev.w3.org/cvsweb/~checkout~/csswg/cssom/Overview.html?content-type=text/html;%20charset=utf-8">http://dev.w3.org/cvsweb/~checkout~/csswg/cssom/Overview.html?content-type=text/html;%20charset=utf-8</a></p><!--XXX empty title attribute is equivalent to missing attribute for
   purposes of alternate style sheet processing --><h4 id=common-conformance-requirements-for-apis-exposed-to-javascript><span class=secno>2.2.3 </span>Common conformance requirements for APIs exposed to
   JavaScript</h4><p class=XXX>This section will eventually be removed in favour of WebIDL.<p class=XXX>A lot of arrays/lists/<a href=#collections-0 title=collections>collection</a>s
@@ -5415,39 +5412,81 @@
   defined in this specification. (For example, MathML, or SVG.)<p>Some embedded content elements can have <dfn id=fallback-content>fallback
   content</dfn>: content that is to be used when the external resource
   cannot be used (e.g. because it is of an unsupported format). The
-  element definitions state what the fallback is, if any.<h5 id=interactive-content><span class=secno> </span>Interactive content</h5><!-- Don't change the above <dfn> or the text below without checking
-  all cross-references. Some of them refer specifically to the
-  activation behavior stuff. --><p class=XXX>Parts of this section should eventually be
-  moved to DOM3 Events.</p><!-- but see comment above --><!--
+  element definitions state what the fallback is, if any.<h5 id=interactive-content><span class=secno> </span>Interactive content</h5><!--
 --><p><dfn id=interactive-content-0>Interactive content</dfn> is content that is specifically
-  intended for user interaction.<p>Certain elements in HTML can be activated, for instance
-  <code><a href=#the-a-element>a</a></code> elements, <code><a href=#the-button-element>button</a></code> elements, or
-  <code><a href=#the-input-element>input</a></code> elements when their <code title=attr-input-type><a href=#attr-input-type>type</a></code> attribute is in the <a href=#radio-button-state title=attr-input-type-radio>Radio Button</a> state. Activation
-  of those elements can happen in various (UA-defined) ways, for
-  instance via the mouse or keyboard.<p>When activation is performed via some method other than clicking
-  the pointing device, the default action of the event that triggers
-  the activation must, instead of being activating the element
-  directly, be to <a href=#fire-a-click-event>fire a <code title="">click</code>
-  event</a> on the same element.<p>The default action of this <code title=event-click>click</code>
-  event, or of the real <code title=event-click>click</code> event
-  if the element was activated by clicking a pointing device, must be
-  to <span title="fire a DOMActivate event">fire a further <code title=event-DOMActivate>DOMActivate</code> event</span> at the
-  same element, whose own default action is to go through all the
-  elements the <code title=event-DOMActivate>DOMActivate</code>
-  event bubbled through (starting at the target node and going towards
-  the <code>Document</code> node), looking for an element with an
-  <a href=#activation-behavior>activation behavior</a>; the first element, in reverse tree
-  order, to have one, must have its activation behavior executed.<p class=note>The above doesn't happen for arbitrary synthetic
+  intended for user interaction.<p>Certain elements in HTML have an <a href=#activation-behavior>activation
+  behavior</a>, which means the user agent should allow the user to
+  manually trigger them in some way, for instance using keyboard or
+  voice input (though not mouse clicks, which are handled above). When
+  the user triggers an element with a defined <a href=#activation-behavior>activation
+  behavior</a>, the default action of the interaction event<!-- XXX
+  --> must be to <a href=#run-synthetic-click-activation-steps>run synthetic click activation steps</a> on
+  the element.<p>When a user agent is to <dfn id=run-synthetic-click-activation-steps>run synthetic click activation
+  steps</dfn> on an element, the user agent must <a href=#run-pre-click-activation-steps>run pre-click
+  activation steps</a> on the element, then <a href=#fire-a-click-event>fire a <code title=event-click>click</code> event</a> at the element. The
+  default action of this <span title=event-click>click</span> event
+  must be to <a href=#run-post-click-activation-steps>run post-click activation steps</a> on the
+  element. If the event is canceled, the user agent must <a href=#run-canceled-activation-steps>run
+  canceled activation steps</a> on the element instead.<p>Given an element <var title="">target</var>, the <dfn id=nearest-activatable-element>nearest
+  activatable element</dfn> is the element returned by the following
+  algorithm:<ol><li><p>If <var title="">target</var> has a defined <a href=#activation-behavior>activation
+   behavior</a>, then return <var title="">target</var> and abort
+   these steps.</li>
+   <li><p>If <var title="">target</var> has a parent element, then set
+   <var title="">target</var> to that parent element and return to the
+   first step.</li>
+   <li><p>Otherwise, there is no <a href=#nearest-activatable-element>nearest activatable
+   element</a>.</li>
+  </ol><p>When a pointing device is clicked, the user agent must run these
+  steps:<ol><li><p>Let <var title="">e</var> be the <span title="">nearest
+   activatable element</span> of the element designated by the user,
+   if any.</li>
+   <li><p>If there is an element <var title="">e</var>, <a href=#run-pre-click-activation-steps>run
+   pre-click activation steps</a> on it.</li>
+   <li>
+    <p>Dispatching the required <code title=event-click>click</code>
+    event.</p>
+    <p class=XXX>Another specification presumably requires the
+    firing of the <span title=event-click>click</span> event?</p>
+    <p>If there is an element <var title="">e</var>, then the default
+    action of the <span title=event-click>click</span> event must be
+    to <a href=#run-post-click-activation-steps>run post-click activation steps</a> on element <var title="">e</var>.</p>
+    <p>If there is an element <var title="">e</var> but the event is
+    canceled, the user agent must <a href=#run-canceled-activation-steps>run canceled activation
+    steps</a> on element <var title="">e</var>.</p>
+   </li>
+  </ol><p class=note>The above doesn't happen for arbitrary synthetic
   events dispatched by author script. However, the <code title=dom-click><a href=#dom-click>click()</a></code> method can be used to make it
-  happen programmatically.<p>For certain form controls, this process is complicated further by
-  <a href=http://www.whatwg.org/specs/web-forms/current-work/#the-click>changes
-  that must happen around the click event</a>. <a href=#references>[WF2]</a></p><!-- XXX WF2: when this is merged into
-  this spec, update xrefs --><h4 id=transparent-content-models><span class=secno>3.4.2 </span>Transparent content models</h4><p>Some elements are described as <dfn id=transparent>transparent</dfn>; they have
+  happen programmatically.<p>When a user agent is to <dfn id=run-post-click-activation-steps>run post-click activation
+  steps</dfn> on an element, the user agent must <a href=#fire-a-simple-event>fire a simple
+  event</a> called <code title=event-DOMActivate>DOMActivate</code> at that element. The
+  default action of this event must be to <a href=#run-final-activation-steps>run final activation
+  steps</a> on that element. If the event is canceled, the user
+  agent must <a href=#run-canceled-activation-steps>run canceled activation steps</a> on the element
+  instead.<p>When a user agent is to <dfn id=run-pre-click-activation-steps>run pre-click activation steps</dfn>
+  on an element, it must run the <dfn id=pre-click-activation-steps>pre-click activation steps</dfn>
+  defined for that element, if any.<p>When a user agent is to <dfn id=run-canceled-activation-steps>run canceled activation steps</dfn>
+  on an element, it must run the <dfn id=canceled-activation-steps>canceled activation steps</dfn>
+  defined for that element, if any.<p>When a user agent is to <dfn id=run-final-activation-steps>run final activation steps</dfn> on
+  an element, it must run the <dfn id=activation-behavior>activation behavior</dfn> defined
+  for that element. Activation behaviors can refer to the <code title=event-click>click</code> and <code title=event-DOMActivate>DOMActivate</code> events that were fired
+  by the steps above leading up to this point.<h4 id=transparent-content-models><span class=secno>3.4.2 </span>Transparent content models</h4><p>Some elements are described as <dfn id=transparent>transparent</dfn>; they have
   "transparent" as their content model. Some elements are described as
   <dfn id=semi-transparent>semi-transparent</dfn>; this means that part of their content
   model is "transparent" but that is not the only part of the content
@@ -9296,8 +9335,8 @@
    <code>INVALID_ACCESS_ERR</code> exception and abort these
-   <li><p>If the target of the <code title=event-DOMActivate>DOMActivate</code> event is an
-   <code><a href=#the-img-element>img</a></code> element with an <code title=attr-img-ismap><a href=#attr-img-ismap>ismap</a></code> attribute specified, then
+   <li><p>If the target of the <code title=event-click>click</code>
+   event is an <code><a href=#the-img-element>img</a></code> element with an <code title=attr-img-ismap><a href=#attr-img-ismap>ismap</a></code> attribute specified, then
    server-side image map processing must be performed, as follows:</p>
     <ol><!-- http://software.hixie.ch/utilities/js/live-dom-viewer/?%3C%21DOCTYPE%20html%3E%0A...%3Ca%20href%3D%22%23%22%3E%3Cimg%20ismap%20usemap%3D%22%23a%22%20src%3D/resources/images/smallcats%3E%3C/a%3E%0A%3Cmap%20name%3Da%3E%3Carea%20shape%3Drect%20coords%3D0%2C0%2C50%2C50%20href%3Db%3E%3C/map%3E --><li>If the <code title=event-DOMActivate>DOMActivate</code>
@@ -9322,10 +9361,7 @@
    suffix</a></var>, then take that into account when following the
-  </ol><p class=note>One way that a user agent can enable users to follow
-  hyperlinks is by allowing <code><a href=#the-a-element>a</a></code> elements to be clicked, or
-  focussed and activated by the keyboard. This <a href=#interactive-content-0 title="interactive content">will cause</a> the aforementioned
-  <a href=#activation-behavior>activation behavior</a> to be invoked.<p>The DOM attributes <dfn id=dom-a-href title=dom-a-href><code>href</code></dfn>, <dfn id=dom-a-ping title=dom-a-ping><code>ping</code></dfn>, <dfn id=dom-a-target title=dom-a-target><code>target</code></dfn>, <dfn id=dom-a-rel title=dom-a-rel><code>rel</code></dfn>, <dfn id=dom-a-media title=dom-a-media><code>media</code></dfn>, <dfn id=dom-a-hreflang title=dom-a-hreflang><code>hreflang</code></dfn>, and <dfn id=dom-a-type title=dom-a-type><code>type</code></dfn>, must each
+  </ol><p>The DOM attributes <dfn id=dom-a-href title=dom-a-href><code>href</code></dfn>, <dfn id=dom-a-ping title=dom-a-ping><code>ping</code></dfn>, <dfn id=dom-a-target title=dom-a-target><code>target</code></dfn>, <dfn id=dom-a-rel title=dom-a-rel><code>rel</code></dfn>, <dfn id=dom-a-media title=dom-a-media><code>media</code></dfn>, <dfn id=dom-a-hreflang title=dom-a-hreflang><code>hreflang</code></dfn>, and <dfn id=dom-a-type title=dom-a-type><code>type</code></dfn>, must each
   <a href=#reflect>reflect</a> the respective content attributes of the same
   name.<p>The DOM attribute <dfn id=dom-a-rellist title=dom-a-rellist><code>relList</code></dfn> must
   <a href=#reflect>reflect</a> the <code title=attr-hyperlink-rel><a href=#attr-hyperlink-rel>rel</a></code>
@@ -16632,10 +16668,7 @@
    hyperlinks">follow the hyperlink</a> defined by the
    <code><a href=#the-area-element>area</a></code> element, if any.</li>
-  </ol><p class=note>One way that a user agent can enable users to follow
-  hyperlinks is by allowing <code><a href=#the-area-element>area</a></code> elements to be clicked,
-  or focussed and activated by the keyboard. This <a href=#interactive-content-0 title="interactive content">will cause</a> the aforementioned
-  <a href=#activation-behavior>activation behavior</a> to be invoked.<p>The DOM attributes <dfn id=dom-area-alt title=dom-area-alt><code>alt</code></dfn>, <dfn id=dom-area-coords title=dom-area-coords><code>coords</code></dfn>, <dfn id=dom-area-href title=dom-area-href><code>href</code></dfn>, <dfn id=dom-area-target title=dom-area-target><code>target</code></dfn>, <dfn id=dom-area-ping title=dom-area-ping><code>ping</code></dfn>, <dfn id=dom-area-rel title=dom-area-rel><code>rel</code></dfn>, <dfn id=dom-area-media title=dom-area-media><code>media</code></dfn>, <dfn id=dom-area-hreflang title=dom-area-hreflang><code>hreflang</code></dfn>, and <dfn id=dom-area-type title=dom-area-type><code>type</code></dfn>, each must
+  </ol><p>The DOM attributes <dfn id=dom-area-alt title=dom-area-alt><code>alt</code></dfn>, <dfn id=dom-area-coords title=dom-area-coords><code>coords</code></dfn>, <dfn id=dom-area-href title=dom-area-href><code>href</code></dfn>, <dfn id=dom-area-target title=dom-area-target><code>target</code></dfn>, <dfn id=dom-area-ping title=dom-area-ping><code>ping</code></dfn>, <dfn id=dom-area-rel title=dom-area-rel><code>rel</code></dfn>, <dfn id=dom-area-media title=dom-area-media><code>media</code></dfn>, <dfn id=dom-area-hreflang title=dom-area-hreflang><code>hreflang</code></dfn>, and <dfn id=dom-area-type title=dom-area-type><code>type</code></dfn>, each must
   <a href=#reflect>reflect</a> the respective content attributes of the same
   name.<p>The DOM attribute <dfn id=dom-area-shape title=dom-area-shape><code>shape</code></dfn> must
   <a href=#reflect>reflect</a> the <code title=attr-area-shape><a href=#attr-area-shape>shape</a></code>
@@ -18498,7 +18531,23 @@
   specified, but the <code><a href=#the-label-element>label</a></code> element has a <span>labelable
   form-associated element</span> descendant, then the first such
   descendant in <a href=#tree-order>tree order</a> is the <code><a href=#the-label-element>label</a></code>
-  element's <a href=#labeled-control>labeled control</a>.<p>The <code title=attr-fae-form><a href=#attr-fae-form>form</a></code> attribute is used to
+  element's <a href=#labeled-control>labeled control</a>.<p>The <code><a href=#the-label-element>label</a></code> element's exact default presentation and
+  behavior, in particular what its <a href=#activation-behavior>activation behavior</a>
+  might be, if anything, should match the platform's label
+  behavior.<div class=example>
+   <p>For example, on platforms where clicking a checkbox label checks
+   the checkbox, clicking the <code><a href=#the-label-element>label</a></code> in the following
+   snippet could trigger the user agent to <span>run synthetic click
+   activation steps on the <code><a href=#the-input-element>input</a></code> element, as if
+   the element itself had been triggered by the user:</span></p>
+   <pre>&lt;label&gt;&lt;input type=checkbox name=lost&gt; Lost&lt;/label&gt;</pre>
+   <p>On other platforms, the behavior might be just to focus the
+   control, or do nothing.</p>
+  </div><p>The <code title=attr-fae-form><a href=#attr-fae-form>form</a></code> attribute is used to
   explicitly associate the <code><a href=#the-label-element>label</a></code> element with its
   <a href=#form-owner>form owner</a>.<p>The <dfn id=dom-label-htmlfor title=dom-label-htmlFor><code>htmlFor</code></dfn> DOM
   attribute must <a href=#reflect>reflect</a> the <code title=attr-label-for><a href=#attr-label-for>for</a></code> content attribute.<p>The <dfn id=dom-label-control title=dom-label-control><code>control</code></dfn> DOM
@@ -18510,13 +18559,7 @@
   control</a> is the element in question. The <dfn id=dom-lfe-labels title=dom-lfe-labels><code>labels</code></dfn> DOM attribute of
   <span title="labelable form-associated element">labelable
   form-associated elements</span>, on getting, must return that
-  <code>NodeList</code> object.</p><!-- The label element's exact default presentation and behaviour
-  should match the platform's label behaviour. For example, on
-  platforms where clicking a checkbox label checks the checkbox,
-  clicking a label element should cause a click event to be
-  synthesised and fired at the checkbox. XXX should define activation
-  behaviour here; clicking on nested link? nested label? label when it
-  has a checkbox? etc --><h4 id=the-input-element><span class=secno>4.10.4 </span>The <dfn><code>input</code></dfn> element</h4><dl class=element><dt>Categories</dt>
+  <code>NodeList</code> object.<h4 id=the-input-element><span class=secno>4.10.4 </span>The <dfn><code>input</code></dfn> element</h4><dl class=element><dt>Categories</dt>
    <dd><a href=#phrasing-content-0>Phrasing content</a>.</dd>
    <dd><a href=#interactive-content-0>Interactive content</a>.</dd>
    <dd><a href=#category-listed title=category-listed>Listed</a>, <a href=#category-label title=category-label>labelable</a>, <a href=#category-submit title=category-submit>submittable</a>, and <a href=#category-reset title=category-reset>resettable</a> <a href=#form-associated-element>form-associated element</a>.</dd>
@@ -30225,16 +30268,11 @@
   in hidden areas? e.g. make onmousemove and onclick and form controls
   not respond to input? --><p>The <dfn id=dom-hidden title=dom-hidden><code>hidden</code></dfn> DOM
   attribute must <a href=#reflect>reflect</a> the content attribute of the
-  same name.<h3 id=activation><span class=secno>6.3 </span>Activation</h3><p>The <dfn id=dom-click title=dom-click>click()</dfn> method must <a href=#fire-a-click-event>fire a
-  <code>click</code> event</a> at the element, whose default action
-  is the <span title="fire a DOMActivate event">firing of a further
-  <code title=event-DOMActivate>DOMActivate</code> event</span> at
-  the same element, whose own default action is to go through all the
-  elements the <code title=event-DOMActivate>DOMActivate</code>
-  event bubbled through (starting at the target node and going towards
-  the <code>Document</code> node), looking for an element with an
-  <a href=#activation-behavior>activation behavior</a>; the first element, in reverse tree
-  order, to have one, must have its activation behavior executed.<h3 id=scrolling-elements-into-view><span class=secno>6.4 </span>Scrolling elements into view</h3><p>The <dfn id=dom-scrollintoview title=dom-scrollIntoView><code>scrollIntoView([<var title="">top</var>])</code></dfn> method, when called, must cause
+  same name.<h3 id=activation><span class=secno>6.3 </span>Activation</h3><p>The <dfn id=dom-click title=dom-click>click()</dfn> method must, if the
+  element has a defined <a href=#activation-behavior>activation behavior</a>, <a href=#run-synthetic-click-activation-steps>run
+  synthetic click activation steps</a> on the element. Otherwise,
+  the user agent must <a href=#fire-a-click-event>fire a <code>click</code> event</a> at
+  the element.<h3 id=scrolling-elements-into-view><span class=secno>6.4 </span>Scrolling elements into view</h3><p>The <dfn id=dom-scrollintoview title=dom-scrollIntoView><code>scrollIntoView([<var title="">top</var>])</code></dfn> method, when called, must cause
   the element on which the method was called to have the attention of
   the user called to it.<p class=note>In a speech browser, this could happen by having the
   current playback position move to the start of the given

Received on Friday, 3 October 2008 01:13:05 UTC