Introducing myself

Dear Jeni,

I am happy to see this initiative being launched!

My name is Tobias Bürger. I did my Phd at the Semantic Technology Institute
(STI) in Innsbruck in 2009 and am researching in the Semantic Web area since
six years. I am currently active in another W3C working group, the Media
Annotation Working Group, in which I am one of the initiators of the
Semantic Web cmmpatible Media Resource ontology [1] [2]. More about myself
can be found at [3].

My interest in this topic origniates from my PhD in which I developed a
model to describe media objects in a resource-centric way in Web pages and
to embed this metadata in the Web page itself using RDFa. The use case and
idea is further described in [4] and [5].

At the time back then I discovered some limitations of RDFa related to
provenance and logical grouping of resource metadata in Web pages in the
sense of named graphs. Use cases for that I am happy to share.

I am looking forward to support this taskforce and to work together with
you. I will add pointers to material I am aware of in the next days.
As of the expected output of the taskforce, I think that the most important
outcome are use cases and real world examples which are appealing for end
users and Web developers and which show the benefit of embedded semantic
metadata in Web pages (your point 1). Additionaly I'd think that a sort of a
cookbook/best practice guideline on how to embed metadata in Web pages
(which should include description of the steps a user has to take including
the choose the syntax, vocabularies, the real embedding, and the use
afterwards) is equally important as an output of the group (your points 2,6,
and 3).

Best regards,


[4] (slightly
[5] Tobias Bürger and Elena Simperl "A Conceptual Model for Publishing
Multimedia Content on the Semantic Web" In: Proceedings of the 4th
International Conference on Semantic and Digital Media Technology (SAMT),
02.12-04.12., Graz, Austria, 2009

2011/9/22 Jeni Tennison <>

> Hello everyone,
> Welcome to the HTML data task force. May your stay be a pleasant one.
> This task force will only be running for the next couple of months, and we
> have some very clear outputs to produce, so we will need to get cracking.
> According to our mission statement [1] we're tasked to create:
>  1. a set of use cases for embedding data in HTML
>  2. documentation for publishers and consumers that will help them choose
> which syntax (microdata/RDFa/microformats) to use in each use case
>  3. documentation to help publishers and consumers mix syntaxes within
> their pages
>  4. a (sketch of a) generic mapping from microdata to RDF
>  5. a (sketch of a) generic mapping from RDFa to microdata JSON
>  6. a set of guidelines for vocabulary developers to help them create
> schemas that can be used across syntaxes
> Along the way, we may find that we encounter places where a change to
> either RDFa or microdata would make things smoother for users. In these
> cases, we will also need to produce bug reports and possibly change
> proposals for either HTML microdata [2], HTML+RDFa 1.1 [3] or RDFa 1.1 Core
> [4].
> I think a lot of the raw material for this is out there already in various
> places -- for example, Hixie collated a set of use cases when designing
> microdata; Tantek has put together a bunch of guidelines for creating
> microformat vocabularies that are designed to be general purpose; Gregg and
> people at DERI have worked on mappings from microdata to RDF. What I propose
> we do is try to collate this information, along with the results of out
> discussions, in the wiki [1] and summarise that into a more formal document
> (or set of documents) after a month or so. I've created some initial pages
> to structure that.
> As we're getting settled in over the next week or so, it would be great if
> everyone who joins could:
>  * introduce themselves
>  * raise any questions, issues or concerns about the task force
>  * say which products listed above they think should have priority
>  * indicate which products they are interested in contributing towards
> themselves
>  * add to the wiki any pointers to relevant existing materials they know of
> Just a final word. I am really pleased it has been possible to assemble
> people from a range of backgrounds for this taskforce. We all know the
> history around embedding data in HTML and that the different approaches have
> different philosophies. To be successful we will need to keep focussed on
> the goal of aiding both publishers and consumers who use these formats. As
> chair, my aim is to keep the TF firmly directed towards improving users'
> practical understanding of trade-offs between the different approaches, not
> indulge in philosophical debates, and I will appreciate your support in
> helping the TF to retain that focus.
> Thanks,
> Jeni
> [1]:
> [2]:
> [3]:
> [4]:
> --
> Jeni Tennison

Dr. Tobias Bürger

Received on Friday, 23 September 2011 05:00:18 UTC