spec/Overview.html 1.1042 1853 Try to clean up the 'pixelratio' stuff.

Try to clean up the 'pixelratio' stuff. (whatwg r1853) (changed by: Ian

Diffs for this change per section: 

Current content per affected section: 

Previously published WD content per affected section: 

Cumulative diff: http://people.w3.org/mike/diffs/html5/spec/Overview.diff.html



RCS file: /sources/public/html5/spec/Overview.html,v
retrieving revision 1.1041
retrieving revision 1.1042
diff -u -d -r1.1041 -r1.1042
--- Overview.html	8 Jul 2008 23:10:44 -0000	1.1041
+++ Overview.html	8 Jul 2008 23:22:42 -0000	1.1042
@@ -16881,9 +16881,6 @@
    attributes are <a href="#media8" title="media element attributes">the
    attributes common to all media elements</a>.
-  <p>The <code><a href="#video1">video</a></code> element supports <a
-   href="#dimension0">dimension attributes</a>.
   <p>The <dfn id=poster title=attr-video-poster><code>poster</code></dfn>
    attribute gives the address of an image file that the user agent can show
    while no video data is available. The attribute, if present, must contain
@@ -16906,16 +16903,6 @@
    title=attr-video-poster><a href="#poster">poster</a></code> content
-  <p>The <dfn id=videowidth
-   title=dom-video-videoWidth><code>videoWidth</code></dfn> DOM attribute
-   must return the native width of the video in CSS pixels. The <dfn
-   id=videoheight title=dom-video-videoHeight><code>videoHeight</code></dfn>
-   DOM attribute must return the native height of the video in CSS pixels. In
-   the absence of resolution information defining the mapping of pixels in
-   the video to physical dimensions, user agents may assume that one pixel in
-   the video corresponds to one CSS pixel. If no video data is available,
-   then the attributes must return 0.
   <p>When no video data is available (the element's <code
@@ -16978,6 +16965,19 @@
+  <p>The <code><a href="#video1">video</a></code> element supports <a
+   href="#dimension0">dimension attributes</a>.
+  <p>The <dfn id=videowidth
+   title=dom-video-videoWidth><code>videoWidth</code></dfn> DOM attribute
+   must return the intrinsic width of the video in CSS pixels. The <dfn
+   id=videoheight title=dom-video-videoHeight><code>videoHeight</code></dfn>
+   DOM attribute must return the intrinsic height of the video in CSS pixels.
+   In the absence of resolution information defining the mapping of pixels in
+   the video to physical dimensions, user agents may assume that one pixel in
+   the video corresponds to one CSS pixel. If no video data is available,
+   then the attributes must return 0.
   <p>Video content should be rendered inside the element's playback area such
    that the video content is shown centered in the playback area at the
    largest possible size that fits completely within it, with the video
@@ -17390,11 +17390,9 @@
    href="#media10" title="media resource">media resources</a> that do not
    self-describe their pixel ratio. The attribute value, if specified, must
    be a <a href="#valid2">valid floating point number</a> giving the ratio of
-   the correct rendered width of each pixel to the actual width of each pixel
-   in the image (i.e., the multiple by which the video's intrinsic width is
-   to be multiplied to obtain the rendered width that gives the correct
-   aspect ratio). The default value, if the attribute is omitted or cannot be
-   parsed, is 1.0.
+   the correct rendered width of each pixel to the actual height of each
+   pixel in the image. The default value, if the attribute is omitted or
+   cannot be parsed, is 1.0.
   <p class=note>The only way this default is used is in deciding what number
    the <code title=dom-source-pixelRatio><a

Received on Tuesday, 8 July 2008 23:25:43 UTC