Question about Microdata to RDF Note and lang attribute


I have a question about examples in Appendix B in "Microdata to RDF"
Note [1], regarding @lang handling.

Given the first microdata example in Appendix B

<dl itemscope
 <dd><cite itemprop="">Just a Geek</cite></dd>
 <dd><span itemprop="">Wil Wheaton</span></dd>

the second Turtle example shows the resulting RDF like

<> a frbr:Work ;
  dc:creator "Wil Wheaton"@en ;
  dc:title "Just a Geek"@en ;

However, according to the Algorithm, these literal nodes should not
have lang tag @en.

In section 1.1, the Note says

although element names and HTML @lang attributes could be used to
provide datatype and language information for RDF data, this would be
contrary to the microdata specification.

and in 4.1, property value is defined as (after the @href and <time> treatment)

The value is a plain literal created from element.itemValue with
language information set from the lang IDL attribute of the property

Therefore, lang tag of the resulting RDF node can be set only if the
element itself has @lang attribute (i.e. has lang IDL attribute
value), not its ancestors.

I wonder the above examples contradict to the Algorithm, and should be
noted in errata. Or am I missing some points, previous discussions,



@prefix : <> . <> :from [:name
"KANZAKI Masahide"; :nick "masaka"; :email ""].

Received on Tuesday, 11 September 2012 04:52:05 UTC