Re: RDF 1.1 Lite Issue # 2: property vs rel

Hi Gregg,

On 24 October 2011 19:03, Gregg Kellogg <> wrote:
> On Oct 24, 2011, at 8:57 AM, "Ivan Herman" <> wrote:
>> Forgive me Gregg, I really just peek into your email (running around between two meetings:-). But I am not sure I fully understand.
>> Looking at
>>>    If an element has an @property attribute and either or both of @about or @typeof, create a new subject _s_.
>>>    For each IRI reference _p_ obtained from the values of @property emit the following triple:
>>>        *subject*: current subject
>>>        *predicate*: _p_
>>>        *object*: _s_
>> what would then be the effect of <a href="bla" property="yep"/> ? I thought the idea was that this would/should generate
>> <current_subject> <bla> <yep> .
>> but your proposal does not seem to address that... Or do you mean that people would have to use @about or @typeof for this?
> This is clearly getting to complex For an email thread, and I'll re-state in an RDFa Wiki.

That would be great. Thanks for having taking the time to make a
concrete proposal and for collecting feedback like this.

> The behavior with @about and @typeof is to support chaining. Otherwise, it behaves more like @itemprop for generating URI refs and existing @property for literals.
> If you look back to my original proposal in this thread describes this behavior.

My own personal experience (and I'm even some kind of RDF person) is
that, even though I have the mental model and back-story to justify
rel= vs property=, ... I did often find myself mixing them up in
practice, especially when returning to RDFa after a few months away.
I've been fortunate in that I've a lot of RDFa literate friends who'll
help me out in IRC and Skype, but a lot of our users won't.  If we can
find a way to avoid making publishers think about rel-vs-property, I'm
sure it'll make things easier for everyone...



Received on Monday, 24 October 2011 17:21:24 UTC