Re: Re-use of RDFa attributes to address some of the issues?

Hi Benji,

On 21 Oct 2011, at 18:03, Benjamin Nowack wrote:
> Looking at the influence angles this TF has on RDFa vs. MD editors, I wonder if it might be worth looking in the other direction, too, to check if some of RDFa's features could be directly applied to MD if certain criteria are met.

Nice idea, but I think that there are two problems with it.

First, wouldn't it mean that microdata-unaware RDFa parsers would generate some very different triples from the pages than the microdata-to-RDF parsers? The only way I can see to avoid that would be to add @about attributes into the page. If you were dealing with coexisting microdata and RDFa anyway, adding extra types about an entity through RDFa would be easy enough without changing anything about how the microdata itself were processed.

Second, the vast majority of publishers aren't going to give two hoots about how RDF processors see their data, so they're not going to add things like vocab or datatype. I think we need a mapping that will work even when they don't, and if we have *that*, there's no need for *anyone* to add those attributes.

Does that make sense?

Are you starting to work on parsing microdata into RDF now?


Jeni Tennison

Received on Friday, 21 October 2011 18:58:08 UTC