Mapping RDFa to microdata+json


The one piece of work that we have made absolutely no progress on is the mapping of RDFa to microdata+json [1].

I know that there are arguments against creating such a mapping at all, because it would be a lossy mapping and there is other work going on (JSON-LD [2]) that would provide a mapping to JSON which is both natural to use and doesn't lose information.

On the other hand, both microdata and microformats-2 can be used to create microdata+json and if there are tools for working with that format, and user familiarity with that format, it would seem sensible to be able to create it from RDFa as well. 

What do people here think? In our last few weeks, should we put some effort into defining a mapping from RDFa to microdata+json?


Jeni Tennison

Received on Thursday, 24 November 2011 19:39:44 UTC