Re: Multiple itemtypes in microdata

On 17 Oct 2011, at 16:57, Ian Hickson wrote:
> On Mon, 17 Oct 2011, Jeni Tennison wrote:
>> I expect that the sites are aiming to support both the dedicated 
>> consumers that recognise a single vocabulary and the general-purpose 
>> consumers that support users' search across multiple unconstrained 
>> vocabularies.
> Surely nobody is seriously expecting random users to do searches 
> containing actual property URLs. That's a highly advanced feature for a 
> tiny subset of users, but it's not a real-world application.

In Sindice, use just the term 'Document' or 'News' for the class and it will select classes whose URIs/labels (I'm not sure which) contain that term. An alternative interface would be one like Wolfram Alpha's, where labels for the classes of matches are listed for a user to choose from.

> Also, for 
> software like that, what vocabulary is used isn't really relevant, since 
> it is blind to the semantics.

Yes, precisely.

> What I meant is what software consumes the vocabularies 
> specifically?

Google and Yahoo! consume the vocabulary, GoodRelations and at least some parts of FOAF.

On the client side, as well as generic plug-ins in which vocabulary isn't relevant, there are a few GoodRelations plugins for Chrome and Firefox, for example, get hold of the GoodRelations Amazon Checker for Chrome [1] and go to a BestBuy listing page such as [2] and you should see a pop-up appear in the bottom left with links to Amazon pages for those products.

As far as I can tell, that's the current state of working consumers of the vocabularies used in the use cases I listed where multiple types were given for single items.

Are you also interested in vocabularies and consumers where the vocabularies overlap with and there are web pages using the vocabularies, but the web pages don't currently contain markup using more than one type?


Jeni Tennison

Received on Monday, 17 October 2011 23:42:09 UTC